The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2527: Boxing marks, sword marks ...

Xia Ming hurriedly came to a stone pillar and glanced at it, wondering.

"This is a fist print!"

Xia Ming was surprised to find that what was left on the stone pillar was a fist mark. The fist could be embedded in it, which looked strange.

"Is it left when someone destroyed the Qingxuan Palace?" Xia Ming thought, and couldn't help thinking.

"What about the others?" Thinking of this, Xia Ming hurriedly looked at other places, and Xia Ming found that there was also a mark left in other places, but this mark was not a fingerprint, but a fingerprint. In addition to the fingerprints, there are still palm prints on them

, Sword marks, knife marks ...

Etc., etc!

"Why are there so many imprints here?"

Xia Ming began to wonder, how could so many imprints be printed on such a stone pillar? If it is said that the 36 stone pillars are the main body supporting the whole hall, then the 36 stone pillars should not be carved with sword marks, and the fingerprints are correct.

Most of the sects are more important to their own school than their lives, and their faces are also very important. They can even lose their lives for the sake of their faces, so it is impossible to print fist marks, palm marks, and finger holes on them.

More or less, you have to paint some murals and the like, so that you can show the identity and status of a major.

Xia Ming stared closely at the mark above, his brows froze, and he seemed to be aware of a strange wave coming from above.

"It seems something different?"

Xia Ming's brow froze tightly, staring at these imprints solemnly, his eyes flashed. With a little hesitation, Xia Ming stretched out his right hand, and slowly touched the mark, until Xia Ming touched the mark, and then suddenly he was flushed, his eyes were scarlet, his eyes were strange. Power came from this stone pillar

That kind of power made Xia Ming's body fly upside down instantly.


Xia Ming's body was hit **** the hall, which made him stand still. Xia Ming's face sank, and he stared at the stone pillar in front of him in shock, terrified.

"Good bully, how could there be such a horrible thing?"

Just above, Xia Ming noticed a fist, which was extremely terrifying, and it was almost instantaneous that he blasted him out.

Fortunately, his physical strength is such that his fist will not smash his body. If not, relying solely on this fist will be enough to cause his physical body to collapse.

Xia Ming's eyes were staring at these stone pillars, and he could feel that there seemed to be something completely activated on it, and a tingling sensation permeated from that mark.

"Is this the Qingxuan inheritance?" Xia Ming thought for a while and couldn't help thinking of the inheritance that Zhu Er won for him. If it wasn't for the fight for Zhu Er, he might choose the true inheritance of his disciples, but now he will try Qing Xuan. Inheritance, Xia Ming doesn't know what's in there

oo. Xia Ming's eyes locked on the thirty-six pillars and stone pillars present. The surface of these thirty-six pillars and pillars glowed a yellowish light, with a little blue in the yellowish color, which looked very beautiful, but, The light is not bright, only by careful observation

Can see the faint light on the surface.

"Om!" The thirty-six and Shizhu shivered a little at this moment, an unspeakable feeling spread throughout the hall, and the whole hall was propelled by an invisible force. Shivering, the hall trembling, Xia Ming's eyes

Slightly flashing, with a little dignity.

That power, even Xia Ming's body, was trembling slightly.

"Brush ..."

Immediately after that, the power was getting stronger and stronger, Xia Ming felt that he was fixed at this moment and remained motionless, which made Xia Ming startled.

"My body ..." Xia Ming hurriedly aroused his own aura, trying to break free of that bondage, but in this hall, it seemed as if there was an invisible **** that could not break him free, the feeling It's too weird, even if he runs out of everything

Power, can not break free.

"Om ..."

Suddenly, Xia Ming saw that on top of this stone pillar, there was an outrageous fist, and this fist surprised Xia Ming.

"Boxing ... this is boxing!"

Xia Ming suddenly thought of something, looking at the stone pillar in front of his face with shock, yes, this is the fist meaning, Xia Ming did not expect that this kind of fist might be encountered in such a place.

And it seems that this fist will be left over by the super strong. Although it has been over ten million years, the fist will still last for a long time. It can be seen how horrible the super strong was then.

Is this the first level?

Xia Ming tried to calm down his mood as much as possible, staring at the scene in front of him solemnly, with a solemn look and a heavy weight beyond words.

"Hmm ..."

But then, there was a surge of swordsmanship. This swordsmanship came to the world and cut everything, the kind of unyielding swordsmanship that Xia Ming saw was scalp tingling. Then Xia Ming realized that on these 36 stone pillars, each stone pillar actually released different opinions, some of them were swords, some were guns. All kinds of ideas came together. They all tremble, it looks like

Collapses at any time.



Xia Ming suddenly realized that her physical restraint had disappeared, which pleased Xia Ming. Xia Ming did not leave here in a hurry, but set her eyes on all kinds of intentions.

Xia Ming hesitated, and murmured: "Presumably this should be the first level of the trial. If this level cannot be passed, you will never be able to enter the next level, but how can you break this first level?"

Xia Ming contemplates, this kind of meaning is extremely terrible, majestic like thunder, surging ancient and vigorous, these meanings are like a latent earth dragon, once it erupts, it is shocking.

Xia Ming's eyes flickered, hesitating, and finally he finally made up some kind of determination. He stared at the marks in front of him and murmured, "Since it's here, give it a shot, maybe you can get something out."

Then Xia Ming stretched out his palm and slowly wiped it towards the fist print. On top of this fist print, there was a strong and fierce fist intention, which seemed to be half open for the whole day.

Under the influence of this fist, Xia Ming's palms were crunching, but Xia Ming didn't care. Instead, he gritted his teeth and touched his hand with his fist print.

"Boom ..." Just as Xia Ming touched the past, a fist burst out wildly along Xia Ming's arm. His sleeve was shattered instantly, and the terrible power broke out. Even his arms became slightly twisted.

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