The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2548: Three major skills

The immortal body gave Qing Xuan great shock!

The name of the immortal body is well-known in the world. Although it is not the number one body, this immortal body is extremely powerful. Once you practice to the extreme, it is Xiaoqiang who cannot fight.

"How did he get this law body?" A big question suddenly appeared in Qing Xuan's mind, that is, how did Xia Ming get this law body? Generally speaking, this type of body is extremely difficult to find. Those powerful masters do not know how long they have searched, but have not found this immortal method.

His whereabouts, but Xia Ming just found it, really incredible. I don't know how long it has passed. Xia Ming finally refined all the majestic powers contained in the blood of true dragons. When Xia Ming's refining was completed, the cultivation was terminated, and his immortal body was also inflexible. Blood of the True Dragon

Under the circumstances, it has raised a level, which has led to his physical body and even reached an extreme.

It's terrible!

He now feels that his body is full of power, that power is full of explosiveness, and he has a hunch, if his punch goes down, it is a small hill, and he can give a punch.

At this time, Xia Ming also felt that his body had undergone earth-shaking changes, and even the bones had become somewhat different, and seemed to have become even larger. Seeing that Xia Ming's practice was completed, Qing Xuan took a sigh of relief: "This boy ... actually refined the blood of the true dragon, although some of it was hidden, but once the boy was stimulated by some kind, The potential will also be

Excited, now after the transformation of the dragon's blood, this boy is probably going against the rhythm of the sky. "

"If you give him a period of time, you will successfully practice the immortal body. With this talent of insidiousness and invincible flesh, who else is his opponent in this world?"

Thought of this, Rao is Qing Xuan can not help but get excited.

This is the best descendant of Qingxuan Palace.

With Xia Ming's presence, the inheritance of Qingxuan Palace will inevitably become famous. He doesn't need any name, as long as Qingxuan Palace is not cut off in his hands, that's enough.

Qing Xuan suppressed the excitement in his heart. When he looked at Xia Ming, he looked more and more pleasing to the eye.

Xia Ming glanced at his own body with a little surprise. He did not expect that the blood of Zhenlong brought such high benefits to him. Not only did he break through his realm, but also his physical body. It was really a happy event.

Xia Ming groaned slightly, and then he couldn't help but throw a punch!


The fiery red light wrapped Xia Ming's fist. When the fist came out, the whole space was rumbling and shaking, and the air made a violent trembling and blasting sound.

"This kid ..."

Qing Xuan was very surprised to see Xia Ming's punch.

In terms of Xia Ming's current strength, I am afraid that it is the master of Hua Dan Jing Jiu Zhong, may not be his opponent? What the **** is this kid?

Feeling the power of this fist, Xia Ming was also in a good mood and hugged his fist in front of Qing Xuan, saying, "Thank you for your elders, the younger ones are grateful."

He knew that if Qing Xuan had not given him this opportunity, he would not have been able to reach the level he is today. Xia Ming is not a man who knows nothing and is grateful to Qing Xuan.

When Qing Xuan saw this, he laughed loudly: "It is indeed a peerless genius for thousands of years. You can reach such a state. You are truly talented and you can inherit my Qing Xuan Palace inheritance, but my Qing Xuan Palace is stained with your light. . "

Xia Ming knew what Qing Xuan meant, and nothing more than Qing Xuan saw his talent. As long as he didn't fall in the middle, his future was unlimited.

"Senior, the younger generation has a Qingxuan Gong in the Qingxuan Palace inheritance, but this Qingxuan Gong is a method for the seniors to practice?" Xia Ming asked suddenly.


Qing Xuan nodded slightly and said, "This Qing Xuan Gong can keep you practicing to the top, but it was created by the predecessors who created Qing Xuan Palace at that time! The power is infinite."

"Huh!" Xia Ming nodded solemnly, but Xia Ming could not find any interest in this Qing Xuan Gong. He felt that he was not very suitable for this exercise. If he continued to cultivate, he would not be able to talk about it. Great, not to mention this mysterious mystery

The trick can still be cultivated so far, and it has a very powerful force.

Therefore, there is no need for him to modify this Qing Xuan Gong now.

What really attracted Xia Ming's attention was actually the three great skills of Qing Xuan Palace.

Of these three great skills, the most powerful is the same as that of the Royal Sword!

Qingxuan Palace is mainly based on swords. This sword technique can be said to be a god, and the sword technique is one of the three great skills. However, the sword technique is extremely difficult to learn. Even Xia Ming feels the complexity of the sword technique.

The second is the so-called sword drawing!

Sword drawing is different from imperial swordsmanship, but it is a method of measuring gates, except that there is only one sword, but the stone wall of each sword is shaking and practicing to the limit. It is impossible to imagine how powerful it is. The third is the split technique, which is a relatively unique technique. The drill reaches the limit and can be divided into nine clones, each of which is no different from a real person. Even the breath is ordinary. Second, this is the right thing for avatars.

What is scary is that it is only a pity that the avatar technique cannot be compared with the ontology, but this strength is only one-tenth that of the ontology.

Even so, the predecessor who created the avatars is enough.

"Senior, don't know if you can give pointers to these three skills?" Xia Ming asked suddenly.

"You want to practice these three skills?"

Qing Xuan heard the words, hesitated for a moment, and immediately relieved. Even the three great skills of Qing Xuan Palace were famous all over the world. Xia Ming saw it, could he not hurry to learn.

Qing Xuan nodded slightly: "Okay, so, I will teach you."

"Thank you senior."

Xia Ming looked at Qing Xuan gratefully. Xia Ming's swordsmanship is not very good, but it's not bad. Of course, that's all. But Xia Ming's technique is quite powerful. This is Xia Ming. Means of self-insurance.

Xia Ming felt that if he could learn advanced swordsmanship, he would certainly rise to higher levels and go further.

"Do you know the realm of using swords?" Qing Xuan suddenly looked at Xia Ming and asked in a low voice.

"Realm with a sword?"

Xia Ming heard the words, hesitated for a moment, pondered a little, and finally thought about using the set on the earth and responded: "The sharp sword has no intention, the soft sword has impermanence, the epee has no sharp edge, the wooden sword has no stagnation, no sword has no trick. Xia Ming said in a word, even Qing Xuan was frightened. Qing Xuan carefully tasted what Xia Ming said, and Qing Xuan felt that Xia Ming said something with a mysterious sense. Management.

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