"What did he just say?" Someone couldn't help but swallowed and asked in shock.

"He said ... The legacy of this strong man is waste, too weak ..." "His ... doesn't this guy know what he's talking about? This is a master's heritage, if it can be obtained, it must Rising fast and becoming a new generation of pride, but he refused, and said it was a waste heritage

... "

"This guy is really arrogant."

The people between heaven and earth are shocked. They all know that there is a spirit of inheritance. I did not expect that there is still something that is not accepted. It is really a ghost.

"you you……"

Even the astronomical Taoist has an old face that is so gloomy to the extreme. Although he has died all over the world, he has passed on his will, but still has great benefits.

If he can get his inheritance, he can quickly cultivate to the realm of Shenfu. The speed of cultivation can be described as a thousand miles a day, and he can't speak at all.

But Xia Ming even gave up this inheritance, and said that his inheritance was a waste. How can he be proud of him.

"Okay ... Okay ... a good hero boy. I rarely see such a boy in this seat. Today, you have to inherit this seat, and you must have it."

"call out!"

The astronomical Taoist was also a rage. He was a master of the divine realm. Such a master's inheritance was even despised by a kid who transformed the kingdom of Dan. This was an insult to the proud of him.

"Brush ..." This inheritance is fast. In a breath, it came to Xia Ming's body. Xia Ming looked at the inheritance in front of him indifferently, shaking his head slightly, and Tianyuan Shenbing in his hand slowly. Gushing, a terrible force wafted, even this piece

Heaven and earth seem to have received some influence.

That invisible power has greatly changed the face of Astronomy.

"Heaven ... Tianyuan Shenbing ..."

Rao is another arrogant astronomical Taoist. When he saw these soldiers, his face changed greatly: "How is it possible ... how can you have such a thing ..."


The next moment, Xia Ming slashed towards this astronomical Taoist. The next time, the astronomical Tao's face changed greatly: "Bitch ... don't do it, I surrender, I surrender ..."

The astronomical Taoist is really scared. These heavenly soldiers have the power to destroy the world, and the terrible power is flourishing, enough to destroy a world, let alone him. In front of such heavenly soldiers, he has no resistance at all. If it was during his heyday, Xia Ming was definitely not his opponent, but now he is just a heritage of will. Xia Ming is willing

With just one sword, you can hack him directly.

By that time his legacy would really be finished.

"Death is unavoidable. Live crime is inevitable. You deserve some punishment."


The next moment, Xia Ming's heart moved, and the indifferent voice seemed to come from the dim hell.

"Ghost fire."

A fiery white flame was beating from Xia Ming's fingertips, and this flame burst out. This astronomical Taoist's face changed greatly: "Ghost fire ..."

Astronomical Taoist was startled: "This boy, what is the origin, not only Tianyuan Shenbing, but also ghost ghost fire, how is this possible ..."

The astronomical Taoist was sweating all over. He was obviously scared by Xia Ming, but at this moment, the ghost fire came to the astronomical Taoist like a ghost, and then a flame splattered on the astronomical Taoist.


The astronomical Taoist screamed, the next moment, the astronomical Taoist's body was dim a lot, Xia Ming looked at the astronomical Taoist in front of him coldly, without the slightest emotion.

This guy tried to break his practice, how could he let go of astronomy so easily?

Today, this consciousness of the astronomical Taoist is looming and may be destroyed at any time. At this moment, when the astronomical Taoist looks at Xia Ming, there is even more fear and palpitations.

This boy is really terrible.

Xia Ming looked away, looked at Fang Qingling and others, and said indifferently, "Would you like this inheritance?"


As soon as Zhu Tianxin heard, his eyes lighted up. Obviously, his heart was moving. As for Fang Qingling, his face was bland. This naturally affected her heritage, and he naturally did not want it.

"I need to!"

Zhu Tianxin couldn't help but said immediately: "Brother Xia, you help me win this inheritance. I owe you a favor."

Xia Ming took a deep look at Zhu Tianxin, nodded slightly, and then his eyes fell on the astronomical Taoist, saying indifferently: "I have a friend who wants your heritage, what do you think?"

Xia Ming said this sentence is very bland, but anyone can hear it, Xia Ming's words with an unquestionable tone, it is clear that Xia Ming does not give astronomy Taoist the opportunity to refute. Astronomy Tao Xia Ming said who is the natural way, but now he has no chance to refute Xia Ming. If he refutes Xia Ming, then it is estimated that he will not inherit his will. He believes that Xia Ming has the strength to let him Biography

Inheritance cannot go on.

"it is good!"

Due to Xia Ming's obscenity, the astrologer still agreed.

"Brush ..." The will of the astronomical Taoist will be transformed into a streamer that falls into the heart of Zhu Tianxin's eyebrows, and Zhu Tianxin stays on the spot. He closes his eyes slowly, and this continues for about One minute, Zhu Tianxin opened suddenly

Eyes are deep, with a little excitement.

"Hahaha ... Brother Xia, thank you very much." Zhu Zhutian was grateful. The inheritance was too powerful. The power was so suffocating. He felt that if he practiced in this way, he only needed to cultivate quickly. Within a thousand years, you should be able to cultivate to the realm of God.

What is the concept of the shrine in the year.

At such a speed, it is estimated that even Li Xuantong and Xia Linlang are intimidated, right?

However, Xia Ming abandoned this inheritance and fulfilled him.

"Oh shit……"

Seeing this scene, the people in the heavens and the earth all felt heartbroken. The inheritance even entered the hands of the Jianzong people. How did they not be angry?

But the heritage has disappeared, and they have no way.

"Let's go and look for the inheritance over there."

These people turned into a streamer, disappearing as fast as lightning, and Xia Ming glanced at Zhu Tianxin slightly, shook his head slightly, and didn't say anything.

Everyone has his own aspirations. Since he wants to stop here in his life, it is all his own choice.

"Let's go over there too," Xia Ming said lightly. And at this moment, Fang Qingling came back to God ...

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