The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2562: Inheritance

"I didn't expect it to be two inheritances!"

Rao is proud and unparalleled, all with a shock in his face, looking at this scene inconceivably.

"It's incredible," Pig Er nodded slightly. "But these two guys should have died together. This time it suddenly appeared, presumably they met their favorite heritage."

"Isn't it?" Ao Wushuang could not help but asked: "They still have such a will?"


Houji couldn't help but said, "Do you think they will find someone to pass on casually?" "Which one of these people is not amazing to the ancients, their talents have reached a terrible level. That ’s why I ’ve cultivated to this level. If they can get their heritage, it ’s really fast.

Rise, but that must be a talented disciple. "

"Boss, do you want to have a play?" Zhu Er suddenly asked.

"No interest," Xia Ming said lightly.

"Brush!" Fang Qingling heard the words and couldn't help looking at Xia Ming. She didn't expect that Xia Ming would have no interest in this inheritance? You must know that this inheritance is a powerful one. This powerful one is powerful and powerful. Their inheritance is bound to shock ancient and modern, and

Xia Ming didn't want this kind of inheritance. This guy, isn't he bragging? Did you say that on purpose?

"Boy, would you like to accept the heritage of this seat?"

In the end, a voice spread from between the heavens and the earth. With the sound of this voice, countless people once again set their eyes on Xia Ming's body. When they saw Xia Ming's jab, the people between heaven and earth Exclaimed.

"Why is this kid again?"

"What the **** is this guy doing? Why is this great looking for him to inherit the lineage?"

The people between the heavens and the earth are in shock, all envious.

Because this is really too much, all the benefits, the whole **** was taken away by one person, which makes them not depressed.

"Junior, you inherit the old husband's inheritance, if you inherit the old husband's inheritance, heaven and earth, you can go."

That other voice sounded again and again.

"I rub ..."

At this moment, the genius between heaven and earth can no longer sit still: "This ... these two powers have all chosen Xia Ming? Lying down ..."

It is understandable that one person chose Xia Ming, but at the same time, both inheritances chose Xia Ming. What is this routine?

Even Gu Mao was shocked with an expression of wonder.

"How did this guy do it?"

Gu Mao couldn't believe that these two powers all wanted to pass on their inheritance to Xia Ming. How could this be possible!

These powers are all ancient masters. They are so powerful that they all chose Xia Ming as their inheritance? Are they not as talented as Xia Ming?


The middle-aged man snorted, dissatisfied, and it was all in this voice. The middle-aged man reprimanded: "It's just that you are worthy to compete with this seat for an inheritor. What qualifications do you have?"

"Presumptuous!" The old man's expression sank, and he reprimanded, "What kind of thing do you think? This one chooses to inherit whoever inherits. Your inheritance is great, but it is far worse than the old husband. If it is inherited by the old man, the young man must be

You can take that step and you are nothing. "


The middle-aged man is also furious: "The inheritance of this seat is not weak. If you get the inheritance of this seat, you can definitely take that step. You dare to compete with this seat for the inheritance and find death."

"I think it's you ...


In the next moment, the middle-aged man and the old man all shelled in the past. The two met together and caused fluctuations, and it was even more shocking. The geniuses between the heavens and the earth were all shocking.

"I ... what did I see?"

"Two powerful masters are actually fighting for inheritance from one person?"

"Well, am I blind?"

"What and what is this? Aren't the talents of Lao Tzu inferior to this five-year-old boy in Huadan?"

Both inheritances must choose Xia Ming, which is also a huge blow to them. In their view, these inheritances are obviously to choose extremely talented people.

But they chose Xia Ming, what does this mean? Doesn't it mean that in the eyes of these people, they are not comparable to Xia Ming's talent.

All of them were furious.

The two mighty fights can be described as earthshaking. Although they have been away for many years, their Yu Wei is still there.


The two bumped into each other and split apart instantly. The consciousness of the two men was all dimmed a lot. Obviously, this blow also caused them a lot of damage.

"You ..." The other side was staring at each other with anger. For a time, the two sides didn't dare to take the shot. What a joke. The strength between them is now similar. If they keep fighting, they are afraid. No more strength to pass on, that

It was a little bit worthwhile.

Xia Ming watched this scene quietly, and finally sighed slightly, and said, "Can the two listen to Xia?"

Xia Ming's voice broke the peace between the heaven and the earth, which made these two powerful masters look at Xia Ming in unison. The two powerful masters immediately said, "Boy, you Whose heritage do you choose? "

Xia Ming clenched his fists and said calmly: "The two predecessors are ancient predecessors, and their inheritance must be earthshaking, but unfortunately, Xia Mou does not want to inherit the inheritance of either of you. others."


When this remark came out, it exploded like a time bomb. The heavenly pride between heaven and earth looked at Xia Ming.

"Fuck, what have I heard?"

"This boy, actually rejected these two powerful inheritances?"

"What is this boy trying to do? Is he just not interested in these inheritances at all?"

For a moment, even Fang Qingling and Gu Mao were stunned. Neither of them thought that Xia Ming had directly abandoned the inheritance of these two powerful men.

These inheritances are shocking, but Xia Ming just gave up like this? Does this guy not know what he has given up?

Xia Ming's words were not just them. Even these two powerful masters were a little unexpected. Xia Ming unexpectedly rejected them.

This made them all slightly angry.

"Junior, do you know what you're talking about?"

"The juniors naturally know."

Xia Ming said calmly: "Thank you for the love of the two seniors, but the juniors are not interested in these wills. Please ask the two to find someone else."

"Look for death!" Both of these powers were irritated by Xia Ming. They are both geniuses of ancient times. Now their inheritance is turned away by a junior, how can they not be angry.

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