The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2569: War Demon Spirit

"A little skill, but that's all."

The demon spirit stepped out in one step, and the aura rolling in his body was like a flood, sweeping out in a mighty manner. For a time, the aura in the heavens and the earth were all impacted by this aura. The aura was squeezed against each other. .

"Magic Dragon Palm." The black aura directly enveloped Xia Ming in these countless eyes. Within this circle of thousands of square meters, it was all under this terrible power, and it suddenly collapsed into a bang. Loud, the ground trembled fiercely


Xia Ming also noticed the horrible part of this palm. If this palm is hit on the body, I am afraid that the whole person will be shot dead by this palm. This palm is really terrible. It is not something that ordinary people can resist. living.

"Daichi Thunderbolt!"

Xia Ming sighed violently, and there was a thunder light flowing on his body surface, and the aura in his body burst out suddenly. For a time, Xia Ming's arm moved quickly, like a zalong, and looked endless.

Under these countless gazes, Xia Ming also made a punch.

"Boom!" One fist and one palm hit each other fiercely. The two fists collided with each other. The two powers seemed to tear the sky, and the terrible powers rippled into a ripple, that ripple. And even shake the mountain


"Om ..."

At the next moment, Xia Ming's body flew out dozens of meters away, and when Xia Ming's stable body became stable, he stared at the demon with a heavy face, this demon was really terrible.

If it weren't for his physical strength, I'm afraid that this blow would be enough to hurt himself, and he would still be a master of understatement.

"Huh?" Once again, Xia Ming resisted, the devil's brow was locked, and there was a little attention in his eyes. If Xia Ming could block his attack once, nothing would happen, but Xia Ming resisted again Live his attack, this can be

It's a little different. His palm is that it is not easy for Hua Danjing Jiuzhong to resist so easily.

"I'd like to see, you can resist my palms."

There was a cold mang in Devil's eyes, his eyes were clear, he slowly stretched out his palm, and suddenly took a picture, and then the power was even more terrible than the previous one.

"Hand of the Dragon."

boom! The majestic aura gathered in this sky, however, in this sky, there was a large palm slowly condensing. After Xia Ming noticed this palm, Xia Ming's pupils also suddenly shrank, This is the power of metamorphosis

The master of metamorphosis can transform at will, even without borrowing the power of martial arts. This is the terrible aspect of metamorphosis.

He can imitate anything! The control of the heaven and earth aura has reached a subtle level.

Baizhang's big hands spread all over the sky, covering the sky and covering the sun. When those forces burst out, even the sky and the earth appeared a little dull. If this palm is photographed, I am afraid that even the master of Huadan Realm must be hit hard.

Under these countless eyes, this big hand took another shot of Xia Ming fiercely, and there was a sound of sonic boom. Obviously, this was the sound of the big hand rubbing against the air.

Looking at the shrouded hands, Xia Ming's entire face was also dignified. Under these countless eyes, Xia Ming's eyes had a flash of light, and he suddenly scolded.

"Finger strikes, five fingers kills heaven."

Reiki spurted out, and in front of him, five fingers suddenly condensed, these five golden fingers, carrying the power to suppress everything, swept out.


Under these many eyes, they collided with the big hand.

Rumble! A sound like a nine-day **** thunder resounded from this heaven and earth, and the violent and unmatched power was also directly under this kind of confrontation, and it broke down directly. Even Xia Ming was flew out and flew on this ground. A long scratch was left on the body

His blood twitched, and then he spit out a spit of blood, his face was dignified, and only after confronting the masters of Huajing, would he know this guy's horror. Xia Ming slowly raised his head, looking at the demon in the mid-air, where the devil was pedaling in the void, his hands were behind his back, and his face was indifferent. This pair of air waves did not have any effect on him. This is the difference between the two of them


"Yes, Hua Dan Jing Wu Zhong can resist me and my three moves. It does have some skills. No wonder, even Xia Linlang can't control you."

The demon son glanced at this slightly slumped Xia Ming and received it lightly.

Xia Ming looked immobile, staring coldly at the demon spirit, the aura in his body quietly running.

"But ... Xia Linlang said that he must kill you, and tour the key, hehe." When he said that, the demon child suddenly smiled: "So, no matter how you are today, you must die, it is Tianwang Laozi. It wo n’t save you. ”

"Hahaha ... heh"

Xia Ming laughed loudly, and the laughter was full of irony: "Do you think you won me today?"

"Really? It seems you don't yet know how terrible the metamorphosis is, even so."


The aura in the demon's body had no reservation, and it burst into full force. The demon's eyes were cold, his hands were held, and he looked indifferently at Xia Ming.

"Today, let you know, the gap between us."

brush! I can only see that behind this demon spirit, there is a huge ghost slowly appearing. This huge ghost looks like an angry King Kong. What is more frightening is that on this angry King Kong, Eyes these eyes

Looking at Xia Ming without blinking, he unconsciously gave people a feeling of panic, and that feeling was too infiltrating.

Moreover, Xia Ming also felt that these eyes had a strange power, and that power made people scary.

King Kong growled, and then stretched out his big hand, and suddenly took a picture of Xia Ming. On that big finger, he also carried a mysterious power, which had a restraining effect.

"Not good!" Xia Ming felt like his body was sinking into a quagmire, and his movements became a little slower, but at this moment, this palm was already in front of Xia Ming, and Xia Ming's pupil suddenly Shrink, then, this palm is fierce

Hit **** his body.


The sound of the shaking of the ground resounded, and countless people were holding their breath, watching the scene in front of them nervously and thrilled, and their whole heart was extremely cold.

These people are naturally the pride of the sky who entered here.

"It's ... well ... so strong ..." Some people couldn't help it anymore, said Ba Ba.

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