Xia Ming, sitting cross-legged, examined his injuries.

This made Xia Ming couldn't help taking a sip of cold air. Indeed, the injury was so serious that Xia Ming took a sip of cold air.

"This injury is not really serious." Xia Ming checked it.

His internal organs have suffered severe traumas, especially this physical body, which has almost collapsed. Even the nine golden dandelions in his body are looming, and they are in danger of being broken at any time. Fortunately, his means are superb.

Otherwise, he is probably dead.

"It is worthy of nine Jindans, and it is really terrible." Xia Ming lamented that if there were not nine Jindans in this battle, he would be dead! These nine Jindans provided him with a steady stream of aura, which is also the capital for his leapfrog killing, plus his powerful martial arts, his

Strength is even closer to the master of the metamorphosis. He has a faint feeling. If he is promoted to become a master of metamorphosis, his strength will increase several times.

It ’s just that his nine gold dandelions are tens of times more difficult than others if he wants to improve his strength. This is nine gold dandelions. How easy is it to upgrade?

Forgiveness is that he has a system, and they all feel a little slow to improve.

Xia Ming took a deep breath, swallowed a panacea, and began to quickly recover from his injury!

While Xia Ming was recovering from injuries, the news of Xia Ming's beheading of the devil was also spread throughout the ancient battlefield!

At this moment, Wan Yaoshan is already full of geniuses, because in order to carry out the last hundred wars, you must pass through Wan Yaoshan, which is the only way to go.

Among the 10,000 demon mountains, countless forces are entangled here.

In a martial arts gathering point, this is obviously the gathering point of the life and death gate.

Inside the gathering point, there was a figure, wearing a blue shirt, sitting indifferently on this chair, his eyes flashed with light.

"Xia Ming defeated the demon spirit?" A voice exclaimed, "This guy is growing too fast, isn't it when he comes in?"

"It defeated the demon, this is the real thing and the disciples under the door saw it with their own eyes." Someone couldn't help whispering.

"This guy is really terrible." Someone couldn't help but whisper.

"Xia Linlang, finds a tricky opponent for himself." The blue shirt man sneered.

"Brother Changsheng, shall we kill Xia Ming now?" Someone couldn't help asking.

Li Changsheng heard the words, but calmly said, "You don't need to kill first. Xia Linlang must have heard about it. The Daxia Dynasty and Xuan Xinzong have almost reached an irreconcilable level. Xia Linlang will kill herself This guy. "

"If Xia Linlang can't kill ..."

Speaking of which, Li Changsheng's eyes glanced over a cold mang, and it was clear that Li Changsheng was preparing something.

Everyone heard the words, all looked at each other, and eventually nodded slightly, no one spoke.


And the gathering point in the Daxia Dynasty!

On that subject, there was a young man in a Chinese robe. The young man was gloomy, and the killing intention on his body also broke out at this moment without reservation.

You can see the anger of the boy.

And the young people are all around, they are afraid to speak, and the atmosphere is afraid to breathe. They all know that His Royal Highness is now angry. Xia Linlang was very angry when he heard that the demon son was beheaded. He did not expect that Xia Ming's growth rate would be so fast. Ming was beheaded, according to Xia Ming

After practicing this way, wouldn't he not even be an opponent in the future?

"His Royal Highness, did you still issue an order to continue to chase Xia Ming?"

Someone asked Xia Linlang a bit, biting her head and asking.

"No need."

Xia Linlang's eyes were cold, and he passed a cold mang, condensing.

"His Royal Highness?"

Everyone was surprised when they heard this. They hurriedly looked at Xia Linlang, and Xia Linlang stood up, and the intent of killing on her body said indifferently, "I will come to him by myself."


Everyone heard that they were all in a stunned heart. They all knew that at this moment, Xia Linlang was completely furious. Although Xia Linlang did not explode, the more calm Xia Linlang, the more terrible it was!

His Royal Highness The Crown Prince is extremely profound, but they can't think about it, so they dare not even say a word, for fear of Xia Linlang's anger, they slapped them.

The matter of Xia Ming's beheading of the demon spirit child was spreading wildly in this demon mountain, countless people already knew Xia Ming's existence.

In one place, someone exclaimed: "What ... Xia Ming slayed the demon son?" "Isn't Xia Ming the treasure man who robbed the Daxia dynasty, how could he slay the demon son? According to what I have I know that the demon son is the arrogant son of the Demon Sect. With his strength, he has reached the terrifying duality. How can the devil son be killed?

? "

"Yeah ... the demon son died, and it still died in Xia Ming's hands."

"As far as I know, Xia Ming at that time only had the fivefold state of Huadan Realm, which means that Ming, with the fivefold state of Huadan Realm, killed Xiaming twofold."

"Slot, this guy is too perverted, is Huadan Realm slashing and killing Huaxing Realm. This is a big step. How did this guy do it?"

"Isn't it a rumor? The existence of the Devil Son is also the pride of the heavens. Even the masters of the transformational form may not be the opponent of the Devil Son. Is this guy really so terrible?"

"How could it be a rumor, but this is what my teacher and my brother saw ..."

"It's really terrible. As Xia Ming grows up like this, wait until he becomes the master of metamorphosis. Isn't the master of metamorphosis Jizhong not his opponent?"

Someone couldn't help but took a breath and said in amazement.

"It is indeed terrible. I did not expect Xuan Xinzong to have another extraordinary genius. First, Li Xuantong, and now there is another Xia Ming, which is really a terrible gate."

"This time, Xuanxinzong will be the final winner of these hundred wars!"


All kinds of discussions rang through each other in this 10,000 demon mountains, and Xia Ming also completely entered the eyes of the arrogant princes of various majors.

Xia Ming's record is really too sensational.

These people also have to pay attention to Xia Ming, after all, Xia Ming is too evil.

Therefore, this made countless people remember Xia Ming's name, and even people like Li Xuantong gradually remembered Xia Ming's name. In the same scene, the gathering point of this Xuan Xinzong is also staged.

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