The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2581: Alchemy

"Om ..."

In Xia Ming's entire body, there are countless charms rotating. These spells surround Xia Ming, blooming with pale golden light, the light flows, and the breath on Xia Ming's body is also getting stronger and stronger.

Especially the explosive power contained in the body is even more shocking.

Xia Ming's eyes were closed tightly. Suddenly, his hands changed again, and magical seals came out, turning into a stern light that poured into his heavenly cover.

"Om ..."

Suddenly, Xia Ming opened his eyes, and the light flashed in this eye.

"Finally recovered."

Xia Ming was pleasantly surprised. In the past few days, he was doing his best to recover his injury. Fortunately, his injury was completely recovered.

"Tianling Tree!"

Thinking of this, Xia Ming's mental power is to enter the Qiankun ring. At this moment, the Tianling tree has taken root within the Qiankun ring, and Xia Ming's eyes stare at the Tianling tree in front of her.

A strong aroma rippling from the sky tree. This rich aroma makes people addicted to it. Even Xia Ming has an indescribable heartbeat.

The Tianling Tree is a very magical tree. Even in ancient times, it is a precious anomaly, because there is this kind of fruit on the Tianling Tree, called Tianling Fruit. Celestial Fruit is the main material for refining Celestial Pill. Celestial Pill is a very unique elixir. It can enhance its own strength and enhance the strength of Spirit. This is Celestial Pill, and even more, He can also repair the injured god


"Tianling tree, give me a tianling fruit."

Xia Ming's voice resounded faintly through the ring of heaven and earth. Tian Lingshu heard the words and groaned a little. Xia Ming saw it, frowned, and hummed coldly, "Why? Don't want to give it? Don't you forget It ’s where you are now. ”The Tianling Tree shook for a while, and eventually moved, a flash of light passed away, and then a fruit fell into the hands of Xia Ming. The size of this day ’s fruit is the size of an apple Almost, this fruit can make a lot of heaven souls

Dan. Xia Ming looked at the Tianling Tree lightly and said calmly, "Tian Ling is fruit to you, but it is the fruit, which is of little effect. When you cultivate the adult form, you can naturally practice step by step. If you are honest, He will treat me all together

It is expected that you can make a cross to Erjindan for you to help you cross the calamity. "

"What you said is true ..."

A weak voice resounded in Xia Ming's mind, with a little surprise and excitement in the voice.

"That's natural." Xia Ming said calmly.

"With the crossing of Erjindan, your chance of going through the disaster will be greatly increased. Presumably, you also know that it will be several times more difficult for others to survive the disaster."

"Yes." Tian Lingshu nodded.

"I hope what you said is true, don't lie to me." Tian Lingshu whispered again.


Xia Ming snorted coldly: "Don't forget your current situation, if I kill you, you can't escape at all."

Tian Lingshu heard the words and remained silent. Indeed, if Xia Ming was going to destroy him, he could not escape at all. The ghostly fire on Xia Ming's body could be said to be his nemesis.

Right now he can only trust Xia Ming, there is no way.

Xia Ming then left the Qiankun ring. When he left Qiankun's ring, Xia Ming took a deep breath. He looked at the Tianling fruit in his hand, and the strong fruit aroma made people covet.

Even Xia Ming couldn't help but swallow.

As soon as Xia Ming waved his hand, there were a dozen more elixirs in front of him, all of which were accumulated by himself and extremely precious.

Xia Ming's eyes were cold, and he shouted coldly.

"Too much magic."

"Om ..."

The ghost ghost fire suddenly appeared under Xia Ming's sight. Under the control of Xia Ming, this ghost ghost fire actually formed a stove, which was burning, but could not feel the slightest temperature.

However, this does not mean that there is no temperature, but that this temperature is hidden by the ghost and ghost fire. If it is refined for a while, I am afraid that it is a master who transforms into nine forms and must be refined.

Ding Lao appeared in front of Xia Ming. Xia Ming's complexion quickly changed, and his hands quickly changed. These elixir fell into this Ding Lao one after another.

As soon as the elixir fell into the furnace, it quickly melted and blended. If this scene was seen by some alchemy masters, I wonder if it would exclaim. Melting all the elixir all of a sudden, this is something many alchemists dare not imagine, because there will be a conflict of attributes between this elixir and the elixir. If you are not careful, the elixir will become a poison. Can be described as extremely strict

One point is not enough, and one point is even worse.

And Xia Ming's brain throws all the elixir in it, which is really too much. However, under the control of Xia Ming, these elixir turned out to be rapidly smelted, which was quite fast. The elixir was refined and quickly blended. Then Xia Ming threw Tian Lingguo into this pot. Among them, an invisible power is refined

Impurities in heavenly fruit.

Although these are expensive as heaven and earth spirits, there are also some impurities in them. Now the most important thing is to remove all these impurities.

Generally speaking, the more advanced the flame, the higher the quality of the refined elixir or spirit. The purpose is to do so, because impurities can affect the quality of the elixir in disguise. As time passes, Xia Ming's hands are constantly changing and controlling the size of the fire. This is why alchemy is so difficult to practice, because it is extremely exhausting. If one is not careful, it will cause alchemy to fail, so

Therefore, it is for this reason that the masters of alchemy are so few between this world.

"Cheng ..." After half an hour, Xia Ming's pupil flashed a light, and then Xia Ming's hands changed quickly, and a complex set of tactics came out. This furnace also began to tremble slightly. When someone sees what's going on inside,

It will be found that in this, the elixir is condensed quickly.

There seems to be an invisible force that is driving the formation of these elixir.

"Om ..."

This situation lasted for five minutes. Suddenly, a flash of light erupted, and the flames in this furnace became mild, and Xia Ming was pleased when he saw it.


Xia Ming's hands changed, and an aura was struck by him into the furnace, and after the furnace was opened, the nine elixir appeared slowly under Xia Ming's sight.


Seeing this scene, Xia Ming couldn't help but rejoice: "It's still nine." Xia Ming took it in his hand and quietly observed Tianhun Dan, which was refined by him for a total of nine, and The most weird thing is that there is a mass of puppets above each Tianhun Dan. If there is a master of alchemy here, it will definitely

Exclaimed. "Dan Yun ..."

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