The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2592: Breakthrough again

The people present were all excited and looked at the scene in front of them. The more lively Xuan Xinzong and the Daxia Dynasty were, the more favorable they were.

After all, they are all fighting for this final battle, or they will be selected by the internal sectarians. In that case, they will skyrocket.

Li Xuantong passed a cold mang in his eyes and suddenly looked at Yan Chen. This look, with a little discomfort, said coldly, "Yan Chen, you can go."

Yan Chen turned a deaf ear to Li Xuantong's words, and stared at Xia Linlang so directly.

When Li Xuantong saw this, his face was gloomy, staring coldly at Yan Yan in front of him, a little angry, Li Xuantong scolded: "Are you deaf?"


Just after Li Xuantong's words were spoken, a stern and loud voice echoed between the heavens and the earth. At this moment, the people between the heavens and the earth were short of breath and stagnate in the spot.


Soon, the people present couldn't help taking a breath, and they all said in shock: "What did I just hear?"

"This Yan Chen dare to speak to Li Xuantong like this? Is he crazy?"

"This is Li Xuantong. It is rumored that Li Xuantong is among the Xuanxin sects, and the next generation of suzerain is selected. This ... was actually scolded by Yan Chen?"

"Xuan Xinzong is really talented ..."

"..." The resounding sound resounded to each other again. The people present couldn't help watching the scene in front of them. This was really more and more hesitant. After Yan Chen made such a noise, many people started Guess, it seems that Li Xuantong's

Status is not to say that it is one or the other.

At least they met two people who dared to refute Li Xuantong.

Even Xia Linlang looked at Li Xuantong with a playful look, and said with a smile: "Li Xuantong, it seems that you are in this martial art, but this is not the case."

Sure enough, Xia Linlang's sentence also aroused Li Xuantong's anger. Li Xuantong suppressed his inner anger and whispered, "Yan Chen, are you looking for death?"

Yan Chen glanced at Li Xuantong and said calmly, "You don't deserve it."

"Okay, good, good ..." Li Xuantong also made fun of Yan Chen. Anyone can hear Li Xuantong's anger, so embarrassed by people under his door, it is tantamount to Li Xuantong's I slapped my face fiercely, this slap still


At this moment, his face of Li Xuantong can be considered lost.

Li Xuantong suddenly stretched out his big hand, and then a terrible aura was rippling from his right hand. Li Xuantong's eyes showed a bit of fierceness: "Since this is the case, then imprison you first, wait until the ancient battlefield is over, and dispose of you . "

The voice fell, and Li Xuantong waved his hand. Immediately, there was an invisible aura, which was wrapped in a fierce rush towards Yan Chen. Yan Chen was hit hard in his own hands, and was almost restrained by Li Xuantong in a blink of an eye.

Yan Chen's face changed drastically, and then a roar was heard. Then, the aura in Yan Chen's body burst out suddenly, and the terrible impact force kept hitting this big hand, trying to break the restraint of Li Xuantong.

However, who is Li Xuantong, that is a master of metamorphosis. Although Yan Chen has made great progress, there is still a gap between him and Li Xuantong. Moreover, Yan Chen is also severely damaged. This strength is even ten. Don't save three.

There is no way to compete with this Li Xuantong.

Seeing that Yan Chen was still struggling, Li Xuantong also sneered: "It's all this time, and I'm still struggling and asking for help."

Li Xuantong no longer hesitated, holding his big hand lightly, this aura was to restrain Yan Chen instantly, and Yan Chen was full of anger and wanted to break free, but the gap between them was too big to break free.


Li Xuantong waved his hand, and then Yan Chen was thrown aside, and a loud noise rang, and Yan Chen slumped to the ground.

"The obstacles are resolved, and the rest are resolved."

Li Xuantong looked at Xia Linlang indifferently and said calmly. Xia Linlang saw it, and her eyes fell on Xia Ming's body again, but the next moment, a figure was blocked in front of Xia Ming's body. This figure, dressed in a white shirt, wore a mosaic around this waist. Gemstone jade band, this person looks very

Beautiful, just like a peerless beauty.

However, he is a man, and if he is a girl, he must be peerless.

He is the second pig.

Houjie stood in front of Xia Ming, staring grimly at Xia Linlang, Shen said, "If you want to kill my boss, you have to ask me if I agree."

Xia Linlang looked at Pig Eryi coldly and said calmly, "You are not my opponent."

"is it?"

Pig Er sneered again and again: "You can try to see if you will die before I die."

Zhu Er's lived for so many years, he has not seen any strong winds and waves, maybe he will die, but before he dies, Xia Linlang is definitely not better than him. A bad one, Xia Linlang may fall on the spot.


Xia Linlang stared coldly at Zhu Er, and a soft laughter resounded: "I'd like to see, what qualifications do you have to stop me."

Obviously, Xia Linlang also directly killed the heart. At this moment, Li Xuantong didn't stop it anymore, because the two pigs were not their Xuanxinzong at all.

"Hehe ..." The next moment, a light laughter broke the peace between heaven and earth, and then a violent breath wafted from Xia Ming's body. Rushed towards Xia Ming's body,

Terrible power poured into Xia Ming's body, and the momentum of Xia Ming's body was also rising.


Immediately afterwards, there was a muffled sound, and then Xia Ming's strength improved again, directly breaking through the eight realms of Huadan Realm.


It was a breakthrough directly in the eyes of the people. The eyes of the people between the heavens and the earth all fell to the ground, looking at the scene in front of them with incredible faces, all made dumbfounded by this scene.


"Is this kid just breaking through?"

"This heart is too big, right? At this time, he is breaking through? What exactly does this kid think?" The people present were speechless and admired Xia Ming even more. At this critical moment, He was too busy to break through, and he did n’t know if the boy was bold or too reckless. In this cultivation process, the most chance is to be

Disturb, if you go into trouble, you will die. However, in the face of a genius like Xia Linlang, Xia Ming said without fear, even in the presence of everyone, slap Xia Linlang fiercely, but this matter is a little big.

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