The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2601: Final contention

"Any offer?"

When Song Hui saw that no one was continuing to bid, he asked. Song Hui asked for two times in a row, and eventually no one offered a bid. In the end, the three flowers were obtained by Xia Ming. Soon someone came over and gave the three flowers to Xia Ming. Xia Ming also spent 25 All souls, these twenty-five thousand souls

Even Xia Ming was in pain.

However, Xia Ming was slightly agitated when he saw the flowers in his hands. Xia Ming changed his mind and received these flowers in his ring of Qiankun, so as to avoid these people.


Perceiving the eyes of the people around, Zhuge Cangtian also sighed slightly. He also knew that he and Xia Ming might be in trouble this time.

These people will not jealous that they are Xuanxinzong, because all the people who come here are all top heavenly pride. If they can enter the eight super gates, they can rise quickly without fear of them at all.

Therefore, these people will inevitably rob, just don't know how many people will rob.

Zhuge Cangtian also carefully looked around and added a caution. At the same time, Song Song waved his hand, and then an ancient book appeared in front of countless people. This ancient book is made of special materials, and it looks even smoother on the surface, obviously. All because of this

Reasons for special materials.

However, from the lonely atmosphere above, this thing has been around for a long time.

"This is the third item."

Song Hui lost his hands to his back, and his indifferent eyes swept across the people present. Said calmly.

"This third item is a martial art and a top spiritual martial art. It is powerful."

"What? Is spiritual martial arts top?"

Many people notice that they are all attentive, top martial arts, what they lack is top martial arts, so they are extremely enthusiastic about this martial arts.

If they can get this top martial arts, their strength will soar again, which is of great benefit to them.


Song nodded his head and said calmly, "This is the Eight Barbaric Cow Seals."

Song Hui calmly said, "These eight barbaric cows and Indian seals are infinitely powerful. Once they are deployed, they can shake the earth, even a small hill can be flattened instantly."


As soon as this statement came out, the people present were beating again and again, every word of Song Hui was touching the hearts of the people present, and they were all attracted by Song Hui's words.

"The auction is now on. The starting price is 30,000 yuan."

With the sound of this sound, everyone was slightly surprised. Obviously, this martial art seems to be one grade less than the previous Sanshenghua, but they don't think it is worse than Sanshenghua.

Sanshenghua is attractive, but it only adds a chance. If this opportunity fails, it is equivalent to buying for nothing.

But this martial art is different. This is real martial arts. Once Shi is deployed, it is enough to double their combat power. How can they not be excited?

"Three thousand dollars?"

When Xia Ming saw this, he sighed slightly: "The price is not low, but I can't use it."

Xia Ming shook his head slightly, apparently not very interested in this martial art. There are many martial arts on him, and some of them are not worse than this martial art. Some of them are even better than these martial arts. More precious.

So Xia Ming didn't have much interest in this martial art.

Pig Er smiled on the side and said, "Boss, you might as well buy it, and you have learned one more way."

Xia Ming heard the words, rolled his eyes, and said silently: "The starting price is 30,000 yuan, and the final transaction price is so bad that it can reach more than 150,000 yuan. I can't afford it."

He doesn't have a lot of spirit stones now. If he spends it, he won't have the last dime, so Xia Ming is not willing to spend it.

Theoretically, when this list of ten thousand monsters is about to open, you should buy more things, but he only has such a little money, and he can't even afford it.

"forty thousand!"

"80,000 ..."

As the voice fell, the people present couldn't help but set their own prices. However, the martial arts soared all the way, and the speed of this soaring, Xia Ming was all frightened.

These people really do n’t take money as money. The rate of spending money ...

It soon rose to 200,000, which was a little unexpected for Xia Ming's expectation. When 200,000 bought a top-level spiritual martial art, it would definitely not lose.

In the end, this martial art was given by a moderate disciple.

When the third piece is auctioned, the atmosphere of the entire scene is also very high, so in the next auction, it is also smoother, many people are extremely excited, and these people have also got their favorite s things.

In this way, Xia Ming also asked the price a few times, and did not continue to bid, because the next thing basically has nothing to attract him. In the same way, Xia Ming was able to detect a stern gaze during this time. This stern gaze has always been paying attention to himself. Xia Ming knows that this gaze comes from the person who caused the blood. Already a victim of blood

I was staring, but Xia Ming was not afraid.

Finally, it was the last one, and with the emergence of the last item, all the people present were shocked, with a touch of excitement in their looks.

Can be used as the final final item, this item is definitely not as simple as it looks, it must be extremely precious.

What excites them most is that they don't know what this last item will be. For a time, the people present were quite expectant.

Even his imaginary gaze was projected on this auction stand, his eyes narrowed slightly, showing a little curious light, even he was obviously looking forward to it.

Under these many eyes, Song Hui also saw the kind of urgency and fiery, Song Hui smiled flatly, and finally, under these countless eyes, Song Hui waved his hand.

A purple light group slowly appeared under the eyes of everyone. For a time, countless eyes blinked at the purple light group in Song Hui's hands.

"What could it be?"

For a time, the people present were a little itchy, and even Xia Ming was a little speechless. This Songhui is really not an ordinary appetite.

The appetite of those present was even more apprehended by Song Hui's such a mess. By then, the outbreak would be truly terrible. "This is our auction item ..."

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