The City’s Almighty System

Chapter 2807: Thirty-six changes vs enlightenment


Xia Ming noticed the change in the breath of Wu Dao, and was a little stunned.

"Promote again."


At the next moment, Wu Dao appeared a shield in front of him. This shield appeared turquoise, and the turquoise light bloomed. When the sun shone, it looked so dazzling.

Xia Ming's swords fell on this shield one after another, and the terrible power broke out, turning into a shock wave, raging the world, no matter how powerful Xia Ming's swords are, Unable to break through the shield of Enlightenment.

This made Xia Ming's face dark.


But in the next moment, the horrible engulfing power that devoured the demon eye devoured the shield of that enlightenment. This shield was gradually eroded by the power that devoured the demon eye.


Xia Ming yelled, his hands changed quickly, and a sword-mang fell into the sky again. The sharp sword air, vertical and horizontal, between the heavens and the earth, left a sword mark, the sword mark is gentle, so Passing point, all the creatures are all broken off.

This sword is terrible.

Terrible and shocking.

"Boom boom boom ..."

The explosion sounded continuously, and each of these swords was madly hitting the shield. Wu Da also looked at Xia Ming with surprise, but did not expect that this kid's attack was so powerful.

It is indeed a group of ten virtual souls. This strength is invincible in this realm. He even now realizes that this kid can even compete with the master of real souls.

"But ..."

He is not the real soul state, but the existence beyond the realm of the gods.

Wu Dao squinted his eyes, no matter how Xia Ming hit the shield, he couldn't break through this layer of defense.

"I wipe."

When Xia Ming saw this situation, his face was dark, and he took a deep breath, glanced at the martial arts, he took a deep breath, his hands quickly changed, and the aura in his body was also here. A lot of time passed, and the speed was very fast.

"Om ..."

The terrible power is rippling, and this world has quietly changed dramatically.

The original blue sky was gone, but it was replaced by a dark cloud.

Rolling dark clouds swept through, and the terrible power waved away, it seemed to be to break the heaven and earth, especially the power gathered in this cloud, making people feel palpitated.

Xia Ming looked at the enlightenment that was still resisting Jianqi, and screamed at the corner of his mouth.

"Blow the wind."

With the shout of Xia Ming, there was a violent hurricane swept through. The terrible hurricane seemed to roll up this heaven and earth. Wherever the hurricane passed, the bamboo on the earth was uprooted. Not only that, but even other creatures are inevitable.

This fierce hurricane screamed, and the goal was really the direction in which Wudao was.

"Good boy."

Seeing this, Wu Da also looked at Xia Ming in surprise, with a slight shock. The means used by Xia Ming even made him feel so mysterious.

What is this martial art?

He has almost never seen it, and even he feels that such martial arts have completely surpassed his cognition. In his cognition, it seems that he has never seen such martial arts. It is truly amazing. .

"But it's not that easy to hurt me."

When Wu Da's heart moved, the shield directly became a shield, like a tortoise shell, blocking the hurricane that swept away.

"Call the rain."

When Xia Ming saw this, he gritted his teeth and sang loudly.

"Boom ..."

With a thunder, all of a sudden, rain began to rain in the sky. Wherever the rain passed, it could be said that no grass was growing, and the earth was constantly corroded.

Terrible power is raging. The dust is really solemn. Xia Ming's martial arts are really overbearing.

Wudao also noticed the strangeness of this trick.

"Good martial arts."

Even Wu Dao couldn't help but praise it. This martial art was really shocking to the heavens, and I didn't know what kind of arrogant man was, so he could create such martial arts.

The expression of Wu Tao remained unchanged, and a loud scream, the aura in his body was also a mad explosion, and then, between the heavens and the earth, a giant hand has been formed.

"The director will break your cloud."

With Wudao's swift drink, the **** hand grabbed at the dark clouds in the sky. Even such a terrible impact, even Xia Ming was frightened.

"Call the wind and rain, drive me."

Xia Ming roared, the world shook, and when the big hand suddenly grabbed the sky, a horrifying force burst out into the sky.

"Boom ..."

With a loud noise, there was actually a mysterious power that rushed down, and that power carried a kind of divine power, like the divine power of this world.

"Booming ..."

With the violent sound rang out, the big hand was instantly wiped out, and even the dark cloud was also wiped out, disappearing between this heaven and earth.


If Xia Ming's body was severely hit, he flew out directly.


Xia Ming opened a mouthful of blood, but couldn't help looking at that Wu Dao. He was injured. Although he was injured, the injury was not considered fatal.

It's just some minor injuries.

Xia Ming felt a little bit sorry, even though he did not use the thirty-sixth change, he was still not the opponent of this martial art.

But after a battle with Wu Da, he also benefited a lot.

He has a lot of confidence to fight against the master of real soul.


And not far away, Wu Da was also full of surprise, and his heart was hard to be shocked by Xia Ming.

Just now, his attacks, however, have completely surpassed the extreme of the means that a master of real souls can use, and it was never expected that such attacks would be resisted.

Even if Wu Da could not help but take a breath, when looking at Xia Ming, it was a little bit extra.

This kid is so genius.

Are geniuses so suspended?

The dust on that side were all really dumbfounded and looked at Xia Ming in surprise. The heart was more comforting, joyful, and happy.

The higher Xia Ming's talent is, the better it is for their Tiandao Academy.

For thousands of years, they have rarely seen such an arrogant child, and one day, such an arrogant child would appear to them.

It was really unexpected.

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