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"Master Ye Xian!"

Lu Xinghe was the first to make a sound of joy, with an unprecedented expression of joy on his face, kneeling on one knee and humorously saying: "Welcome to Master Ye Xian to return with victory!"

At this time, the Xinghe lay person gave a long breath. Although he was not afraid of death, he would not want to die. In particular, Ito Musashi has such great ambitions. If everyone dies here, wouldn't it bring a devastating disaster to the Chinese martial arts world?

Now in his heart, full of reverence for Ye Chen, Ito Musangtang Wushen, but beheaded by Ye Xianshi, then how terrible his old man's strength would be?

Tang Shiyu and others, who were also happy and smiling, clapped to celebrate, secretly thankful fortunately brought this Ye Chen here, otherwise the consequences would be really unimaginable.

Qingchuan Sayuri had tears in her eyes, and her heart was so agitated that she could not help crying and slumping to the ground. Qingchuan Ying didn't know whether she should be sad or happy. It stands to reason that both her father and master died under Ye Chen's hands, and they should be avenged by him. But for the sake of power, his father sent him away from an early age, and Master also used her as a tool. At this time, Qingchuan Ying had no idea what to do and where to go.

As for those martial saints who belong to Ito Musashi, they are six gods without a master. I don’t know that this terrifying strongman will treat himself like this, but suddenly, Igujar is bright.

He immediately stood up and shouted: "Look at his shoulder, this surnamed Ye defeated Ito Takeshi, and he is not innocent. Everyone swarming up, they can definitely..."


Before he finished speaking, he only felt a pain in his neck, and finally it was Wu Sheng who was full of horrified faces and his headless body.

"It turns out...this is so fast that you can't feel that you are dead."

With this last sigh, Igujar's head fell to the ground with his body.

All the martial arts saw this, and immediately took a breath. They thought that Ito Musashi's sword was already very fast, but they did not expect that Ye Chen could achieve such a speed without even using a sword.

These people involuntarily looked at Ye Chen's wound, but found that the wound was blooming from the inside to the outside with aquamarine.

Through the transparent body, you can see that each of his bones is as crystal-clear as jade, his internal organs are like brilliant diamonds, and blood flows like blood in the blood vessels. The whole body is like a glass jade body.

"Xuan, the body of Xuanxian..."

The martial arts sages are all stunned. Their status is not low in their own country. They have read through various ancient books and know that this body, even among the Xuan Xian, is extremely outstanding.

In fact, it is the same. If you want to build a Dao body, it is usually at least in the infancy. The Emperor's glass body is the best in the Dao body. Even if Xuan Xian sees it, he must be envious.

In this way, the group of martial saints dared to resist and could only hurriedly beg for mercy, but after seeing the death of the master, the big snake turned out to be fierce, and opened a big basin of blood to rush towards Ye Chen.

"Every loach, do you dare to let go with me?"

Ye Chen's face was full of disdain, and with a flick, he exploded the giant snake's huge head into a mortar, and the snake body more than 20 meters long fell on the ground, shaking the people nearby. , Standing unsteady.

Seeing this scene, everyone suddenly felt awe-inspiring, and no longer dared to give birth to any strangeness.

In Ye Chen's eyes, where is this group of stinky fish rotten shrimp? What he thought in his mind at this time was only the spiritual veins in the mansion of Xingxie Old Man Cave.

He waved casually: "You people, send me the Dragon members back to the headquarters safely. I haven't happened today."

Speaking of which, he glanced at his eyes, bursting with murderous energy, and suddenly the group of knights kneeling on the ground shivered.

"But if any of them, if even half of the hair is missing, then Shangqiangbi and Huangquan will fall, I will catch each of you and let him... destroy all forms!"

"Yes! I will wait to do my best to prevent these people from being hurt in half."

As soon as Wu Sheng heard this kind of good thing, he nodded and agreed in a hurry. At the same time, he made up his mind that in his lifetime, he would definitely not step into the half-step of China. They wouldn’t want to see this killing **** again. In front of others, Wu Sheng was just like The same as ants!

When Tang Shiyu heard this, he changed his face and frowned, "Master Ye Xian, won't you go back with us?"

Ye Chen glanced at her with a smile-like expression: "Since someone has given me something that has been promised to me, then I will take it by hand."

Hearing this, Tang Shiyu couldn't help but bow her head and feel ashamed, but she still didn't trust those martial arts very much, and quickly said: "But isn't this star evil sword spectrum made by Ito Musang to deceive people?"

Ye Chen shook his head and said, "No, this is indeed the cave house of the old Xingxie."

In his mind, he had already sensed the defensive circle formed outside the cave house, and the strength of this circle was very high. If it was not Xuanxian, it could never be arranged.

"But..." Tang Shiyu still did not give up and said anxiously, "Who knows whether this cave house is real or not? The guy Ito Musashi has already set up various organ traps in it, why not go with us first , Wait for the arrival of the Dragon Force..."

Before her words were finished, she was interrupted, and unexpectedly, the person who spoke was Qingchuan Ying.

This girl, two years younger than Qingchuan Sayuri, interrupted Tang Shiyu's words without any words, and said lightly: "Dongfu is true. When my master set foot in China, he found this Dongfu. The ability at that time could not be opened at all, and was later defeated by Xiao Yi, and he had no choice but to return to the island country."

"He entered the divine realm some time ago and came here again, only to find that he still can't crack the magic circle. This is how he used the star evil sword spectrum to attract the heroes of the world."

Although she didn't have any expression on her face, when she talked about it, she looked at Ye Chen, with a somewhat provocative look in her expression, as if to say:

"Unfortunately, you guys have done their job, but did not expect you to enter the door?"

Ye Chen certainly felt the hostility of this little girl, but where did she put her in the eye? Although this defensive circle is powerful, if you want to stop the immortal emperor, it is tantamount to a fool's dream!

And the reason why he just didn’t show up, letting Ito Musash show his way there, is to see the defensive circle, and he didn’t show up until after seeing it clearly.

At this time, this magic circle may be heaven for Ito Musashi, but for Ye Chen, it is not the same!

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