“Can we get a closer look at the deceased? Too far away to see clearly. The agent suddenly interrupted the police department and asked Twilight.

“Eh?” Although he didn’t know what a corpse had to look at up close, Twilight nodded, “Yes.” ”

With Twilight’s permission, the agent approached the body and took a closer look.

Suddenly, he fell to the ground, reached out and removed something from the deceased’s hand, and stepped on it with his shoe to pick it up.

It’s a hair, very similar to Miss Yoko’s.

“Little friend, this is not a place where you can move around casually, let alone prepare to take something.” Fuyuma said in a very light voice.

The strange tone, as well as the sudden voice, made Conan frightened all over his body, and the sweat hairs all over his body stood up instantly, almost losing half his life.

“Fuyuma, did you find out.” Although it was a question, Conan used an extremely affirmative tone.

“Sprinkle… What are you talking about, little friend. Dongma said with a stunned expression.

‘Damn, this mystic is pretending to be me again!’ Conan said fiercely.

“I won’t lose to you again this time, I will definitely find the prisoner before you!” Conan said firmly.

“Is it? But if you don’t find the prisoner now, at least this time it should be impossible. Fuyuma looked at Conan mockingly.

“Because, I already know who the prisoner is, Conan little ~friend~friend~”

‘It’s so infuriating! Conan was furious, but then shocked.

Did this guy find out who the prisoner was so quickly?

It’s even more changed than it was back then. State!

And the other side….

“No, we don’t know this person,” the agent said to the Twilight Police Department as he stood up and looked at it again, “huh, Miss Yoko?” ”

“Hmm…” Yoko’s expression was absent-minded, and she just replied casually.

“I don’t think that’s the case, you’re lying.” Suddenly, Fuyuma, who was still talking to Conan just now, said so.

“I’m not lying, it’s true!” To add credibility, Yamagishi deliberately shouted loudly.

But this did not work for winter horses.


“It’s true!” The agent stared categorically into Dongma’s eyes.

“That’s the expression!” After looking at each other for a while, Fuyuma suddenly said.

As I said before, although he was lazy and did not study psychology systematically, with the instinct of vampires, it was enough to crush almost everyone in this world.

“In fact, from a psychological point of view, when people try to lie, their eyes will stare directly at each other because they want to strengthen their persuasion, which is your current expression. You should have watched a lot of third-rate movies and TV series to do this. “,

“What’s going on, Yamagishi-san.” Twilight stared fiercely at the shore.

Although he dislikes his weird new boss, he also faintly admires Dongma’s ability.

“Okay, say no more, Yamagishi-san.”

At this moment, Miss Yoko suddenly spoke, as if she had made up her mind.

“Don’t hide from the police officers, in fact, this person is my former boyfriend, called Akiyoshi Fujie, who was my boyfriend when I was in Minami High School, and later broke up.”

However, Dongma was not in the mood to care about the identity of a dead man, but directly advanced the topic.

“Miss Yoko, do you usually turn on the air conditioner so hot?”

“No, it’s usually not that high, and besides, I remember turning it off when I went out.” Miss Yoko replied uncertainly.

Fuyuma nodded.

“Just found an earring under the sofa, a pool of water next to the body, and the temperature of this air conditioner, which makes people very concerned.”

“That’s Yuko Ikezawa’s earrings, who was robbed of her job by Miss Yoko, and I hold a grudge.”

So the police invited Yuko Ikezawa over, a big beauty of a completely different type from Yoko.

If Yoko is the representative of purity and beauty, then Tomoko is the model of maturity and enchantment.

At least Juru above F, and almost the same brute waist and as Yoko. Hips, Fuyuma suddenly moved the idea of changing the menu for dinner, and this thought became stronger and stronger with the passage of time.

At this time, under Conan’s reminder, Twilight and the others have determined that Tomoko stole Yoko’s room key.

“I didn’t kill this person, I don’t know this person at all!” Yuko Ikezawa screamed hysterically.

But Yamagishi seemed to recognize that it was her, and pointed directly at her and said sharply: “It must be you, remember that Yoko robbed you of your job, and last time I went to our office to make a big fuss!”

Yuko was speechless when she heard this, because it was indeed done by her, and it was seen by many people, and she could not deny it.

So she thought of another person she could turn to, Twilight.

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