The Maori detective shook his head, “We weren’t here just now, and a lot of things haven’t been clarified, if only we could see what was going on in the room at that time.” ”

Yuanzi suddenly said loudly: “As you can see, we have filmed everything with a video camera from the beginning to the present.” ”

Twilight was overjoyed, “It may have recorded the murderer’s murder, great, Takagi, hurry up and broadcast it.” ”

Takagi immediately agreed, found the playback device, and began to play the video.

However, to everyone’s disappointment, this video did not capture the murderer’s murder scene due to the angle

“However, we can narrow down the range of suspects.”

Takagi asked stupidly, “Administrator, how to shrink?” ”

“If you want to poison, you must approach the beverage can of lemon tea, and now it seems that there are only 4 people who have touched the beverage can, Kazumi Takenaka, Umenomiya, Toshihiko Takasugi and Matsumoto Police, and the other girls have not touched Sayuri’s beverage can, as for Conan, he has no chance at all, because he is not tall enough to poison at all.”

Everyone understands that only these four people can.

Fuyuma then reasoned, “And we can also know that the time when the four people approached the bride was calculated from the time of the crime, 21-24 minutes ago was Kazumi Takenaka, 14-17 minutes ago was Matsumoto Police, 8-10 minutes ago was Junji Umemiya and 1-4 minutes ago was Toshihiko Takasugi Academy”

Dongma thought for a while and continued: “Then, the problem is simple now, as long as you investigate the corresponding fingerprints, you should be able to find the real murderer.” ”

At this time, the forensics department came to report that the time for the poison in the capsule to dissolve was fifteen minutes.

Officer Twilight was shocked, “No, it’s just the time when Matsumoto and Sayuri are together!” ”

Takagi was also shocked, “Huh, Matsumoto is on the radar? No way! ”

Fuyuma shook his head, “Twilight, that only proves that the poison was 16 minutes ago, and the bride did not necessarily drink it immediately after the poison dissolved. ”

Mei Gong immediately said proudly: “If this is the case, then it is impossible for me and the groom to poison.” ”

Dongma looked at him and said coldly, “Then if the poison is in the capsule.” ”

Everyone was shocked, Conan also thought of something, only Takasugi had an ugly face.

The forensics section also said a strange phenomenon, the lemon tea can did not have Matsumoto’s fingerprints and Umenomiya’s fingerprints.

Later, another officer reported that bottles of desiccant had been found in the trash can outside, and the murderer was ready to go.

Well, the answer has emerged! ’

Xiaolan Yuanzi and they all wanted to go to the hospital, Twilight shook her head to refuse, Xiaolan hurriedly said, “Didn’t Officer Sato already explain that we are not murderers just now?” Can we go? ”

Yuanzi simply, “Get out of the way, we’re going to the hospital right away.” ”

Dongma stopped unhurriedly, “Xiaolan, Yuanzi, you can’t leave until the investigation is over… But I think I should be able to go right away…”

The crowd was amazed.

“Haven’t you seen who the murderer is? Forget it, let me tell you who the real murderer is. ”

Dongma was really disappointed with the efficiency of this gang.

Twilight was overjoyed, “Administrator, do you know the truth, who is the murderer?” ”

“Indeed, only five people can be poisoned.”

“Please watch the video, 7 minutes before Matsumoto-sensei fell to the ground, when Xiaoran and Sonoko bought batteries and left, Officer Takagi, yes, this is it, stop!”

Everyone can see that the jar of the garden overlaps the teacher’s jar, and the lemon tea taken behind Sayuri belongs to the garden.

“That’s why the poisonous jar doesn’t have Matsumoto’s fingerprints and Umenomiya’s fingerprints on it, probably there are a lot of garden fingerprints on it.”

This was quickly confirmed by the Forensics Section.

“In other words, the poisonous drink in the bride’s hands had been in the hands of the garden seven minutes ago.”

Yuanzi was shocked, “Dongma, do you mean really? Could it be that someone is trying to kill me? I seem to have drunk a lot, help! ”

Xiao Lan comforted amusedly, “Stupid, if your drink had been poisonous before then, you would have been poisoned long ago.” ”

Matsumoto said anxiously: “Uejo-kun, don’t sell the gate, hurry up and say who is the murderer?”

“If the poison is in the drink can of the garden, but the drink was drunk in the garden 7 minutes ago and there is no problem, then the suspicion of Kazumi, Umenomiya, and Matsumoto can be ruled out. If the garden is poisoned, there are two places that do not make sense. ”

“First, the garden can use the teacher’s jar to poison while talking to the teacher, without leaving a jar full of evidence of his fingerprints. Second, the garden casually threw down the jar and went with Xiaolan to buy batteries, and the bride would take the garden’s drink by mistake completely by accident, and the chance of this will not be very large, so the murderer cannot be the garden. ”

Takagi also came back to his senses, “It is impossible that the murderer was poisoned before this, then the murderer can only be…”

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