Then everyone introduced each other, and finally got to know these people.

The middle-aged man who opened the door to greet the garden was called Ara Yoshize, whose online name was the silent belly talker, and was the owner of the villa.

The black-clothed strange man standing next to him, tall, expressionless, named Kiyori Sukama, 23 years old, is a migrant worker who has come to help.

Yuanzi turned to ask, “May I ask the red herring…”

Arashi laughed, “He’s on the second floor. ”

As he spoke, there was a sound of footsteps going down the stairs, apparently the red herring was going downstairs.

The garden was full of anticipation, and when I saw the Doi Tucker tree, I was really disappointed to the extreme.

Because he is not only not a handsome guy, but also a fat man who is just over one meter and six meters tall.

“My sweet dream…”

Doi Tower was very happy, “You really are a girl!” So impressed! ”

Ara Yi looked at Fuyuma and the others strangely and asked, “How many of you are?” ”

After everyone introduced themselves, Kogoro suddenly grabbed Ara Yoshinori’s collar and said viciously: “You should know the rules, don’t think about hitting the attention of the two girls!” ”

“Yes, sir, don’t worry…” said Ara Yi with a panicked expression, after all, how to say that he was facing an old criminal police officer who had been doing criminal investigation for ten years, and that gaze was not at all something that ordinary people could bear.

“Don’t worry, uncle, isn’t there still me here…” Fuyuma smiled and reassured Kogoro.

“Hmph!” Maori nodded, then glared viciously at Arashi.

Then, as if he already knew his goal, he grabbed Conan and completely failed his plan to sneak in after Xiaolan.

“Bastard, come back with me!”

“I want to live too.”

Maori scolded, “Stupid! What stupid things do people with colds say! ”

Kikue Tanaka took out a list, “It’s the Escape King and the Shadow Mage who haven’t come yet.” ”

Yuanzi was surprised, “Is the shadow mage coming too?” ”

Xiaolan asked, “What’s wrong, Yuanzi?” ”

Yuanzi said, “On the Internet, this person writes every time that I fly through the sky and can freely hide myself. In short, write something boring and weird every time. ”

“But why didn’t the escape king come, who knows the call to ask?” Kikue Tanaka asked.

However, after Ara Yi called, there was a sound of a telephone answering machine, and no one answered at all.

“No way, let’s play by ourselves before he comes.”

Araki beckoned Sukami to prepare dinner, and asked everyone to go back to their rooms to tidy up their resting places.

Fuyuma and Xiaolan Yuanzi also came upstairs and found their respective rooms.

Xiaoran chatted with Yuanzi, but Fuyuma found the most beautiful Tanaka Kikue to chat, anyway, it was also to kill time, Fuyuma said that he would prefer to spend time with beautiful women.

On the other side, Maori who was driving on the way back was listening to the news.

The body found in the Cup apartment was confirmed to be Nishi Shanwu, 41 years old. The person found out was Nishiyama’s mother, who had come to help her son clean his room. As seen on the computer screen next to the corpse, [the first one solved… Shadow Mage], such a mysterious text. The police are investigating the incident. It is rumored that Nishiyama likes to surf the Internet very much, and he was originally scheduled to participate in the gathering of netizens of the Magic Lovers Alliance today, but he did not expect such a tragedy to happen…”

Mao Li was shocked when he heard this, “Could it be that Xiaolan went just now…”

Conan yelled badly, “Uncle, hurry up and drive back!” ”

Needless to say, Maori was doing the same, making a sharp turn directly on the snow road and heading towards the mountain villa.

In the villa hall, the dishes for dinner were sumptuous, and magic lovers gathered around to discuss their favorite and most respected magicians.

Ara said, “My favorite Mr. Crobe (Kuroba Rogueichi), his performance is really wonderful. ”

Doi Tucker said that he also respected the deceased magician the most.

Kikue Tanaka said, “Then I will choose Yoshiro Kinoshita, a genius who became Japan’s chief magician at the age of 20.” ”

Hamano Toshiya said, “Then I will choose his master, Mr. Ninety-nine Yuanyasu.” ”

Kuroda Naoko was dissatisfied, “What’s wrong with everyone, everyone chooses the person who died.” I like the most famous Mr. Sanada now…”

Kuroda asked Hima Sanren, “What about you?” ”

Yuanzi put down his knife and fork and said without hesitation: “This still needs to be said, of course, the monster thief Kidd!” ”

Although everyone was surprised by this, Dongma and Xiaolan knew very well that this guy in the garden liked mysterious and fresh things, and the reason why he liked Kidd was completely because of the other party’s mysterious identity, not his magic or the person itself.

“What about Officer Uejo?”

Dongma and others had made introductions before, and everyone knew that Fuyuma was the god and demon of the Metropolitan Police Department, and they all said that they were honored to be able to participate in this gathering.


“Recently, it should be the magic envoy of the God and Demon Brokerage Company…” said Fuyuma after thinking about it.

“In this way, the idol of our female magician, who died one after another in Ninety-nine Motoyasu and Kinoshita Yoshiro, Kidd does not know his nationality, and Sanada Iszo has not yet been alone, and now he is firmly on the throne of Japan, it is simply unimaginable.” Tanaka said with a wistful look.

“Yes, I didn’t dare to think that a woman would become Japan’s number one magician.” Kuroda also nodded.

However, Ara Yi noticed another meaning in Fuyuma’s words, “I just said that I was optimistic about that magician, but we still don’t know which magician you admire the most?” ”

“Most adored?” Fuyuma tilted his head suspiciously.

“A favorite is fine.” Hamano looked at Fuyuma expectantly.

However, Fuyuma gave an answer that completely surprised everyone.

“Whether I like it or adore it, I will only choose one person…”

In the expectant eyes of everyone, Fuyuma said a name, “Kamijo Fuyuma!” ”

That’s right, as a naturally formed great blood race, the existence worth appreciating is probably only yourself.

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