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PS: Thanks to “Li Dong” for the monthly pass support.

Tanaka mused, “Indeed, in such a wide courtyard, it is impossible to move a body without leaving footprints. ”

Sonoko hid behind Xiaoran, “But why would Mr. Hamano…”

Kuroda also said, “He just said a few words, and he doesn’t have any hatred with the shadow mage!” ”

Doi Tatar said, “The reason is not clear. ”

Dongma examined the body and found blue marks on the neck of the deceased, “Judging from the current situation, he should have been strangled, and he should have used something like a string.” Then the body was moved here. The murderer is someone near this villa! ”

Ara Yi said, “Hey, do you think the murderer is among us?” ”

Tanaka said, “But we’re the only one here!” ”

Sukama suddenly spoke, “There is another person, have you forgotten?” That person arrived here beforehand, and after killing Hamano, he is now hiding somewhere. ”

Kuroda asked, “Who?” ”

Xu Kama sneered, “Shadow Mage! ”

According to this child, Mr. Nishiyama left a similar message there. That is, Mr. Hamano is the second…”

Kuroda was even more timid, “So, is he still hiding somewhere waiting to take our lives?” ”

Tanaka said angrily, “What a joke! ”

As she spoke, she walked towards the villa.

“Where are you going?”

Tanaka said angrily, “I’m going back!” There is a murderer hiding near the villa and must now leave this ominous mountain villa immediately. ”

Conan said, “I can’t go back, when we came here, the drawbridge was burned.” ”

Tanaka said, “However, there can’t be only one way down the mountain, right?” ”

Ara Yi smiled bitterly, “Without that suspension bridge, it would be difficult for us to leave.” It is true that you can go down the mountain in the other direction, but there is no normal road there, and you have to cross the snowy mountains through the dense forest, which is not only difficult, but also easy to get lost. If you go up in the evening, it is impossible to go down the mountain at all. ”

“Could it be that the phone failure is also the work of this murderous maniac?”

Doi Tatara said, “That is to say, the murderer deliberately isolated us from the outside world. ”

As the only policeman present, Dongma decided at this time to stabilize the situation: “In short, from now on, everyone should not act alone, just wait until dawn.” ”

At the suggestion of Fuyuma, everyone returned to the hall and gathered together to eat a sumptuous meal that had long since cooled out.

Of course, no one is really in the mood to think about what just happened.

After chatting for a while about the Shadow Mage and the Escape King, Aranyoshi understood that the purpose of this gathering was to confirm everyone’s identities and clarify misunderstandings.

But I didn’t expect that the shadow mage who always said “I can fly in the sky and make myself disappear without a trace” actually performed this bloody trick in front of everyone.

Tanaka felt a little cold and wanted to go back to his room to get his coat.

Conan also sneezed, and Xiaolan immediately said: “I will also go together, and help Conan get a dress by the way.” ”

Doi Tata said, “Then I will go too, it is safer to have more people.” ”

Fuyuma nodded in agreement, “You guys go back quickly.” I was downstairs protecting the others. ”

The four went upstairs, and Xiaolan carefully opened the door to confirm that there was no abnormality before taking Conan inside to get his coat.

Tanaka complained at the door, “Really, it’s trembling to go back to my room.” ”

While dressing, Conan asked Xiaolan how he was when he was sleepy, and Xiaolan didn’t have any doubts and started talking one after another…

Immediately after 4 came to Tanaka’s room, although Tanaka’s mouth was very troublesome, he still acted cautiously.

After confirming that there was no one, Tanaka looked down and rummaged through his coat…

And at this moment, the cold wind suddenly blew the curtains open, and a crossbow arrow shot over without warning, flew over Tanaka’s head, and nailed to the wall with a “bang”.

Tanaka was frightened, then quickly got up and pulled the curtain open, and found that the glass on the window had been shot through a large hole.

“Who? Who is there? Come out quickly! ”

Doi Tower exclaimed, “Don’t be there!” ”

Conan yelled, “Hurry up and get out of the window!” ”

Then, everyone heard the sound of glass shattering.

At the same time there was a scream from the garden downstairs, and Conan took the lead and ran down, followed by the others.

When Conan went downstairs, Fuyuma had already pushed open the bathroom door directly, and at this time, there was no difference between men and women.

Yuanzi squatted on the toilet floor and shivered, an arrow nailed to the mirror of the toilet.

Dongma saw the small broken window, “Damn, you stay here, I’ll chase it!” ”

After that, Dongma turned and left, ran to the door of the villa, and chased outside.

Tanaka was annoyed, “Damn, I’ve had enough!” ”

As he spoke, he also chased outward.

Therefore, everyone naturally could only follow out.

Just aimlessly searched, the result was naturally nothing, and even a few women in Tanaka and Yuanzi accidentally fell a few times.

And just when everyone was annoyed, the winter horse suddenly fell gently from the tree, as if out of gravity, and slowly stepped on the ground, and even the footprints did not appear.

As if they saw God, everyone fell silent for a while, not knowing what to say.

“I didn’t find anyone, but when I just came back, I found the murder weapon.”

He said, pointing to the snow not far away, “Look there! ”

Then everyone saw a small crossbow on the snow.

There are also several crossbow arrows scattered on the other side.

Because of his height, Conan accidentally found several small round holes in a tree trunk.

This tree is the one that everyone has just gathered, and the traces of the hole are new.

“It seems that the clues can almost be connected…” Fuyuma also saw these dense holes, and then showed a mysterious smile.

Back at the villa, Fuyuma put the crossbow and arrows into the safe of the villa and locked it.

Everyone gathered around the living room table, and Fuyuma decided to make an alibi to confirm everyone’s presence, the method he had roughly understood, but now it was just unclear who it was. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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