“Murder in the Chamber of Secrets?” Twilight, who had led the team to arrive, asked.

“Yes, the doors and windows at the entrance to the scene were all locked, no one escaped from the windows next door, and no murder weapon was found at the murder scene. I think that’s the standard backroom killing. ”

“The Chamber of Secrets… But how do you know that the body is in this room? Miwako asked.

“We were outside, and this window outside suddenly broke. I didn’t respond when I came here and knocked on the door, so I had to break down the door and come in, and then I saw it…” Maori replied.

“But maybe it was suicide and then threw the murder weapon out the window?” Twilight asked the same low-level question as the layman Yurijiang.

“Twilight…” Fuyuma shook his head helplessly when he heard this, “If you don’t understand this aspect, you can ask, but can you not lose the face of our Metropolitan Police Department’s cherry blossom badge in front of the public?” ”

“Eh…” Although he didn’t know what was wrong, Twilight sensed something from Fuyuma’s tone and immediately shut up.

In order to save the image of his organization in the hearts of the people, Dongma continued to speak.

“From these blood stains, it looks like the deceased was dragged by the murderer to the inside room. The glass may have been broken because the victim and the murderer had an argument and accidentally broke it, or they wanted to get our attention and then used this chair to break it. ”

Because the chair next to it was overturned on the ground at this time.

“Anyway, in both cases, when the window is broken, the prisoner should still be in this room.”

Miwako came in at this time to report that most of the servants here were eating in the cafeteria an hour before the crime, while discussing the procedures for tomorrow’s wedding ceremony.

So, there is no clear alibi, only 5 people here, three people from the Morien family, plus Sakura and Kaede.

“We will talk to the five of you later, please take a simple physical examination now, and then go back to your room to wait for the questioning.” Twilight said.

On the other hand, after giving Twilight the task of searching for the murder weapon, Fuyuma was pulled aside by Heiji and Conan to discuss the case.

Heiji was the first to ask, “How many questions do you have?” ”

“Four.” Conan said with his fingers clenched.

Heiji said, “You also have 4 doubts!” ”

Fuyuma asked, “What doubt?” This case is obvious! As long as the murder weapon is found, the murderer can be convicted. ”

Conan was surprised, “You already know who the murderer is?” ”

“Of course, do you think I’m just like you stupid mortals?” Fuyuma asked disdainfully.

“How is that possible?!” Heiji firmly did not believe how he could be so far away from others.

Fuyuma laughed, “There’s something you definitely haven’t noticed. ”

Conan asked, “What place?” ”

Dongma looked unfathomable, “When I find the murder weapon, I’ll tell you… Let’s talk about the so-called doubts you found. ”

The first suspicion is the murder weapon taken by the prisoner from the scene.

It was hard to create a secret room murder, if the murder weapon was next to it, it might be regarded as suicide, and he would not be suspected.

“Perhaps this murderer did not intend to end the case by suicide, but had another purpose. For example…… Blame someone! ”

Although Heiji and Conan wondered how Fuyuma was so sure, they still said the second doubt.

“The second is the blood stains left after the body was moved. Why move the body next door? ”

“I also know the reason for this doubt, now I will give you a hint… To divert attention. ”

“Get out of the way? Why? There are Xiaolan and they are watching below, and it is useless to draw their eyes away! ”

Dongma didn’t want to continue, but asked with a smile, “Go on, what about the rest?” ”

Conan said, “The third suspicion is that only the light in the room where the body is located is on, and the light in the next room is off.” ”

Dongma thought for a moment, “This should be the same purpose as the second doubt, dark under the lamp.” ”

Heiji said, “The fourth suspicion is the most suspicious, and it is cats. ”

“That’s a good question, but it’s meaningless to my reasoning, the murderer can only be that person… It’s just that I lack evidence now, which is the murder weapon. Fuyuma said.

Heiji said that there was another doubt, but he couldn’t remember it for a while.

“It’s a necklace,” Fuyuma said with a smile.

“What necklace?” Heiji asked suspiciously, but vaguely grasped something.

“I just saw that inside his shirt, Sakura and Miss Kaede were wearing the same style of blue necklace.”

“Yes, that’s it!” Conan suddenly realized that the sense of discord they had felt before was in this place.

How could a future young lady, a servant of low status, carry the same style of ornament?

This is the biggest problem of this incident!

“So, it seems that our beautiful young lady has something to do with that handsome deacon…” Fuyuma showed an interesting expression.

On the other side, Twilight and the others still did not find the murder weapon, and the murderer’s clothes that were obviously stained with a lot of blood because the blade was drawn.

Fuyuma looked at the clueless crowd and thought it would be more interesting to give a little hint.

“If you want to stab a big man like Shigematsu with a knife, and the wound is so deep. Ordinary women can’t do it, so the weak Katagiri Kaede and Lily River, who is also a woman, definitely can’t do it. ”

“It is also said that it is worthy of being a management officer, and nearly half of the suspects were eliminated at once.”

And the cat closest to Lily Jiang remained at the scene of the crime. If the murderer was her, the Rhaegar cat would not have been hiding in the room. ”

Because in this home, that cat will only be so close to Lily River.

“So, it’s the three remaining men who are still suspected. The most important thing now is to find the murder weapon, without which there is no way to determine the case. ”

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