PS: Thanks for the monthly pass support of “ding1991-1118-4438”.

“Because I can’t shout it…”

Fuyuma said, picked up the shotgun and pointed at the sticky-thick saliva-liquid on the muzzle

It is clear that the prisoner kept the gun in the victim’s mouth before setting off the fireworks.

“Then wait for the fireworks to be set off, and then move the muzzle of the gun to the mouth of the deceased and kill with one blow.”

Sano seemed relieved and said, “In that case, none of the three of us are prisoners.” Because when we set off the first fireworks, we were on the ice rink with a few of their high school students. Right, Miss Xiaolan? ”

Xiaolan nodded affirmatively.

Maori asked, “Was it really together from the beginning?” It’s only 30 seconds from the toilet to the ice rink. ”

“The three of them did arrive at the skating rink when the first fireworks were fireworks.” Xiaolan said she remembered it well.

“First Miss Sano, then Mr. Misawa, followed by Ms. Komatsu.”

“If they were in the toilet when the first fireworks came off, they wouldn’t have been there anyway. There were a lot of people around us at that time, and it took at least 1 minute to get from the toilet, and the first fireworks were less than a few seconds away from the second. Sonoko said the same.

“At that time, the only person who was not there was Mr. Oda.”

Hearing this, Twilight immediately asked, “Mr. Oda, where were you then?” ”

Oda still replied coolly, “I’m smoking in a chair at the other end of the rink, with my back to the fireworks.” ”

Just then, Fuyuma noticed Itami’s hand in his pocket.

“There must be something in there.”

Takagi hurried over and pulled her hand out of Itami’s pocket, which contained a cell phone.

“But there is nothing on the display, I must have been shot before the police.”

After thinking about it, Dongma said: “Let’s redial it first, so that you know who she called in the end.” ”

Hearing this, Takagi pressed the redial button, and then strange characters appeared on the display.


Twilight was a little disappointed, “The phone number is 8 #ah!” ”

“Maybe she wanted to feel with her hands, call somewhere, and failed in a hurry.” Maori speculated.

“No, I know what’s going on…” Fuyuma said lightly.

“Great, manager! Who is the prisoner? Twilight asked excitedly.

“Isn’t the prisoner obvious? As Maori said just now, it’s Izumi Sano! ”

Sano was shocked, and everyone was surprised

“But, sir, if the murderer is Miss Izumi, is it too risky for her to use her own gun as a murder weapon?” It’s easy to suspect this. “Sato.

Takagi was also puzzled by this, “And the blood character left at the scene, if Miss Sano sees it, she should wipe it off before leaving!” ”

“Miss Sano, you will use your own gun as a murder weapon, and deliberately leave that bloody word at the scene, all to mislead us, this is a reverse way of thinking.”

“What are you talking nonsense? As soon as the fireworks started, I was already with Miss Xiaolan. If the murder happened during the fireworks, it would definitely not have been me. ”

“This is indeed the biggest doubt in the case, but it is based on the premise that the murder really happened at the same time as the fireworks.” Dongma sneered.

Sano shouted almost in annoyance, “Please stop talking nonsense! Didn’t Miss Sonoko talk about it? When the fireworks started, the prisoners were still in the toilet! ”

“No, what the garden heard was not the sound of fireworks, but the sound of gunfire.” Fuyuma said this, but it immediately attracted doubts.

“There are at least two fireworks in the fireworks, and there should be only one gunshot.”

“And the sound of fireworks taking off is very unique, and it is not the same as the sound of gunfire in any way?”

Yuanzi thought carefully, “It is indeed two sounds, not one. I should remember correctly. ”

Sano immediately sneered, “Look, you’re talking nonsense, no matter what, no one can listen to the sound of gunfire as fireworks.” ”

Fuyuma just smiled softly when he heard this, and then directly took out a five-yen coin, put it to his mouth and whistled, “Huh, huh… Bang! ”

Looking at the crowd who were too shocked to speak, Fuyuma smiled and asked, “How, it’s very similar to the sound of fireworks, right?” ”

Everyone was surprised, and then Yuanzi said: “It does sound like that kind of sound.” ”

Everyone then understood that the murderer used coins to forge sounds.

Fuyuma continued: “If only the gunshots are sounded, others may not think that it is fireworks. But hearing the sound of fireworks rising, coupled with the fact that the time for fireworks was approaching at that time, gave the garden an illusion. And the evidence is that Yuanzi said that she only heard the sound of fireworks. ”

“Because the fireworks here are three bursts of red, yellow and blue from the beginning, and the interval is only a few seconds.”

Twilight still asked with some doubt, “However, the garden happened to be in front of the bathroom at the time of the crime, so this is a bit too coincidental, right?” ”

Dongma shook his head and said, “According to Yuanzi, besides her, there are two or three people. Because the toilet that can be directly accessed with skates is the only place. As long as the “cleaning” sign is hung outside, it is inevitable that there will be a few people waiting outside. ”

“Yes, if that’s the case, I can indeed kill.” But why do I do it? It’s possible for the other 3 people too! ”

Misawa was angry, “Koizumi, you’re too much! ”

Sano paid no attention to this, and continued to shout: “I don’t know where you are divine, if you look for ballast for no reason…”


Fuyuma gently read out three English letters, the first three letters left on Itami’s phone.

Sano was stunned, “Huh? ”

“Do you know what that is?”

Sano said without a clue: “This is Chihiro’s random press on the phone.” ”

Dongma said lightly, “No, it was not pressed indiscriminately, but Itami painstakingly used a code word that all of you did not know to leave the death information left by the murderer’s identity!” “_

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