Fuyuma recognized the origin of the knife with a glance, “This is an ornament of Kamen House.” ”

The person in the identification class said: “It is slightly strange that the pattern of the handle is also stained with blood, which seems to be directly splashed. ”

Miwako was also puzzled, “It’s really strange, if you kill someone with a knife, most of the handle of the knife will not be directly stained with blood, and it will leave a blood mark held by holding a knife.” ”

“There are also some blood-stained masks inside.” Forensic handed over the mask, “This is the mask on Chuang’s head, splattered with blood at a very close distance.” ”

Fuyuma wondered, “On this mask, there is a lot of blood near the mouth!” On the forehead, however, there are very few, only a few drops. ”

Sato said, “Maybe the chin part of the mask is right next to the neck of the deceased.” ”

Maori guessed, “Did the prisoner wear this mask when he committed the crime?” ”

Twilight also thought that this inference was more reliable, “In this case, the prisoner may have left some clues.” ”

Fuyuma vaguely thought of something and asked, “Are there any other blood-stained masks?” ”

The identification class pointed around the scene, “There are quite a few, but strangely, the others are stained with blood around their lips.” ”

“I seem to understand something,” Fuyuma said with such an expression.

Because there was no trace of outsiders entering the surroundings, Twilight and the others quickly made a judgment that the prisoner was in this villa.

“But you can exclude a few people first.” Maori Road.

Twilight asked, “How to rule it out?” ”

Maori said, “To go to Ms. Su Fang’s bedroom on the 3rd floor, you must pass through the stairs on the west side, and at the time of the crime, the east and west sides of the Kamen House were locked. ”

Twilight nodded, “That is, the prisoner must be someone who lives on the west side. ”

Maori elaborated: “There are six people living in the west. Katagiri, Hiramatsu, Nagara, Inaba, Minahu, Tokudaiji Masashio. ”

So back in the living room on the first floor, Twilight began to ask for everyone’s alibi.

First of all, the Shimokasa sisters, Honomi is a little surprised because she is with Fuyuma, but thinking that Honomi is originally Kamijou’s maid, they are relieved about this, after all, it is my ‘sex’ culture country Japan, this kind of thing is actually relatively common.

Twilight then asked, “Then take the key and go to the 2nd floor.” Where are the keys kept? ”

Honomi said, “Hang it on the wall of the room next to the restaurant.” ”

Twilight frowned, “This means that anyone can easily get it.” ”

Honomi said, “But the key was still there. ”

Xiaolan nodded in affirmation, “That’s right.” ”

Twilight asked again, “What about the spare key?” ”

Minahiro, “The key is too old, make a spare key.” ”

Maori began to recall the situation, “After we opened the lock and entered the Kamen House, Xiao Bru’s mask was gone, and it was then that we heard a moaning and a loud noise from the 3rd floor. Then Miss Honomi immediately woke up Miss Minahiro with Kamenai’s internal phone, and at this time, Mr. Lankawa came up. ”

Then it was naturally Lan Kawa’s turn, “I fell asleep in my room on the 1st floor, and when I heard that child they came to call Miss Honomi, I didn’t think it was a big deal, and then it became more and more noisy outside, so I felt that something was wrong, and immediately went to the 2nd floor to see it.” ”

“It’s really you!” Fuyuma said with a smile.

“What?!” Lan Chuan was shocked, not knowing why Dongma suddenly said that.

However, Twilight and the others, who are familiar with Fuyuma, know that their vigilantes generally do not speak, but once they speak, then they will definitely not be wrong.

So Twilight and Miwako faintly surrounded Lan Chuan, but Twilight asked with a slight surprise: “Police, do you already know the murderer?” ”

“That’s right, Mr. Lan Chuan, just from what you said just now, I can conclude that the murderer of this case is you!” After Fuyuma finished speaking, he ignored Lan Chuan, who was shouting excitedly, and ordered Miwako to prepare to rearrange the scene.

“Now, this room with the same structure as the scene is suitable for uncovering the mystery of the secret room, of course, the prisoner actually knows us.” Looking at Lan Chuan, who seemed to have been greatly wronged, Dongma said with a sneer.

Everyone exclaimed, “Really? ”

Katagiri said, “How so?” ”

Lan Chuan finally couldn’t help but shout, “What are you talking about, Mr. Maori ? I live on the east side of the house and can’t go to the teacher’s dormitory. ”

“You really can’t go to Su Fang’s bedroom, and in order to confirm this, you made a special internal call to Uncle Maori before committing the crime.”

Twilight asked suspiciously, “But if you can’t go to the bedroom, you can’t commit a crime.” ”

“From the moment I found the body, I thought it was strange. The prisoners took great pains to turn the scene into a secret room, but did not disguise it as a suicide scene. Isn’t that strange? Fuyuma said with a smile.

“It’s really strange…” Maori nodded.

Xiao Lan also cooperated and asked, “Why?” ”

“Because Mr. Lanchuan didn’t enter the dormitory at all, he killed Ms. Su Fang outside.”

Katagiri exclaimed, “What did you say? ”

Twilight was surprised, “No need to enter the bedroom? ”

Lan Chuan snorted disdainfully, “How is this possible? ”

“Pretending to be true, if it weren’t for this incident, maybe I would have signed you into my agency as an actor… But unfortunately, today I have seen through your technique, and I only need to use the mask of the curse. Dongma said with a sneer.

Lan Chuan’s face changed drastically in an instant.

Hiramatsu asked incredulously, “Mr. Policeman, do you really believe in curses or something?” ”

“While I don’t reject so-called mysterious powers, it’s clear that this time it’s not like that. But Xiao Bru’s mask is the key to solving the mystery of the Chamber of Secrets. Let’s recreate that mechanism! Miwako! ”


After Miwako agreed, she stood on the chair outside the door and threw a knife with a rubber band on the hilt into the room.

Then one mask after another came through, and all the empty spots of the eyes of the masks were also worn with rubber bands, connected to each other. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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