At night, the built-in phone in Fuyuma’s room suddenly rang.

Fuyuma stood up and Lu. Get out of your perfect body like an ancient Greek sculpture and pick up the phone on the cabinet.

“Hey, who are you looking for?”

“Huh… Excuse me, did you sleep? ”

A strange sound came from the microphone, as if it was a fake sound deliberately raised by raising his voice.

Fuyuma remembered the trick Maria had performed in the living room just now, and it was obvious that the person who made the call also used such a thing as helium.

“Who are you…?” asked without anger.

“Well! You could call me a ‘trojan horse of Troy’. ”

“Troy’s Trojan?”

Fuyuma intuitively believes that this is a prank by a member of “Computer Villa”, but then he directly believes that it is indeed a member of Mountain Villa, but it is not just a prank.

“Huh… That’s my pseudonym. ”

There was a strange sound of loud screaming laughter on the other end of the phone.

Fuyuma immediately asked, “I know, I just want to know now, which one of the members are you?” ”

Naturally, the other party could not answer this question, but directly stated the purpose of his call.

“Someone died in cabin two!”

“I see…” Fuyuma said lightly.

And the person on the other end of the phone obviously did not expect that Dongma was actually such a cold, even indifferent attitude, and was stunned for a while before making a voice of unclear meaning, “Eh…”

“Is there anything else?” Dongma still asked lightly, and his calm tone made the other party impatient and even panic.

“You don’t want to know who died!?” “Troy’s Trojan” shouted.

But Dongma still had the same tone, “If you want to say, you will naturally tell me, if you don’t want to say it, I don’t need to ask more.” ”

“Damn bastard, pretending!” The other end of the phone seemed to say this in a very low voice, probably thinking that Fuyuma could not hear it, but the other party obviously did not know what kind of monster was talking to him.

“What did you say?” Fuyuma asked in a still tone.

“……!” The other end of the phone was startled, and then he could speak loudly, as if to hide the panic in his heart.

“Stupid, of course, the monk hung up the phone impatiently after he died.

Fuyuma also put down the phone immediately, and under Ayako’s leisurely gaze, Fuyuma chuckled and said, “It seems that we have something interesting again.”

“What’s wrong?” Ayako was still panting heavily, and it seemed that she had not yet recovered from the fierce battle just now.

“An interesting murderous drama is about to begin here!” Fuyuma let out a cold laugh.

Although the knee-deep snow outside the house was difficult for ordinary people to walk, it was no different for Fuyuma and Ayako, and soon they arrived at the second wooden house where the monk lived, and the lights in the house were still bright.

Dongma was looking inside, and it was correct to say that he was perceiving inside, sensing the smell of blood that was covered by the wind and snow.

Suddenly, a hand clapped on Fuyuma’s shoulder.

As if knowing who was behind him, Dongma asked lightly, “Mr. Watson, why are you here?” ”

“Nothing, I got a strange phone call… Uejo-kun, then why are you here? Watson asked with a smile, though the smile was a little stiff.

“Like you, I got a strange phone call. There was a guy who called himself ‘Troy’s Trojan Horse and said that the monk was being killed by random steps…” Winter Horse glanced at him, and then continued to walk towards the second wooden house.

As they got closer, the three saw that the originally pink Chuangshan was contaminated with a whole piece of blood and turned black.

In the center of the chuang is a burly man lying horizontally on the chuang in a herringbone shape, which is the corpse of the monk…

The monk did not move, his hands and feet and body stiffly maintaining this unnatural posture, like a discarded toy doll.

Under the orange-red, dim light, the monk’s cheeks were slightly red.

But whoever sees this situation can be 100% sure that he has been out of breath for a long time.

“Dead, dead! Monk Zheng him… What the phone call said was true, no! Hurry, hurry up and call the police! Watson was so frightened that his feet trembled and his knees trembled, and he was determined to flee the scene quickly.

“I’m the police, you can help maintain the scene.” Fuyuma glanced at him and said, it seems that it is relatively rare for a doctor to be so afraid of dead people.

Dongma grabbed Watson’s shoulders to calm his flustered mind.

“I, I don’t know anything…” but Watson seemed frightened and shouted, breaking away from Winter Horse’s hand.

Dongma said very calmly: “Although I don’t know what you don’t know, I don’t force it to see you like this… Ayako, help me see if there are any footprints around. ”

“Yes…” Nodded, the eldest lady of the Suzuki family looked around the house, while Fuyuma herself stared at the place they had just walked, looking at the footprints that were covered by snow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In another suffocating silence, Ayako came back and told him that there was no sign of anyone coming in or out of the surroundings.

At this time, Fuyuma finally raised his hand and looked at his watch, the time they arrived here was two twelve o’clock, and now it was two twenty o’clock.

The footprints of the first arrival have not completely disappeared.

Therefore, Fuyuma estimated that at least ten minutes passed between the arrival of the murderer at the scene and his departure…

Of course, it is also possible that the murderer remained at the scene …

“Well, let’s go inside the house now…”

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