“As you can see, our Maori detective is now an important reference, if you want to watch the reasoning show of ‘Sleeping Kogoro’, let’s wait until when the life case is released in prison!” Ying Li said sarcastically.

So Kogoro naturally sneered at each other, and after a fight, Maori was taken away by the police.

“Then the lawyer before the prosecution is Ying Lijun, right?” Shiozawa said with a smile.

“What is a pre-prosecution lawyer?” Xiaolan asked curiously.

Dongma smiled and put his arm around Xiaolan to comfort her, while explaining her doubts: “Don’t worry, Uncle Maori will be fine… As for this former lawyer, it is the same lawyer that is often seen in movies to prevent police misconduct during interrogation. ”

Of course, in fact, we know that this system in Japan is almost useless, and even many Japanese, like Xiaolan, do not know that there is such a system to protect the person on trial, so usually we see the scene of the former lawyer prosecuting in the detective drama of the United States, a ‘human rights’ country.

Xiaolan nodded to show understanding, and at the same time relieved, after all, she still had great confidence in her mother…

However, to her surprise, Shiozawa’s proposal was directly rejected by Eiri.

“I’m sorry, I don’t take this case… The kind of client who looks guilty at first glance, I will not accept his case! That would tarnish my undefeated record! Ying Li said coldly.

“Mom, why are you like this…” said Xiaolan dissatisfied.

Immediately, Mao Li also snorted coldly, clamoring for Yingli to definitely not come.

At this time, Saku suddenly smiled and said, “Then Mr. Māori’s former lawyer for prosecution, let me do it.” I don’t believe that Mr. Maori would kill Ritsuko. ”

“Great…” Xiao Lan’s heart that had just lifted fell back to its original place, and she bowed with joy on her face to thank her, “Then please!” ”

“So, Mr. Shiozawa and Mr. Mikasa, can you please go back to your room first and wait for our police to take a confession?” After all, this is the scene of the case, and although several are lawyers, they are not suitable to stay here for a long time. Dongma said lightly.

Although Fuyuma didn’t say it explicitly, the two of Shiozawa still heard his intention to expel, “Then we’ll leave first.” ”

“Fuyuma, my dad will be fine, right?” Xiaolan asked as she leaned on Dongma’s shoulder.

“Don’t worry, it’ll be fine,” Fuyuma comforted softly.

“Really?!” Xiaolan was pleasantly surprised.

“Of course, how could I lie to you…” Fuyuma smiled lightly.

“Your Excellency,” Yamamura began with some hesitation, seemingly not understanding what Fuyuma meant.

“Although at first glance only Uncle Maori is the murderer, there are three huge doubts that make this conclusion less reliable.”

Before Dongma finished speaking, he was picked up with gloves and picked up the conversation.

“First of all, as a murder weapon line, if it is because of the impulse formed after drinking and kills, it should be forcefully torn off the telephone line, but the phone has no signs of being moved, and there is no trace of forcibly pulling out = at both ends of the telephone line…”

Fuyuma nodded in approval, “The second is my uncle’s mobile phone, which was deliberately placed very close to the door, obviously to let us hear the sound of his mobile phone, and then let us have the idea of opening the door to confirm.” ”

“Third, these are the hands of the uncle, you must know that there is only forty minutes between the first time we went to Miss Shuishui’s room and the discovery of the body, if the telephone line is used as the murder weapon, then the murderer must have similar marks on his hands, but the uncle’s hands are very clean, and nothing like gloves or anything like gloves is found in the room.”

While speaking, Dongma checked the chuang head table with the most things in the room.


“Fuyuma, have you found anything?” Xiaolan asked excitedly.

“Well, this notepad was torn off…”

“Wouldn’t it be this one?” Conan pulled a wad of paper out of the trash.

So, why do you guy like to rummage through trash cans so much?

Although he silently complained in his heart, Fuyuma looked at the words on this note himself, ha-ya-shi (forest) and a Roman numeral 2.

“Shouldn’t it mean Lawyer Lin, who is going to partner with her this time?” Ying Li guessed, “Since the end of the last trial, Lawyer Lin has always wanted to get in touch with Lawyer Suishui…”

As for the reason, it is related to a large case suspected of environmental pollution = pollution, because Mikasa failed in the first instance because of the reason, so in order to ensure victory, Eiji wanted this lawyer Lin to replace Mikasa.

The problem, however, is…

“But Lawyer Suishui doesn’t know that I asked Lawyer Lin? And I didn’t tell Lawyer Lin that we were staying at this hotel? Yingli said to himself suspiciously.

At this time, the waiter who opened the door for them with a master key suddenly said: “He said that he listened to Mr. Shiozawa…”

“Huh?” Eiri looked back in surprise.

“Actually, lawyer Lin, it’s also me who called this room…”

“Hey! Who let him in? Yamamura asked dissatisfied.

“I let him in because he seemed to have some key discoveries to say.” Fuyuma said.

Suddenly, the mountain village had nothing to say.

“You can say it now, that thing that you find strange…” Fuyuma gestured for the service-mate to speak.

“That’s right, Lawyer Lin made a total of two phone calls this evening, the first one successfully connected to the room, but the second one was not. So I came to the room to inquire about the situation, and I came twice…”

“Twice?!” Yamamura was shocked, although Fuyuma didn’t understand that he was surprised by Mao.

“Yes, the first time I rang the doorbell, but there was no response, I told Lawyer Lin that Lawyer Suishui had rested, but Lawyer Lin insisted that I come up again and call to see, but strangely, the second time I saw a Do Not Disturb sign on the door…”

“And a note …”_

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