It didn’t take long for the Yokogou Police Department in Shizuoka Prefecture to arrive with people.

“Your Excellency, it is such an honor to meet again!” Yokogou said happily.

“Hard work… How is the investigation going? Fuyuma nodded, then asked.

“According to the results of the current investigation, the entrance to the room was bolted from the inside of the room at the beginning, and although this paper window was partially opened, the outside was separated by bamboo poles into a lattice, and then there was a door in the west side of the pantry, but it was also locked from the inside…”

“So, another secret room?” Dongma said disdainfully, this kind of secret room is useless in his eyes, but will expose the murderer more obviously, of course, the premise is the method of unlocking the secret room.

Henggou continued: “The presumed time of death was between 3:30 and 4 p.m., and although the body had traces of bleeding, the real cause of death was suffocation caused by strong compression of the neck. ”

“That should be suicide, right?” Maori began his brainless reasoning again, “Look at the blood stains on the ground in front of this door, in fact, Aonoki cut his wrist next to the tea room at the beginning and tried to commit suicide, but he was unsuccessful, so he went to the tea room and hanged himself. ”

And Henggou is also a joke, and he actually nodded in agreement with this unreliable reasoning, “This can explain why the blood stains extend all the way to the tea room.” ”

“I said, if Aonoki wants to commit suicide outside the tea room, and then prepares to go back to the tea room to hang himself after unsuccessful, how can he have the leisure to lock the door?” Fuyuma shook his head and smiled bitterly.

“So, it seems to be true…” said Maori and Yokogou with a smile.

At this time, Fuyuma suddenly saw a watermill that was rotating in the distance, introduced by Sanmura, this watermill is an electric waterwheel controlled by a timer, and it seems that it is the time to divert water now.

“It’s so narrow…” Yokogou removed the small door that Fuyuma had kicked open at the time, and climbed into the tea room.

However, Fuyuma noticed that there were thumbtacks on the latch of the door in the pantry.

Immediately after the Yokogou led the people to put the body down, Fuyuma found a strange cut in the rope hanging Aonoki, which looked like it had cut half with a knife, and then forcefully cut the other half.

Upon entering the room, Fuyuma then found that the scroll that had been hanging had fallen on the floor, and there was an unfinished calligraphy scroll on the tatami, and a pen and ink inkstone table next to it.

“Wood chips?” Fuyuma glanced at the wood chips scattered on the scroll and on the tatami, and looked up to see that it was the beam of the house where the rope and the body were hanging, and it was clear that the wood chips had fallen from there.

But then he saw strange traces.

In addition to the place where the body is hanging, it also has similar scratches, and they are brand new.

“This must be a monster! It must be a monster in the lake, Master Grandmaster! Mrs. Hanazaki exclaimed in horror.

“I knew that I shouldn’t have sat in the tea room in the first place…” Lost Cang also shook his head and sighed.

“It seems that these guys are very mentally oppressed, I think the grandmaster who believes in these things the most should be under more pressure…” said Maori in a low voice

“So, is it really suicide?” Yokogou looked at Fuyuma.

Fuyuma didn’t answer, although he decided that it was a homicide, but he still needed to make some confirmation first.

“Let’s ask for their alibi first,” Fuyuma said, and Yokogou led everyone to the reception room on the other side of the bridge.

“After four o’clock in the afternoon, you gathered here, and then from the balcony you saw the corpse of Master Aonoki hanging from the beam, right?” After sitting down, Yokogou asked first.

“That’s right, the water just turned red at that time, so the timing should be right.” Lost was the first to answer.

“And at that time, I remember that Mr. Ryoichi seemed to have confirmed the time on his watch, right?” Fuyuma asked.

“That’s right, it’s exactly four o’clock, and at that time I also looked at the tea room opposite, and I didn’t see my father’s body.” Bright nodded.

“Shortly after, Miss Mimura came back, and then something happened immediately!” Hanazaki stared viciously at Mimura, as if to identify her as the culprit.

But this kind of performance seems to be not the same person as the one who shouted about the monster just now.

“What did you do before that?” Yokogou then asked.

Still the first to answer: “I probably stayed in the bathhouse for about thirty minutes…”

Mimura ruffled the ends of his hair, “I went out because I had a bit of a personal matter.” ”

“So where exactly did you go?” Yokogou asked.

Mimura tilted his head, “This is my private matter, there is no need to answer you!” ”

“…… Hmm…,” Yokomizo said, then turned to Hanazaki, “Mrs. Hanasaki, what about you?” ”

“I’m preparing a dinner in the kitchen…”

“What about Ryoichi-san?”

“I’ve been going in and out of the reception room,” Ryoichi said, lowering his head.

“But speaking of which, I was sitting on that chair on the balcony all the time, and I didn’t see anyone crossing the wooden bridge to reach the tea room… That wooden bridge is the only way to connect to the center of the lake. Maori said.

This is also the main reason why he has been advocating suicide since just now, because it is clear that everyone’s alibi is clear…

But Dongma has already discovered the modus operandi, “Now it’s just evidence…”

So at this time, Conan, who also found the clue, suggested: “Miss Mimura had a strange behavior before, she seems to be holding a big package when she comes back, or let’s go and look for it?” ”

“That’s fine, maybe there will be some clues…” Fuyuma nodded, and then came to the entrance on the first floor.

“As soon as she came back, she was picked up upstairs by Mrs. Hanazaki, and there should be no time to hide it since the crime…”

“Well, it should be in this storage room.” Saying that, Fuyuma opened the door and saw the box placed on the coffee table. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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