PS: Thanks to “Mr. ニコ” for the three-chapter monthly pass support.

“So it is, it is worthy of being a police officer, beautiful reasoning!” Takagi marveled.

“But the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the door, what the hell is this for…”

“Of course, so that no one else could enter the room before the murderer ‘found’ the body and discover the mechanisms she had laid out… After all, after the decoration is completed, there will be a real empty period of nearly two hours in this room. ”

At this time, Gongrenzi seemed to remember something, and suddenly said: “Wait a minute, I received a call from Naomi at one and eight, what’s going on?” ”

Kayori also said: “If you follow your reasoning, then Naomi can’t call at all, right?” ”

“It’s true that the time of dialing out and the time of receiving the call are completely wen, because it is indeed called!” Twilight also said.

“That’s a call made by the murderer using the victim’s mobile phone!” Fuyuma Road.

“No, Gongrenzi obviously talked to Naomi…” said Jia Yangli in disbelief, but halfway through, everyone, including herself, looked at Gongrenzi in surprise.

“Did you say…” Kanami also slowly stepped back in shock, and the look in her eyes seemed to be re-examining her classmates and friends for many years.

“That’s right, there’s no way they’re talking… So the prisoner is obvious, Miss Yamamoto Korenko, it’s you! Fuyuma stretched out his hand and pointed straight at the pale-faced Gongrenzi.

“After committing the crime, he took his mobile phone to the station, and then used that phone to call his mobile phone and pretend to be talking. Then when the body is found, take advantage of the panic, put the mobile phone under the table again. It’s all easy to do, at least much simpler than that mechanism. Fuyuma said with a smile.

“You say that, what is the evidence!” Gongrenzi said angrily.

“Isn’t the evidence left on you? Don’t you have a plastic bag in your coat pocket? Fuyuma asked, and Gongrenzi was immediately stunned in shock.

“I… Can’t you have plastic bags? Gongrenzi said with difficulty.

“Didn’t you take Miss Fujimura’s cell phone outside after putting it in that bag?” Fuyuma asked, and at the same time came to Gongrenzi’s body, directly past her obstruction, and took the bag out of her pocket.

“Just put this thing under the light…” Several fingerprints arranged vertically on it immediately appeared.

“Miss Gongrenzi, actually, when I saw your mobile phone number, I found something very interesting. If you refer to the position of the mobile phone buttons, you will find that the buttons on a vertical row can dial your phone! ”

Fuyuma smiled and watched Gongrenzi’s expression change, and then said: “The row of fingerprints stuck to the bag is the one you left when you called yourself!” ”

Saying that, I took Naomi’s mobile phone and put it in, and the phone button and fingerprint fit perfectly!

In desperation, Gongrenzi could only reconcile her motives.

It turned out that Naomi seduced the professor that year, so that Gongrenzi missed the only opportunity for the school to escort the designer of a well-known foreign children’s clothing brand.

And Gongrenzi, who had no choice but to stay in China to develop, although she told her friends that she had set up a personal studio, it was actually a lie, and she was laid off by the company.

“I just want Naomi, who took away the most important opportunity of my life, to be punished as she deserved!” Gongrenzi shouted hysterically.

“Then give you another chance, can you take it?” Toma asked, looking at the woman who was almost kneeling in front of him.

Gongrenzi raised his head and looked at Dongma, his confused eyes full of inquiry.

“Aren’t you complaining that there is no chance? Then just right, I have a chance here! Toma took the girl to another room, while Megumi and the others were still doing the finishing touches.

“I have an agency here, and you should know that there are a lot of female stars in it. And female stars can generally only rise to the top through strength and appearance. And the category of appearance includes not only their own appearance and figure, but also excellent clothing design and makeup styling… And it just so happens that I am currently lacking in these behind-the-scenes personnel. ”

Dongma said lightly, as if he was saying a trivial matter that was not enough to worry about.

“So I gave you the opportunity, what about your decision?”

Faced with Dongma’s question, Gongrenzi longed for this opportunity, but then thought about his identity and current situation.

“But I learned to design for children, and…”

Dongma interrupted with a wave of his hand: “You don’t have to worry about this, I will ask the best teacher to teach you, help you find a way to reduce your sentence, and provide you with the best environment in prison… And I only have one request for you, after coming out, to be the exclusive costume designer of my artists, of course, provided that you can qualify. ”

“I will definitely work hard!” Gongrenzi shouted almost feverishly, but then seemed to realize something and asked in a low voice, “You have no other requirements?” ”

“No…” As soon as Toma’s words came out, Gongrenzi breathed a sigh of relief, but was immediately caught off guard and pushed onto the retro tatami by Toma.

“It’s weird!” With that, he pounced and knocked his future costume designer and now his prisoner to the ground.

In this most retro place, use the most retro means to guarantee her loyalty.

At the same time, it also improved her natural ability…

This should be another ability of his ancestor as the ancestor of the Death, just like Miwako, Sonoko, they can obtain the evolution of a certain ability.

However, according to Gongrenzi’s situation, this process may take a long time.

So East Malaysia did not arrange everything and went back to work.

Of course, it was not because his lazy cancer was cured, but because this case received strong attention from the media, so that the senior officials of the Metropolitan Police Department had to invite out their final “magic weapon”, God cleansed the devil! _

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