PS: Thanks to “Blue Sakura” for the support of three monthly passes.

All the nightly newspapers and nightly news of the day reported one thing.

Ichiro Shibayō (the head of inspection), who was also an active criminal officer, was shot dead in the underground parking room of his neighborhood. This time the clue seems to be even more obvious, because the deceased was found with his own criminal police manual in his hand.

“Was it done by radicals?”

“Or is someone deliberately retaliating?”

“Two consecutive incumbent criminals of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department were brutally killed, and both of the two criminals killed died in anger with police handbooks. What does this mean? ”

“Is it in response to police terror or radical brutality?”

“The police are facing challenges!”

In the early morning, Fuyuma, who was drinking coffee as always, was looking at all the newspapers and magazines distributed in the Tokyo area this morning, and without exception, they were reporting on this incident, and the only difference was probably that the headlines were more frightening than the other.

“Hmph…” casually throwing the last newspaper on the table, Fuyuma snorted coldly.

“My police officer, it seems that you have a headache this time.” Haibara, who was staring at the laptop on the side, said with a smile.

“Headache, that’s impossible…” Dongma shook his head, although this time the top level gave him orders as always, but unlike before, this time it can be said that the entire Metropolitan Police Department was fully mobilized, because they were facing the provocation of the prisoners to the entire police community.

Of course, the media and some civil society groups may also be counted now.

“And what kind of Shangri-La crusaders also came to make fun, and it really didn’t smell gunsmoke for a long time…” Dongma laughed coldly.

The war against the entire Metropolitan Police Department seems to Fuyuma to be approaching.

Not the murderer, but the guys who tried to fish in troubled waters in this incident.

For example, the Shangri-La Crusaders, such as the dollaers and the color societies that wander around Ikebukuro…

But for now, it is necessary to solve the current situation first, or at least, to quiet the media and ordinary people.

At the same time, the phone of the search lesson kept ringing, and even the head and management officer of the department had to run between the telephones, spitting out the formulaic answer that he was about to vomit.

“The case is under investigation and until we have solid evidence, please forgive us for not being able to disclose any details about the case.” If in doubt, please follow our official media meetup…”

However, before this almost emotionless word could be spoken, a familiar voice came from the other end of the sentence, pulling him back from other thoughts.

“Lord Police, I’m Māori…”

“Sorry, you heard it too, I am here now with calls from the media, the public and even officials at any time, what is the matter, we will talk about it later…”

To Mao’s surprise, Twilight unceremoniously refused, “Sorry, I’m busy, I’ll talk about it later.” Similarly, Fuyuma and Wen Liang asked the police officers they knew, and they were both tight-lipped and refused to disclose any information to the two. Fuyuma always felt that this case was very strange, and Officer Shiratori didn’t seem to want outsiders to interfere at all, which was very different from the previous attitude.

After hanging up the phone, Twilight said with a serious face: “Sato, Hakuba, you guys listen to me!” This case is a secret within the police department and must not be brought to outsiders. ”


56-year-old police chief Kirito Oda, 56, is watching TV in the crime department’s office.

Current affairs news was being broadcast on television, and the beautiful female announcer said, “Two current criminal police officers were shot, according to the investigation, the bullet casings used by the gangsters were completely consistent, and the police have preliminarily believed that the murderer is the same person.” ”

However, no matter how tense the atmosphere and how much the smell of gunsmoke permeated the entire sky over Tokyo, some things still had to go on as usual.

For example, a wedding party that has long been scheduled.

Mihua Sun Plaza Hotel gathered many well-known people from all walks of life today, of course, the most are the police officers of the Metropolitan Police Department.

It’s not that there was any murder here, but because today is the wedding banquet scene of Shiratori Saro and Harutsuki Kosaburo, the sister of the Shiratori Police Department.

And as the chief of Shiratori, Fuyuma naturally received an invitation, so he took his girlfriend Ayako Suzuki and Xiao Mo to the fifteenth floor banquet site by elevator.

Of course, they were accompanied by the Maori trio, and the second young lady of Yuanzi, who insisted on following.

In the elevator, Maori constantly complained: “Shiratori’s sister really picks the time!” Wedding banquets are held at this time. ”

Xiao Landao, “That’s also something that can’t be helped. ”

“The date was set a month ago.” Yuanzi also said.

“And this is not a formal wedding banquet, just a wedding celebration!” Ayako said with a smile.

Conan, on the other hand, looked at the handsome boy next to him in amazement and said, “But it’s really strange, you actually came…”

Haibara was helpless, “I want you to take care of it!” I heard that there are many beautiful women here, so I am going to come and watch Fuyuma! ”

Conan laughed, “Control the winter horse? You’d better save it…”

When he came to the registration office, Fuyuma wrote down his name with a stroke of his pen, which immediately attracted the starry eyes of the hostess at the front desk, who had obviously heard of the name of God Pure Demon Purification.

Although Maori Kogoro, who later wrote his name, is also a nationally renowned detective, after all, Maori is already an uncle, while Fuyuma is a handsome young handsome man, so naturally he cannot be treated equally.

Therefore, Xiao Mo’s face was extremely ugly at this time, but she could not do anything except kick the feet of the winter horse.

And Fuyuma likes to see this funny expression, although he thinks “I want to make you look good”, but physically he can’t do anything at all.

Especially when this funny expression appeared on the face of Xiao Moi, the tsundere little guy.

“Your writing is still so ugly!” At this moment, a mature and beautiful figure came in, it was Yingli, who had not been seen for many days. _

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