PS: Thanks for the monthly pass support of “**”.

“Going together?” Dongma was stunned, and then saw the suitcase placed next to the roadside car.

“Speaking of which, why are you carrying luggage?” Xiaolan also asked suspiciously.

“Huh? Didn’t this imp tell you? Heiji also asked suspiciously.

Immediately, everyone saw Conan’s face change, obviously remembering something.

Conan was even more surprised, “Huh? The words on the phone were not said casually! ”

“So what to do? We weren’t prepared at all! Xiao Lan glared at Conan dissatisfied, “Conan…!” ”

“It’s okay, if there is anything unprepared, you can use mine, in order to prevent Heiji, this stupid bastard, did not notify, so I specially prepared Xiaolan’s share, you just need to bring a change of clothes.” Kazuha glared at Heiji.

So, the next day, everyone came to a cruise ship bound for a small island.

“Speaking of which, which island are we going to?” On the deck, Xiaolan leaned against the railing and asked suspiciously.

“That small island is called American Island, although it is a small island in the lonely sea, but people in the vicinity call it another name, the island inhabited by mermaids.” Heiji said with a smile.

“Mermaid?” Maori asked suspiciously.

“Yes, I also heard that there is an old woman who lives a hundred years old by eating mermaid meat.”

Hearing this, Xiaolan immediately said excitedly: “You are talking about the old woman who caused the topic three years ago because of immortality!” ”

“That’s right, I came with Heiji to know the secret of immortality.” Kazuha said excitedly.

“If you really want to live forever, I can introduce someone to you… A young girl who has preserved her human body and lived for at least a century…” said Fuyuma with a smile.

However, even Xiao Lan and Ye didn’t believe it, Xiao Lan even chuckled and waved her hand: “What kind of joke, how can there be such a person…”

Although he believes in vampires, monsters and mermaids, he does not believe in the more likely immortal humans, and for such a Xiaolan, Dongma can only shake his head helplessly.

On the other side, regardless of the two women who had been discussing enthusiastically, Maori asked suspiciously, “Then the client who came to you this time won’t just let you help find mermaids, right?” ”

Heiji smiled when he heard this, “On the contrary, the letter was commissioned to write a few cursive words, and it can be seen that it was written in a hurry…”

“The mermaid is about to be killed, come to her… Interesting content. Listening to Heiji’s narration, Fuyuma showed a rare expression of interest.

However, Conan yawned at this time, did not look at Heiji, who shouted for him to listen carefully, rolled the eyes of the dead fish and said lightly: “The mermaid is in the story of the call, only a fool will believe a mermaid.” ”

“Not necessarily, Conan,” Fuyuma looked meaningfully at the smaller detective, and said in that ethereal voice, “Maybe this time, you can see the real thing…”

“Hmph…” Conan snorted, then turned his head, but Fuyuma knew that this guy was still secretly wary in his heart.

Because of himself, he has shown inhuman abilities in front of Conan many times.

Then Heiji suddenly whispered to Fuyuma and Conan: “I don’t really believe in mermaids, I don’t really believe in mermaids, I don’t know what makes me curious is the letter sent by the client, although the envelope has my name written on it, but the beginning of the letter is Kudo Shinichi Baiqi… Don’t hurry up and thank me yet? I think it may have something to do with the black-clad organization, so I specially brought you with me!” ”

“So have you contacted the client to determine what happened?” Fuyuma asked, pulling the conversation away from the Black-clad organization.

“She did leave her mobile phone number as a means of contact when she sent me a letter, but when I pressed the second time, she couldn’t get through. And the first time I called, I was cut off halfway, and the voice on the other end of the phone, in addition to the sound of the waves, was only the cry of a woman…”

“Could it be…”

“Turned into a mermaid?!”

Xiaolan and Ye hugged together and exclaimed.

After asking the island’s civil affairs department, everyone got a surprising answer.

“What do you say? The whereabouts of the door association yarn ori are now unknown! Maori shouted.

“Yes, she didn’t go to work at her workplace three days ago.” The staff replied.

“Three days … It was exactly the time when the letter arrived at me. Heiji looked down and mused.

“But the neighbors are saying if she will sneak a boat to the main island… It’s almost time, I have to go and prepare for the celebration on the island, sorry to leave. The staff suddenly looked at his watch and said.


“Today is the time for our island’s annual ‘Dugong Festival’, so if you want to know something, you can ask about the souvenir shop at the corner where weaving works.” After that, the staff left the civil administration office with the others.

When she came to the souvenir shop, Xiaolan was immediately dazzled by Ling Lang’s variety of mermaid-related products.

“This island is really closely related to mermaids…” Xiaolan praised.

“You can tell from the name of their celebration, isn’t ‘dugong’ a synonym for mermaid?” Fuyuma said with a smile.

On the other hand, Maori is talking to the hostess, who does not seem to be wary of the outsider of Maori as an outsider, probably because there are many tourists here every year.

“Dugong’s arrow?” The two seem to have talked about this topic.

“It is an amulet of immortality, and only three are awarded to three villagers every year at the annual dugong festival. Saori accidentally lost the Dugong Arrow she got last year, so she looked scared a week ago…”

“I’m afraid the mermaid will come to her for revenge!” _

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