“Very interesting intelligence, so it seems that Kira is most likely a student!” L said confidently.

“Huh?!” Night God and the others were surprised.

Thinking that the crowd did not believe his reasoning, L continued: “Of course, the reason is not only this, according to the fact that Kira only kills criminals, it is obvious that he acts based on his own sense of justice, and even the idea of becoming a god. I have to say that this is very naïve psychology … Of course, this does not mean that it must be a student, but I remind you not to think that it is impossible for anyone to become a prisoner! ”

“No, we don’t mean anything else…” explained the night god awkwardly.

“However, we already know about the fact that the prisoner is likely to be a student!” Yuki said with a smirk.

“Oh? I’m interested, who was the first police officer to come up with this hypothesis? L asked curiously, but then seemed to remember something and suddenly said, “Oh, I almost forgot, this time the head of the search headquarters should be the god who purifies the devil.” ”

“Hello…” Fuyuma greeted lightly.

L also said politely: “Long admired the daimyo, Mr. Fuyuma Uejo.” Since you are the Minister of Search, may I ask a rash question? ”

“Excuse me, Mr. L.” Dongma nodded lightly.

“Then I will ask directly, do you have any suggestions for the next search for Kira?” As soon as L’s question came out, it aroused the unanimous angry eyes of all the police officers.

“I don’t even know who the other party is, I don’t know my identity, personality, and life experience, how can I have any search policy.” Lily Gen, who looked like a good old man, also said dissatisfied.

However, Fuyuma seemed unconcerned, “I really don’t have any opinion on the search policy, but I have a slight guess about Kira’s actions after tomorrow.” ”

“Oh? I would like to hear about it. L said with great interest.

“Starting tomorrow, or maybe a few days from now, the time of death of the perpetrators is likely to be fixed…” said Fuyuma.

“What?!” The night god was shocked, and did not seem to have reacted to what was going on.

But several people outside of ST’s team leader Yurigen all had a thoughtful expression, obviously thinking of something.

“It’s a possibility,” L nodded in agreement, “Then let’s wait for Kira’s reaction tomorrow.” ”

So, starting the next day, the exact same number of deaths was found for two consecutive days.

“What? 23 died today, too! The night god said furiously, “One person dies in an hour, is Kira looking down on us!” ”

Yurigen mused: “Then according to this point of view, the line that prisoners are students is a little unlikely, and even employees who work on weekdays can be basically excluded…”

Dongma naturally didn’t care about this, but someone couldn’t help but retort in an instant.

“Leader, are you an idiot?” The person who refuted was none other than ST’s Yuki, “Whether it’s a student or an office worker, can’t you do this by taking two days off?” ”

“So, it’s also…” said Yurigen with a sneer.

“Then look at it for a few more days, if it is still so, we should be able to exclude the student line…”

However, before the night god could finish speaking, he was coldly interrupted by Dongma: “Night God section leader, I doubt that you, the head of the search first section, became the leader through illegal means!” ”

“Kamijo is right, even if you are the minister, you can’t slander me so baselessly! Don’t forget, we’re in the same class! The night god’s face changed and said angrily.

However, Fuyuma still looked at him with a good look, “However, your intelligence makes it hard for me to believe that you are innocent…”

“What do you mean by that?!” The night god waited for Fuyuma Road.

“Indeed, from the current situation, the student line can no longer be used as the main direction of investigation. But it’s not what our Kira classmates want to tell us…” Fuyuma had no choice but to explain patiently.

“So what does he want to prove?” The night god wondered.

“So I said you have a problem with your IQ… You don’t wonder why you kill someone every hour and still be a prisoner who can immediately confirm the time of death? Fuyuma asked with a sneer.

Without waiting for them to answer, Fuyuma then said the answer.

“Because he wants to prove to us that he is free to manipulate the time of the target’s death!”

“How is it possible to do such a thing?!” Yurigen was shocked, and the night god also had an ugly face, and looked at Fuyuma’s eyes as if to say, ‘Are you teasing me!’ ’

“Of course it’s possible, since supernatural events such as killing people in the air and being able to paralyze people’s hearts have happened, I don’t think anything can’t happen…” Fuyuma said lightly.

But then he laughed again, “But there’s one thing I’m sure of.” ”

“What’s going on?” Yurigen wondered.

“At least there shouldn’t be any problem with the fact that he is a young man, after all, to be able to fight back against our search headquarters and L so squarely, I can only say that it takes a little courage and middle two qi!”

“Wait, Zheng Zheng, why are you getting more confused the more you say about me, when did Kira issue a challenge?” Lily Root scratched his head and said, the night god was also confused, but he had just quarreled with Fuyuma, and he was not very embarrassed to speak, so he had to shut up and listen silently.

Fuyuma shook his head and didn’t answer, because this counterattack was useless even if he told them.

Once people plant the seeds of doubt in their hearts, they will one day grow into towering trees, and the difference is only a matter of early time.

PS: Thanks to “Lan Hengjie”, “qwe6118455”, and “-selfish desires” for their monthly pass support. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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