“This joke is not funny at all…” Ray tried to deny it.

But Fuyuma continued unmoved:

“Of course, this alibi cannot be established at all if the room at the top of the stairs is not chosen. Therefore, you deliberately chose the room on the first and second floors, because the only room that meets the conditions is the one on the fifth floor closest to the right. ”

“And in your plan, just turn on the lights in the leftmost room on the first floor, then go to this room on the same floor to set up the mechanism, and then bring a pistol and a football to the second floor, and turn on the lights in the three rooms on the second floor that you are responsible for.”

“Then let Xiao Lan and Kazuha, who were in charge of the command outside, notice that the room in the lower right corner did not have the light on, and then you told them that you would immediately turn on the light, kick the ball down the stairs, and shoot the reporter while turning on the light. After that, just drop the gun, go back to the room where the mechanism is set up, restore the arrangement, and stick your head out so we can see you. ”

“Am I right, Mr. Ray Cadiz?” Fuyuma asked with a smile.

“Your reasoning is so good that even I doubt that you may have gone to the United States to write detective novels like that Kudo Yusaku from your country, because in my opinion, your reasoning process is very interesting…”

Ray smiled indifferently.

“But it’s just fun! Because you forgot a little, remember what Miss Xiaolan said? It only takes about three seconds from turning on the lights to hearing the gunshot, and in such a short time, you tell me how I can finish kicking the ball, knock on the door of Ed’s room, wait for Ed to open the door, and then shoot him… You can’t do it in three seconds! ”

“So let’s look the other way around, what if instead of playing first, we knock first?” Fuyuma asked with a smile.

“What?!” Ray exclaimed.

“That’s right, you just have to knock on the door first, then go back to the stairs to kick the ball, then go back to the door that was opened by Ed, and in the process of re-approaching Ed, have a conversation with Xiaolan through the walkie-talkie, and then shoot while confirming that the downstairs light is on.”

“Three seconds, more than enough!” Dongma said coldly.

“Of course, here I want to say by the way, this mechanism can also be done by rope or thread or something, so it is entirely possible that Mr. Ricaruto, who is in charge of the upper right room on the top floor, is also completely likely to commit the crime. But the crime scene is on the second floor where you are responsible, and it is impossible to complete the murder without letting you see it! Of course, Mike on the third floor is also unlikely to commit a crime. ”

Speaking of this, Dongma saw Conan coming from a distance, and then said with a smile: “Then the next thing, leave it to this little fan of yours, it looks like he has something to tell you.” ”

After that, Fuyuma sat down on the steps and looked at Conan, who was a little dejected.

‘Then let me see, your justice! Fuyuma thought to himself.

“Although I don’t want to say that, but Ray, you are the only one who can commit crimes!” Conan said in a low tone.

“But children, if you shoot, there will be a gunsmoke reaction, but I don’t, do I?” Ray defended.

“Because the police check the place where the smoke reaction is usually only around the cuffs and cuffs, not the inside of the clothes!” Conan said with a sad face.

That is, just take off your coat at the time of the crime, put your pants and shirt back and shoot, then put on your coat before leaning out the window, and then take advantage of the gap to put your pants and shirt back on. In this case, no matter how you check it, you will not check the smoke reaction. ”

As he spoke, Conan took out the gas needle he had found in the trash with his gloved hand.

“Then I pierced the football with this thing and hid this gas needle in my clothes, but unfortunately I found it in the trash can in that room when you first came out of that room.” At the souvenir counter at the evening venue, there was also a deflated football. ”

“But on what basis do you prove that this is mine?” Ray asked.

“Because that reporter said, you are a prisoner!” Conan replied in a deep voice.

“Ed’s right hand died in a fixed gesture when eating sushi, and his left hand held the belt, which is band in English…”

“You may not know that there is a code word in sushi restaurants that is used among the staff. And the word band stands for 8… In other words, what he wants to express is your jersey number, number 8! ”

Speaking of this, it seemed to feel unusual irony, and Conan revealed an ugly wry smile.

“But what you just said is not ironclad evidence, my agent brought me spare pants and shirts, and the reason is simply because I sweated. If you have old clothes, you should have washed them in the washing machine. Lei said with a very helpless expression.

“What about the shoes?” Fuyuma asked with a smile behind him.

“The smoke from the revolver is emitted in a radiant manner, which means that not only the clothes and hands on the face, but also the shoes will be stained with the gunsmoke reaction… So that’s hard evidence! ”

Looking at the dead face of Lei, Fuyuma felt that there was no need to stay here, so he said hello to Conan, Otaki and the others, and while staying at the dinner he had booked for tonight, he came to the top suite of a hotel a few kilometers away.

Speaking of which, probably most people already know what this evening meal is.

That’s right, it’s Heisei Kahime, Mai Twilight, who signed the contract at the evening party before and is expected to join her entertainment empire in a few days.

Of course, as a generation of singers, Dongma said that she is not only beautiful and in good shape, but also has this wonderful good voice.

So good that in the evening, let the ears of the winter horse immerse themselves in the top enjoyment.

Even though in fact her voice was more crying and screaming, Fuyuma heard it very well……_

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