“And this method is also very simple, as long as you write in the message note of that plan, ‘wait until you enter the tunnel, start acting’, then with the clock and the schedule calculated in advance, Takagi can smoothly make it impossible to communicate through his mobile phone, and then have to leave the prisoner here and leave alone.”

And at this time, although he affirmed that he killed this line, Kogoro was very concerned about one thing, “Judging from the amount of blood from the corpse, the murderer should also have a lot of blood stains on his body, such a person swaggering out, he will definitely be discovered by other passengers and arouse suspicion, right?” ”

“Then Xiaolan, did you see anyone go out from here at that time?” Fuyuma asked.

“No, no one has ever come out except Officer Takagi.” Xiaolan replied.

Hearing this, Mao Li said: “This is a headache, we are in the third car, and this toilet is between the third and fourth compartments, so it seems that the prisoner can only run in the other direction, but the problem is that there are still ten carriages there, how to find so many passengers…”

“And there is also the question, which is how did the murderer convey to Ogura that he told him to go to the toilet?” Miwako wondered, and then asked Takagi if anyone had seen anyone passing by, but Takagi only gave an ambiguous answer, probably because he was too nervous at the time and did not pay much attention to the people walking around.

But although he did not remember, there were still people who remembered.

This person is our Grim Reaper elementary school student Conan Children’s Shoes.

So with his help, everyone found the three men who walked next to Takagi almost at the same time, and began to ask why they passed next to Takagi.

The first to answer was Iwakuni Tatsumo, “Before, my position was in the fourth row behind you, because the carriage behind me suddenly became very noisy for some reason, which affected me so much that I couldn’t hear the live horse race, so I moved to the front compartment. ”

Compared to the tall Iwakuni, the second Tokuyama Hoo who answered was a stocky man, “At that time, I was on my way back to my work after buying coffee, and I seem to have heard rumors of a bomb in the car. ”

The last one was a younger, emaciated man named Akira Akashi, “I also heard that the car had been bombed, so I was a little scared and decided to move to the front compartment.” ”

“If Iwakuni-san and Akashi-san seem to have newspapers at the time?” Fuyuma asked.

“Yes, I really have to say that the man named Tokuyama also read the newspaper in his seat.” Iwakuni looked at the chubby Tokuyama and sneered.

“Then please three must cooperate with our investigation, and bring those three newspapers and Mr. Tokuyama’s coffee cans for us to check, there should be no inconvenience in this, right?” Fuyuma asked with a smile.

Naturally, there would be no one for such a thing, and soon three newspapers and coffee cans were on the ground.

“In other words, all three of them appeared at Shin-Osaka Station and bought these things at the convenience store on the platform?” Kogoro looked at it for a long time and found that there seemed to be no problem.

Iwa, Tokuyama, and Akashi bought “Horse Racing No. 7”, “Chaoyang News Daily”, and “Nippon Buy Sports” respectively, of course, there was no word on the three newspapers or toilets, there were no holes or blood stains, and it seemed that there were no flaws, but Fuyuma had already locked people.

Because he found one, subtle evidence revealed in the newspaper.

“I know who the prisoner is!” Fuyuma said with a smile.

“Vigilante, do you really know?!” Takagi said with great joy, because for him, as long as he caught the murderer this time, at least the removal from office was absolutely impossible.

Of course, small penalties such as salary cuts are not less, but they are better than direct dismissal.

“Lord Fuyuma, who is the prisoner?” Miwako hurriedly asked.

However, Fuyuma acted unhurriedly, just constantly scanning back and forth between the three with his gaze.

“The point of this case is, how did the prisoner reveal the information of ‘going to the toilet’ to the suspect without attracting Takagi’s attention?”

“Yes, it’s really critical.” Miwako nodded.

“But the question is, how exactly did the prisoner do it?” Maori wondered.

“It’s simple, using the kind of thing these three people carry when they pass by the prisoner…” Fuyuma replied with a smile.

“News and filling coffee?” Miwako said thoughtfully.

“Yes, there is a hint of letting the dead go to the toilet!”

“Where? Where is that hint! Kogoro exclaimed.

“Isn’t it very clear? In addition to the Japanese saying, there is also an imported language saying for toilets… W.C. Ah! Dongma said with a smile, “And the most obvious thing is naturally that daily purchase sports…”

“Ah! It’s the World Cup! Takagi shouted.

Because there are many ways to write the World Cup in Japan, and one of them is a combination of capital W and ‘cup’ as is the headline in sports newspapers now.

In Japan, a magical country, the kanji “cup” can also be read as cup in English.

Thus, the code word W.C is completed.

Moreover, in order to make it easier for Ogura to discover this code, the prisoner should have specially clamped the newspaper under his armpit and pointed the headline in the direction of Ogura. Then as he passed Ogura and Takagi’s seat, he quietly pointed to the title with his hand, and Ogura would find an excuse to go to the toilet as he wanted. ”

Looking at someone whose eyes had never looked at them squarely, Fuyuma was even more convinced of his reasoning, which was an expression of obvious weakness.

“I’m right, the only one holding this sports newspaper at the time… Mr. Akira Akashi! ”

The sharp gaze pierced Akira Akashi, who had a surprised face.

The young man who always looked out the window and always had an attitude of not caring about himself was now less calm than before. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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