“I remember, Miss Kusano, and Kenzaki starred in Detective Zuo Text, right?” Xiao Lan said suddenly.

“Yes…” It was not Kaoru Kusano or Osamu Kenzaki who answered her, but another beautiful woman who suddenly pushed the door in at this time.

Fashionable dress, people can see at a glance that she is taking the X route.

“I’m about to wait until today’s TV series starts, everyone watches and teases them together!”

“Ah, it’s Yue Ye Xueyi!” Xiaolan said excitedly.

“What an exaggerated nail, Xiaoxue.” Kenzaki laughed.

Hearing Kenzaki’s praise, Yue Yexue seemed to be very happy, smiled and raised his hand to show off the carefully decorated nails.

“It’s beautiful, this set of fake nails…”

“But it’s a pity…” said Kogoro with a regretful look, “Yoko Okino, Yuki Yuki Yuki, Kaoru Kusano, there are only four of them together!” ”

Everyone glanced at each other when they heard this, and then ignored Kogoro’s emotion and prepared to enter the room.

At this moment, Fuyuma felt someone coming outside the door.

Then he smiled and said to Kogoro, “Uncle Maori, you should get together now.” ”


“Didn’t you say there was still one left? That’s just the right time, four people! Fuyuma said with a smile.

At this time, the woman outside the door had already pushed the door and walked in.

However, he did not come in directly, but put his foot against the door, leaned against the door, and said lightly with a lady’s cigarette: “Alla, I seem to hear someone calling me…”

“Huimei!” Yoko Okino exclaimed in surprise.

Kogoro exclaimed even more excitedly, “Ah! ”

However, as the owner here, Kaoru Kusano seemed to be very cold to the people who came, “Ala, Sister Hui is also here…”

The black-haired woman at the door, wearing a dark-toned shawl, looked at everyone lightly like an iceberg, “Yes, Yoko said that he would let me come over if he wanted me, but if you think I am in the way, I will leave now.” ”

Hearing this, Yoko immediately ran over to dissuade him: “Don’t say that, finally the earth girls gathered again, come in and come in!” ”

“Earth girl?” Conan said suspiciously.

“Of course you don’t know!” He looked at Conan meaningfully.

When Fuyuma heard this, he also smiled and explained: “The aroma of Kaoru Kusano, representing the prairie; Yuno Snow represents the majestic and steep white snow mountains; Hoshino Terumi represents the shining night sky; and Yoko Okino is naturally the sparkling blue ocean.” So when the four people first came out of the group, they were called Earth Girls! ”

“Oh,” Conan replied, but pouted in his heart, “So it is, the names of all four people contain the beautiful natural scenery of the earth. ”

Yue Ye said, “However, because of the discord between Huimi and Fumi, the group was later disbanded, and the only one who still insists on singing is Yoko.” ”

“If the four of you will be able to perform together again, it will be exciting just to think about it.” Fuyuma said with a smile.

“President!” Yoko said embarrassedly.

In the face of Dongma’s praise, others naturally laughed happily, after all, the president of the domestic giant oligarchic brokerage company praised him so much, they are also people, and they will also have vanity.

But then Yoko brought the topic back again, “But then again, I didn’t expect that the first of us to get married would be the youngest smoke.” ”

“I was also surprised, I originally thought that Sister Hui would be the first to get married.” Kusanodo Road.

“Speaking of which, Huimei.” Following the topic, Yue Ye suddenly asked, “Didn’t you say that you already have a sweetheart?” ”

“yes, yes, how is it with that guy now? Is there a confession? Yoko asked excitedly.

Dongma and the others who were listening next to them couldn’t cut into the topic, after all, they were all the topics of their girlfriends, and it was not easy for them to interrupt even if they could keep up.

Huimei, who had been wearing an iceberg expression when she heard this, suddenly blushed, and then said pretending to be calm: “There is no follow-up…”

“And instead of stepping into the grave called marriage, it is better to maintain unrequited love and silently guard him all the time, so that the dream will not be shattered.”

“Hey! What do you mean by that! Kaoru Kusano, dissatisfied asked.

Yoko also hurriedly eased the atmosphere, and it seemed that Huimi also realized that she had said the wrong thing, so she took a puff of her cigarette and changed the subject: “Speaking of which, who is he?” This mustache with a small child. ”

When Yue Ye heard this, he immediately echoed: “Yes, I am also strange, is it Kenzaki’s brother?” ”

“No…” Maori was just about to explain, when suddenly a man came out of the living room inside, this person Fuyuma knew, it was Kuma, Kaoru Kuma’s agent.

“That, almost detective left text is about to start, said that you want to read it together, right?” The hesitant tone is a cowardly man at first glance, but most strong artists will have this type of agent around them, not so much people who develop business for artists, but more precisely miscellaneous.

Seeing his agent, Kaoru Kusano seemed to be in a worse mood, and directly turned his head and said: “I don’t look, take advantage of this time to take a bath, and call me after the broadcast…”

With that, he walked to the bath room inside.

“However, the freshly cooked dish is going to be cold, so it’s best to join everyone…”

As soon as Kuma-atsu spoke, Kaoru Kusano, who was in front of him, turned his head angrily and said viciously, “I’m bored!” I said don’t look at it! You unplanted fellow, don’t tell me anything! ”

“I’m sorry…” whispered.

“Hey! Smoke…” Kenzaki seemed dissatisfied with Smoke’s attitude and immediately chased after him.

The other three people of the Earth Girl seemed to be accustomed to the situation just now, and Yue Ye said with a smile: “She is still like that, as long as there are TV series or shots in which she starred, she will not dare to watch it with everyone because she is shy.” ”

At this time, Yoko suddenly said: “The plan… Plan to pass り! “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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