“Then, the sentence will officially begin.”

The next day, at the Tamatamazo Hakusa Hotel in Tamizuku Onsen, with the words of Mr. Ando, the sentence meeting with one less person officially began.

“This time, there will be a total of 14, so that Mr. Fuyuma, who is a novice, can also participate, so I will use the rules of text solitaire.”

In the atrium of the hotel, people sit in a circle, while Yasu and Tsubaki of the Shimane Prefectural Police watch the crowd through floor-to-ceiling windows in the lobby on the first floor.

“Text Solitaire?”

“That’s right, as long as you follow this rule, you can leave everything else alone.”

After clarifying the rules, Ando said again: “Today, let’s start with haiku related to trees, then say a sentence with something fierce, of course, it is best to use what we can usually use, and finally add a few sentences about the season and seasons, add a sentence about the moon, two or three sentences about love, the thirteenth sentence is a theme of words, and the last sentence ends with a happy spring.” ”

“Well, I can’t promise I’ll get it right,” Fuyuma laughed casually.

“Well, you can try it first.” Ando smiled and comforted, “Then let’s talk about it now.” ”

“Each of the four is a very good haiku, but since today is mainly to pay homage to Mr. Ushiwa’s undead, then let’s use his sentence.”

Saying that, Ando Sensei wrote the first sentence in a book that recorded fourteen consecutive sentences.

“So, who’s going to do the ribs?” Ando asked.

“What is a rib sentence?” Maori wondered.

“Obviously, it’s the second sentence after the sentence.” Fuyuma replied casually, although he didn’t know much about haiku either, he still had no problem understanding it literally.

Ando-sensei nodded when he heard this, and added a little: “That’s right, but it must have the same rhyme as the sentence, and it must also add punctuation.” ”

“Then I’ll throw the bricks and lead the jade…” Shiina raised his hand first, then looked at the haiku paper in his hand and read the “Shichichi-style” rib sentence he had made.

“In the silence, Mu Shi fell.”

“Very good sentence…” As if the teacher treated the work of the students, Ando praised with a smile, and wrote the sentence on the book on the low table.

Then it was Yagizawa who hesitated for a moment, then finished writing on haiku paper and said, “It’s done… The moonlight was bright, followed by Dracula, and he added a sentence. ”

Hearing this, the Maori trio were surprised, but nodded with a smile, “It’s very interesting, Dracula’s fierce character is also very innovative.” ”

“So, is that okay?” Lee asked cautiously, because the sentences were so unfashionable, it could even be said that they were not the best in Japanese haiku culture.

After all, Dracula, the Romanian piercing count, appeared in the haiku, which was really full of a sense of discord.

But Ando said with a smile: “After all, we are just a friendship meeting, not really such a serious literary research group, and the third sentence of the sentence is originally very imaginative, so as to pave the way for the later haiku.” ”

Next is Misugi Kawaguchi,” the handout is, Made in Japan. ”

It sounds like a very simple sentence. But in fact, Misugi also deliberately uses the word Po here.

That is, although they mean the same thing, the words are pronounced in English.

So actually, the pronunciation of her sentence should be something like, “text is, made-in-japan.”

“In that case, it’s better to say that text rhymes.” Ando pointed.

(Of course, the above ones are pronounced with katakana)

“It’s a little simpler, but it’s okay.” Ando smiled and made another note.

“Fuyuma-kun, it’s up to you next, according to the rule of text following 1ong, you must start with HA as the beginning.”

“Then although it is not very neat, I will use this sentence.” Fuyuma raised his hand and wrote his own sentence on the haiku paper.

“Show you the prisoner, arrest it, detective!”

“How?” Dongma smiled and glanced at everyone.

“Although the detective and the vampire are a bit overlapping, it sounds a bit jumpy, but it’s not bad for beginners.” Ando replied after being stunned for a moment.

Then lift her pen, because it’s her next.

Soon, she had written the sentence, “The purpose of this trip is to discover God’s secrets.” ”

“It is worthy of being an assistant teacher of the national liberal arts, admire.” Fuyuma said with a smile.

“The momentum of the detective was dispersed with a wave.” Shiina also applauded lightly.

But it’s as simple as passing the level, but it doesn’t work.” ’

Then naturally it was Shiina’s turn, “Great ape, face looks alike, neighbor’s child.” ”

The humorous sentence made Xiaolan couldn’t help but laugh.

“Interesting, right?” Listening to Xiaoran’s laughter, Shiina said with a smile, “The seventh word ‘o’ is the point. ”

Fuyuma’s eyes flashed, but there was no way to determine what he wanted to say.

So the sentence would continue, and until the penultimate sentence, Conan still found nothing.

The Anlai Police Department, which was watching next to him, couldn’t help but come over and ask, “Detective Māori, did you find anything?” ”

Although he wanted to ask Fuyuma more, it was obvious that this kind of presumptuous and distrustful of other people’s questions appeared, and he did not dare to raise it directly to a police officer, so he could only ask Maori this detective.

However, Detective Maori Kogoro could only apparently give him a speechless answer, “Nothing was found!” ”

And Conan couldn’t bear it a little, and asked Dongma in a low voice: “There are still three sentences left, Dongma, do we take the initiative to attack?” ”

Fuyuma, who already knew almost what the prisoner was going to do, wanted to object, but after thinking about it, it seemed that there was no problem in making a little temptation, so he nodded and agreed to Conan’s proposal.

“Then, let me open the situation first!” Conan thought with a serious face. _

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