“Well, did that guy really use monitoring equipment?” Fuyuma asked about this time while holding Sekawa.

“Yes…,” Segawa said as he lay limply in Fuyuma’s arms.

“And what happened?”

“No, Kira seems to know where the camera is in his room, and he didn’t show the slightest flaw at all, and he killed several criminals who just aired on the news that day.” Segawa seems to have a bit of a hard time understanding things that are too highly intelligent.

So Fuyuma asked her about the details of the time in order to clear up her doubts.

At that time, it was just after dinner, and Ye Shenyue went upstairs with original potato chips as usual to start reviewing his homework. And there was no problem with the situation at that time, eating potato chips while answering practice questions, and nothing special happened in it…”

Segawa said suspiciously, obviously not understanding how Yashingetsu did it.

Dongma, on the other hand, thought a little and gave the answer.

“Since he only did two things, answering questions and eating potato chips, the possibility that can come to mind in determining that he is Kira is what he did in these two things.”

“I don’t think L will be stupid enough not to install a monitoring probe on the ceiling, so it is impossible to make a fuss directly on the answer sheet exposed under the lens, otherwise L would have come to arrest people long ago.”

Therefore, according to Sherlock Holmes’ law, exclude all the impossible, then the remaining one must be the truth even if it is impossible!

“The only thing left where something could go wrong is on the bag of chips.” Fuyuma goes straight to the heart of the matter.

“Did anyone check the garbage thrown out of the Overnight God’s house the next day?” Fuyuma asked.

“No, because the next day was garbage collection day, so it was quickly taken away by the sanitation company.” Segawa replied.

“Sure enough, that guy from the night god moon probably put the small video recorder in the potato chip packaging bag, but take advantage of the gap between taking potato chips, and take potato chips out while writing.”

“I said, no wonder I always think that his action of taking potato chips that day is a little strange, it turns out that he did so many things in that instant!” Segawa said abruptly.

“But it looks like our L didn’t find anything?”

“Yes,” Miwako on the other side of Fuyuma replied, “but according to Nanku’s report, it seems that L is ready to take further action.” ”

“How to go further?” Fuyuma asked with an amused expression.

“He really wants to take the entrance exam to Toto University,” Miwako replied.

“So, he’s going to go straight to the university to fight him head-on?” Fuyuma asked with a smile.

“It looks like that’s how it should be.” Miwako nodded.

“Well, then, I also received an invitation from Dongdu University, and I said that I had to continue watching the play!” Fuyuma said excitedly.

However, before he could experience the university trip again, he was invited by Xiaolan again and began another hot spring trip with the Maori trio.

Speaking of which, why did Xiaolan and them draw such a jackpot that is usually impossible for anyone to draw every time they are so lucky?

In this regard, Dongma can only attribute it to the great power of the two gods of death.

However, this time, when they were preparing to go to the hot spring, they were suddenly attracted by a celebration-like event.

Well, Xiaolan was actually the only one who was attracted.

Arriving at the scene of the campfire requiem dance, a leading old man began to explain to them the origin of this ceremony.

“During the Warring States period, a samurai named Okika Hideyu once persuaded his lord Ohara Genbu to abolish the evil government that mistreated the people, but this instead attracted the wrath of Genmu and killed the entire Okinawa family.”

“Hideyu, who is desperate, put on the armor that he always wore when he went out on battles, and after killing his lord Xuanwu, he committed suicide by stabbing him in the throat with a knife.”

“To this day, Hideyu’s soul still wanders in this area, and anyone who sees his ghost is said to die in the end.”

“This festival of Chong Hwa Xiuyu is a ceremony held to enshrine the spirit of General Chong Hwa Xiuyu, and now the gown they passed on in this sacrificial dance represents the armor passed down by General Chong Hwa Xiu when he killed Xuanwu…”

Listening to the old man’s endless speech, Maori couldn’t help but complain, “Really, why would a trip to the hot springs become a boring dance for me to sit here and watch them do this boring dance…”

“However, this feels like a legend…” said Xiao Lan softly.

The old man on the other side was still gushing, “Tonight happens to be the 500th anniversary of Hideyu-sama’s death, and please enjoy this requiem dance slowly!” ”

“Thank you…” Although Maori was thanking him, as soon as the old man turned around, he began to urge Xiaolan, who seemed to be fascinated, “Xiaolan, that’s enough!” It’s almost time to head to the hot springs! ”

At this time, a man sitting behind them suddenly said: “The road to the hot spring has now been closed due to heavy snow.” ”

“Really!?” Maori was flabbergasted.

“Fuyuma, what should we do?!” Xiaolan finally panicked a little at this time, after all, what she was most afraid of was night and night.

“In that case, uncle, it seems that we can only find someone nearby to spend the night overnight, right?” Fuyuma said.

Because there are no hotels near here at all.

At this time, the man who told them about the road closure said again: “In this case, I know that there is a family called the gate in front of me, and I am planning to go there.” How about a few of you go with me if you don’t dislike it? ”

“Then it’s better to be respectful than to obey!” Kogoro said happily.

PS: Let’s open a new book, the title of the book is “The Lord God System of the Fighting Fish”, just uploaded today, I hope you can collect and click.

At the same time, please rest assured that this book will still be updated as usual and will not be affected by the new book. We also have to support ourselves by writing books, so waiting for an extra income is also very important for us.

So friends who have time, please click on the portal in the comments and collect our new book, thank you!

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