With the frightening sound of the clock at twelve, Mrs. Taki saw a figure walking through the shade of the trees on the opposite side of the courtyard.

When she looked closely, she was surprised to see the armor that had terrified her for countless days and nights.

At this time, the armor of the legendary General Hideyu seemed to be worn by its owner again, and the figure slowly moved on the snow.

As if she had decided that it was Hideyu’s wronged spirit, Mrs. Taki did not immediately call for help, but immediately closed the window, and came to the statue of the Buddha Hall, bowed deeply, and chanted the scripture tremblingly.

Praying for this horrible night, hurry up…


Early the next morning, just as everyone woke up, they suddenly heard a scream that resounded throughout the house.

Fuyuma and the others came out to take a look, and suddenly found the maid Chuhui who was running from the other side of the corridor in a hurry.

“Not good! Sir, he…”

“Did something happen?” Fuyuma hugged Hatsue and asked with concern.

“Sir, he… Died in the box! Chue said crying.

Maori and the others were shocked, “What did you say?!” ”

Without hesitation, Conan and Maori immediately ran to the side of the room, while Fuyuma handed Hatsumi to Xiaolan, and then followed, following the two rows of footprints left by Conan and Maori in front.

“Did something happen?” At this time, Ryoro, who heard their noise and came out to see the situation, asked suspiciously.

Chuhui couldn’t easily hold back her crying and replied again: “Young Master Lianglang, the master was killed in the room!” ”

“What!?” Liang Lang was shocked and immediately rushed to the room, and Xiao Lan involuntarily followed.

“Dad…!” Looking at Genichiro who fell in the center of the room, Ryoro shouted and prepared to enter.

But he was immediately stopped by Maori and said, “Don’t go in!” We need to protect the site! ”

“It looks like he was killed by a sharp blade piercing the heart, and he should have died on the spot.” Dongma looked at the corpse and came to a conclusion.

And then he glanced at the entire room and found that something very important was missing…

“That armor is gone! And there is also one less knife! Maori also discovered this at the direction of the winter horse.

Immediately afterwards, Fuyuma looked at the smashed Brandy bottle and the wine on the ground, and made this inference, “Judging from the scene, Mr. Genichiro should have been killed by the murderer while talking to brandy. ”

And while they were inspecting the scene, Taki and Kayoko came to the wing room under Hatsue’s lead, and apparently they all knew the situation.

But even so, seeing this scene, Takiko was sad and cried sadly.

“Who the hell is it? Made such a thing! Ryoro asked sadly.

With one last glance at the small table missing a pair of white socks, Fuyuma immediately stood up and walked towards the room.

At this time, Maori explained the current situation to the others, “There is only one entrance to the scene room, but I didn’t see any footprints on my way here…”

But before he finished speaking, Fuyuma found traces of prisoners entering and leaving in the bedroom inside.

Strictly speaking, the traces are actually outside the window, and the huge beast-like footprints left on the snow say it all.

“So it is, the murderer used this wall to block the footprints!” Conan said after seeing it.

Dongma nodded when he heard this, “And on the way here again, it happened to be blocked by rockeries and trees and did not see these traces.” ”

“Which is… Chuang single? Conan looked suspiciously at the white fabric peeking out of the closet.

“Fuyuma, have you found anything?” Maori who came in after carefully forcing away the body and the scene with everyone asked.

“There is a row of obvious marks outside the window, but it doesn’t look like normal human footprints…” Fuyuma said ambiguously, pointing out the window.

Everyone looked over and saw the huge footprints.

“What is it?” Maori exclaimed.

“Such a big footprint…” Xiao Lan was also surprised.

And at this moment, Mrs. Taki suddenly said a name with a look of fear: “Lord Hideyu …!” ”

“It must be General Hideyu! I saw him yesterday too! Taki said something that terrified Xiaoran.

“Yesterday, he walked through here wearing that armor!” Takiko said with a look of fear, “But I didn’t expect that the person I saw didn’t die, but Genichiro was killed by the curse of Lord Hideyu!” ”

There was nothing to say to Mrs. Takiko, who was in a strange mood, and Maori could only lead everyone outside the house, next to the huge footprints.

“Judging by the footprints, they follow the wings all the way to the back of the main house. In order not to destroy these footprints, we still returned to the main house the same way. First of all, we need to figure out where this footprint really extends! ”

Saying that, everyone detoured back to the main house again, and then made a circle through the corridor to the back door next to the kitchen.

Sure enough, the huge footprint did extend from the back – came in, and more importantly, everyone also found that the entrance of the back door did not stop there, but passed through the open back door, leaving a watermark on the wooden floor after the snow melted, and came to the door of the video room.

“Here it is… Video room! Kayoko exclaimed.

At this time, Fuyuma also crossed the footprints and came to the side of the video room, “If I remember correctly, yesterday Mr. Kazuki said that he was going to listen to music in the video room for the night, right?” ”

“That’s right! He likes to do this a lot of the time! Kayoko affirmed.

So Fuyuma did not hesitate to turn the door handle of the video room, but found that the door was locked.

“Kazuki-san!” Maori shouted while knocking on the door, but naturally there was no reaction inside.

Because Dongma Cha felt that there was no breath of life inside, how could there be a response? _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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