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“What happened to the villagers?” Sonoko asked suspiciously.

“I don’t know…,” Kumi Axeji shook his head, “but according to the villagers, it was probably eaten by the snow ghost…”

The soft and sticky voice, but at this time told a creepy story, the strong contrast made Xiaolan almost faint in fear, and could only tightly grasp Yuanzi’s arm.

The other girls screamed one after another, resounding through the silent snowy mountain-hill.

“Although this is indeed a small village in the past, there should never have been such a terrible thing.” Kuroki laughed gently, trying to calm everyone down.

But then the door was suddenly pushed open, and the women who were still in shock just now were suddenly startled again.

However, it was only Moriichiro who had just run out to go to the toilet who came in, “Hey, everyone! Not good! It’s snowing a lot outside! ”

“That’s not going to work!” Tsukimi hurriedly said, “Everyone must reach the mountain villa before the snow falls!” ”

“That’s what I said…” Kuroki nodded in agreement, “Then I will send you the plan of the wooden house first, and the rooms prepared for you will have lights on, and your names will be posted on the doors.” ”

Tsukimi reminded, “So be careful, don’t go wrong. ”

On the other side, Xiaolan and they also cleaned up the messy restaurant, and then followed Kuroki to confirm the situation of each guest in the mountain villa.

“I’m Kuroki, Miss Tsubakihara from House Six, do you have any other orders?” Kuroki asked through a luxury telephone doorbell that resembled the outside of a villa.

“Ah, it’s okay, Night.” Tsubakihara’s voice also came from inside.

Then everyone came to room two, “Miss Yun Ze, do you have any other orders?” ”

“Nothing, just want to ask what time is breakfast?”

“Tomorrow’s breakfast is seven in the morning.” Kuroki replied.

“It’s so early… Ah, it’s ten o’clock now, so good night, everyone! ”

“But President Tsukimi, what room do you live in?” Xiao Lan suddenly asked suspiciously, because it seemed that his room was not allocated.

However, Tsukimi, who seemed to have drunk too much, laughed and said, “Kuroki and Chef Matsushimada and I sleep in this cabin, but there is so much alcohol here, so it’s really not good when we will sleep!” Ahaha…”

The exaggerated smile and wayward demands made Secretary Kuroki and Chef Matsushimada black.

Putting on their ski shirts, the three girls walked to the resting place, while Fuyuma followed behind them as a protector.

“It’s snowing so much…” said Wen Xi with a smile, while looking at the winter horse behind him with a slight face.

Although Xiaolan and Yuanzi both noticed her changes, in their lives, such girls have become commonplace, so that they are not comparable to the beautiful night sky of the snow country in front of them.

“It’s nice to have snow that doesn’t stay overnight, especially in nature like this,” Xiao Lan said with a drunken smile.

“Yes, but tomorrow shoveling snow will become more troublesome…” Yuanzi still complained, although he had the body of the Death Prisoner’s dependent, but the troublesome things would still be troublesome.

After enjoying the snowy scene for a while, it seemed that Xiaolan remembered the horror legend of the snow ghost again, so she pulled Yuanzi into her room without hesitation, and although Yuanzi wanted to come out while she was asleep, she was held by Xiaolan’s strange power and couldn’t get out at all.

On the other hand, Dongma, at the invitation of Wenyad, came to her cabin room.

“Say, lovely Miss Bunji, is there something going on?” Fuyuma asked leisurely as he sat on the sofa.

Wen Chen, who was sitting across from him, looked a little embarrassed, “That… Uejo-kun…”


“…… I…… I want to… Become a star! The girl said intermittently, but the firm tone revealed in it was genuine.

“Then pass this campaign well, and then become the image spokesperson of this resort, then both advertisers and the directors of some idol dramas will notice you, so that you can become a star and become an idol?” Fuyuma said with a smile.

“Yes, but I’m worried…”

“Worried about competitors?” Fuyuma smiled.

“Yes!” Wen Xi said in a panic, “Originally, I thought that it was only me and Xiaolan and the three of them to compete, so I was sure enough to get the final spot. ”

“You really have confidence…” Fuyuma was still smiling.

“Because I know they don’t really care about opportunities like this.” Wen Xian said with certainty.

And in fact, she’s right.

“However, just now, Mr. Kuroki said that he would run among more than two dozen candidates, and I really have no certainty that I will stay in the end!” Wen Xi said dejectedly.

As a new high school artist, she knows how fierce competition can be in this industry.

And the reason why she chose this project is because the official launch of the project will not be next winter, so even after the selection, the official publicity and advertising will have to wait until half a year later, so it is natural that the competition will be smaller.

But she didn’t expect that there were as many as twenty-five competitors this time, even more fierce than some Tokyo magazine cover competitions.

“After all, it is the image spokesperson of a top resort in China, although the cycle is a little longer, but you can stay on it long enough, right?”

“But, I can’t afford to wait!” Wen Chen exclaimed excitedly, “It’s already hard for my family to accept that I wasted so much time outside of my studies, and I was given an ultimatum a few days ago, if I still can’t produce results within half a year, then let me go back to my hometown to study and leave the entertainment industry!” ”

Such a result is indeed a very cruel thing for a girl who yearns for a high-exposure life in the entertainment industry.

“So, how do you want me to help you?” Fuyuma asked.

“I want to…” Wen Yan looked at him with a flushed face, and then gritted his teeth and said something that seemed to be held back for a long time, “Join the God and Demon Group!” “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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