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“Do you mean the detective?” Kujo’s eyes flashed.

“Yes, it seems that the defendant met Mr. Maori who went to drink there in his ex-wife’s shop.” The assistant replied.

“So… But I remember Maori Kogoro, it seems to be the husband of the concubine lawyer, right? Kujo asked as if he suddenly remembered something.

“Yes, now in the process of separation.”

“That’s getting more and more interesting…”

So that evening, Kujo found Maori who was drinking at an izakaya and said something to him.

But what exactly it is, even Koran and Conan who went to the izakaya with Mori and prepared to force him to testify in court did not know, because Kogoro had supported them in advance.

A few days later, the first trial of the case began.

“Now for the first trial! First, ask the prosecutor to read the indictment! After the judge finished speaking, according to the custom, Kujo stood up.

“Defendant Usami Shinji, originally from Ojihirouchi City, Yamanashi Prefecture, prosecuting the facts…”

After reading the meaningless formulaic content, the winter horse who was listening next to him almost fell asleep.

Until Kujo finally said: “So, according to Article 199 of the Criminal Code, a lawsuit was filed for homicide!” ”

“Next, cross-examine the witnesses…” said the judge who looked like he was in his sixties, according to the usual procedure, but it seemed that there was a little opinion on the side of Nine Days.

“Your Honor!”

“What’s wrong?” The judge asked, looking at Kujo who raised his hand.

“Until then, the prosecution applied to call new witnesses.” Kujo said very flatly, but it surprised everyone, such a sudden change usually indicates a reversal of the situation.

And the name that Kujo said next really made this uneasiness in everyone’s hearts become a reality, “This time the witness is the one who runs the detective agency as the homepage and is known as ‘Sleeping Kogoro’, Mr. Mori Kogoro!” ”

At this time, not only Ying Li Xiao Landy and others, but even everyone in the onlookers also talked about it.

Although some of Māori’s famous reasoning was also seen in the newspapers, they said they had never heard of a detective testifying in court.

“Teacher, what’s going on!?” Kuriyama asked in surprise.

Ying Li frowned, “I don’t know what’s going on, the only thing I can see is probably that our opponent this time is not good to deal with this.” ”

At this time, the judge knocked on the small gavel, signaled the audience to remain quiet, and then turned to Xiang Yingli and asked, “So the defense, do you have any objections to this?” ”

“Nope!” Ying Li got up and said.

“Then, summon the witness, Mr. Māori.”

At the same time, the two big beauties who were facing each other in the courtroom seemed to be thinking with a spirit at this time.

“What the hell is she calculating? Reason.

“Lawyer Concubine, I will soon give you your first defeat as a gift…”

On the sidelines, Xiaolan anxiously pulled Dongma and asked, “Dongma, what’s going on?” Wasn’t Dad supposed to be present as a witness for the defense? ”

“That’s right, it should have been like this, but obviously the Nine Prosecutors didn’t eat dry food, and they had already noticed that incident…”

Kogoro was then taken to the witness stand.

As witnesses for the prosecution, Jiujiao naturally has the right to ask questions first.

So Kujo walked up to Maori and asked, “Mr. Māori, what were you doing at the end of the crime?” ”

Kogoro replied with a serious face, “On the evening of the day, I was drinking at an izakaya called Mikachi in Cuptocho…”

“I used to take a nap because I was drunk, right?” Kujo asked with a smile.


“Remember when you woke up?”


“How did you know this specific time?”

“On my way to sleep, someone called, so the lady woke me up, and the time on my phone was 9:25.”

“So, were there any other customers in the store at that time?”

“I was alone, but because the signal was not good, I met a man when I was about to go out.”

“Do you remember what he looked like?”

“Of course, it’s the defendant Shinji Usami sitting over there.”

“Buzz…!” The spectators were once again full of people.

“Fuyuma, what’s going on? How can the prosecution help the defense overturn its own views? ”

Even Xiaolan knew that even if they knew that there was a problem in this kind of lawsuit, the defense and defense would not give any evidence and clues that were strong against the other party.

However, this time, the nine-article prosecutor did such a strange thing.

But for Fuyuma, Kujo’s approach is not surprising, because what he just said is just foreshadowing.

The “suppression” thrown for the next “Yang”

“Overturning our own views? Of course she wouldn’t do that…,” Fuyuma laughed and shook his head.

“That is, Dad is not afraid of the coercion and temptation of the Nine Prosecutors, and still stands on Mom’s side!”

Although I don’t know how Xiaolan made up for such a situation, Dongma shook his head affirmatively: “It’s just now, remember that even if Uncle Maori doesn’t want to, he will stand on the other side.” ”

“How so…?” Xiaolan was shocked.

At this time, Kujo seemed to end the question.

“Then the defender can ask questions.”

“Yes!” Although Eiri didn’t understand what medicine was sold in the Kujo Gourd, he still asked step by step, “Excuse me, Mr. Hungry Maori, do you remember what time the Usami defendant stayed there?” ”

“I stayed for thirty minutes, so I think it’s around ten o’clock.” Maori replied.

“So that’s the end of the question…” Before the words could be spoken, the somewhat balding judge was interrupted by Kujo again.

“Judge, can I ask some more questions?” Kujo smiled proudly. _

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