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“Huh? Is there still someone? Yuanzi wondered.

“It’s my brother,” Yako said seemingly nonchalantly, “after that day, he disappeared, and the police said he might have died buried in the snow.” ”

“Because I feel like he’s still alive, I come here every year to visit the grave of my wife and husband.”

As he spoke, he seemed to realize that the atmosphere had become heavy, so he immediately smiled and said, “I’m sorry to bring up this sad topic with you.” ”

“It’s okay…” Then the atmosphere returned to cheerfulness, and soon Yuan Zi and Xiaolan had made chocolate cake.

At this time, everyone suddenly noticed that a snowstorm began to fall outside.

“Eryuan will be fine, right?” Fanchuan said worriedly, and then walked out, “Sorry, let’s go find Nigaki, you guys wait a bit.” ”

However, when the two women ran out, they happened to meet Chiyoko’s old woman who came back.

“What are you going to do?”

“We’ll be right back!” Yako screamed and ran towards the forest.

However, when they returned, they said that they had not found Mr. Futagaki at all.

“Can’t you find it anywhere?” Fuyuma asked.

“Yes, he has looked for all the places he might go!” Fanchuan gasped.

“But the wind and snow are getting bigger…” Yako seemed anxious.

Hearing this, Kogoro didn’t talk nonsense, and directly put on his coat and said, “In short, let’s look for it before the vision completely disappears!” ”

“Conan, don’t move here!” Xiao Lan said a word and ran out.

And although Conan promised well, after they left, he still followed with the hound, called Saburo.

“Then, I’ll go check it out…” Dongma, who was drinking black tea in the room, sighed a little bored when he saw that the room was empty, and then locked the door and disappeared into his home nightfall.

The people outside the wind and snow searched in the forest for a while, but still did not find any clues.

Until suddenly there was a gunshot in the distance …


Just as everyone was about to crouch and the sound passed, suddenly a tall and thin strange man with a shotgun on his back appeared behind them with a sinister smile.

“Oops, was it the guy who got ahead of the way?”

“Who are you?” The winter horse’s head does not return to the ground

“Me? I am also a guest of Blowing Mountain Villa, Itakura So. After some brief discussion, everyone can be regarded as knowing this new fellow, and Itakura also joined the search

And at this moment, the wind and snow suddenly became bigger.

“Hey! What should I do? If this continues, we will also be buried in the blizzard! Itakura yelled.

“But you can’t leave Mr. Futagaki behind, can you?” Xiao Lan was the first to speak with concern, and this was what made Dongma suddenly suspicious.

Because at the same time, through the obstacles of the blizzard, Dongma smelled a faint smell of blood coming from not far away.

“Over there!” As soon as Dongma waved his hand, he ran in one direction with everyone who seemed to have not reacted yet.

However, before finding the body, Dongma and the others heard a barking of dogs first.

“How can there be dogs in this deep mountain?” Xiaolan wondered.

“Is it San Lang?” Fanchuan reacted immediately.

But Chiyoko’s mother-in-law didn’t believe it, “How is it possible, it’s obviously in the villa!” ”

And a little earlier, Fuyuma had already seen Conan with San Lang, “It seems that Conan-kun brought it out…”

Hearing this, Xiaolan was shocked, and immediately ran over to Conan and asked, “What are you doing here!” Didn’t I tell you to stay in the villa again?!” ”

‘How could this guy be waiting there obediently?’ Fuyuma thought to himself.

Conan, on the other hand, seemed to be naïve and said, “I’m sorry… But didn’t Sister Fanchuan say it just now? When the original owner of the mountain villa was killed before, it was Saburo who dug him out of the snow, so I thought maybe Saburo could help us find Mr. Futagaki! ”

“Futagaki-san used to come to this mountain villa every year, so Saburo should remember his scent…” Fuyuma explained for him, and then asked, “What about Mr. Futagaki?” Where is it? ”

He didn’t even ask if he had found it, because he was sure that it was right ahead, but in order to appear less shocking, he asked so.

With the light of the flashlight, everyone saw Mr. Nigaki sitting against a large tree.

He was wearing a ski hat, ski shirt and goggles, his eyes wide and his body covered in blood and slumped in the white snow.

“Jiagui!” Yako exclaimed loudly, but was immediately stopped by Maori.

Dongma, on the other hand, leaned in front of the corpse and examined it carefully.

“Looking at his bloody appearance, and the wooden stick next to him with a lot of blood, it should be a murder incident that was beaten to death, so I am sorry everyone, even if you are very sad in your heart, please cooperate with us in the investigation.” Dongma said lightly.

“Killing?” The crowd was flabbergasted.

Itakura, who woke up, asked disdainfully: “Since just now, I have seen that you are very upset, who is this guy of yours?” So arrogant! You are not a policeman again! ”

“Who says I’m not a cop anymore?” Fuyuma glanced back at him, then held up his police card, which symbolized his identity.

“Kamijo Fuyuma, now working in the Criminal Department of the Metropolitan Police Department, please give me more advice!”

“Huh?! Kamijou Fuyuma?! ”

“It won’t!”

“Is it that Metropolitan Police Department’s god purifying demon?!”

“In that case, do you know who the prisoner is?!” Chiyoko’s mother-in-law immediately asked.

And Fuyuma shook his head with a sneer, “How is it possible! Handling a case is not a family family, how can it be possible to determine who is the murderer just by looking at it? At least the time of death must be presumed and then confirmed your alibi to locate the suspect. ”

“But Dongma, now that the body is completely frozen in a blizzard, it is difficult to infer the time of death.” Maori said with a look of embarrassment. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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