“So, let’s confirm the contents of the tape first…” said the rest of the crowd and gathered in front of the TV.

“Then according to the instructions of the second tape, if the police agree to Kira’s request, it will be number three, and if you do not agree, you will play number four, of course, we will not be in the same league with him, then we only need to watch number four.” Yurigen said.

“In order to make a better judgment, let’s take a look at No. 3, maybe you can analyze Kira’s psychological situation at that time.” Although it is obvious that this person who recorded the recording is definitely not the same person as our previous opponent Kira. Aoyama Sho seemed to be very relaxed and said.

“I also want to hear from psychologists!” L said seriously.

However, Aoyama gave an answer that seemed extremely unreliable, “Because this person feels very comfortable talking on TV, and every case of Kira before makes me feel very irritated!” ”

“Hey! Castle peak! You give me a serious point! Yurigen complained habitually while looking at the No. 3 tape that was playing.

He also has all kinds of headaches for these children under his hand.

However, L seemed to understand what she meant, “Are you saying that because of your phobia of order, Kira is a very organized person, and this time Kira II is a disorderly person?” ”

“Well, that’s pretty much it, of course, chaos may be a bit too much. However, although the terms put in the third tape just now seem to be very detailed, this person is obviously much more casual than Kira. Aoyama judged.

“It’s okay, and then after we watch the fourth disc, we will give this to the TV station to continue broadcasting, anyway, our answer with the top management must be NO…”

So the next day, Kira’s statement was broadcast again on all the big screens in downtown Tokyo.

“The answer is NO, that’s a shame. Since the police insist on fighting me, first of all, I will first kill the Japanese police chief, or the L who is in charge of the specific command! Chief or L, for the sake of world peace, who do you decide to hand over? ”

Listening to this breathless answer, Dongma almost laughed.

“Sure enough, are you just being tricked by an impostor?” Dong Mark couldn’t help but laugh.

Because Soichiro Yoshin was hospitalized, Fuyuma once again took on the duties of the head of the search headquarters.

Originally, he was, but because he was lazy, he had been in charge of L and the head of the night god section before, so he could only be regarded as returning to work now.

“What does that mean?” Lily, however, was the only one who was surprised by the fact that he was the only one present, and the others seemed to have known about it.

“To be precise, it should be the second pull…” L took a bite.

“I still don’t understand a little?” Yurigen asked stunned.

“First of all, the first doubt, the second Kira killed two people with a video trailer in order to make the people on the TV station believe in themselves. But in fact, these two prisoners have only been reported in women’s weekly magazines and idol shows, and they are the kind of petty crimes that do not lead to death. If it is a real Kira, there is no need to kill such trash fish at all. Nankong explained.

Then Yuki, “But if we consider the possibility of a second Kira, then the second Kira must choose a prisoner with a smaller spread, because then it will ensure that his target will not be killed by the real Kira before the announcement.” ”

“So the probability of this time is at least seventy percent or more!” L slammed his coffee cup unhappily, “And that guy’s approach makes me very uncomfortable!” ”

“It’s really rare, you are used to it when it looks like you do it to Kira.” Fuyuma scoffed.

“For Kira, he will try to avoid innocent people except those who are pursuing him, and this second Kira’s idea is obviously more extreme, wanting to kill everyone who opposes! And there is not too fixed morality, at least not yet. ”

“I think it’s time for the son of the Night God Chief, Night God Yue-kun, to join the search headquarters instead of his father!” L seems to have made a decision.

“I know, I’ll call him to inform…” Looking at L, who was about to add something, Fuyuma waved his hand and interrupted: “I know, I won’t tell him that this time Kira is an impostor…”

Although he is certainly well aware of this.

So, Fuyuma came to the night god’s house with the condolences of the Metropolitan Police Department.

This is a common bungalow apartment in the Japanese middle class, and after inquiring in advance, Fuyuma learned that in addition to the Yashin couple and the eldest son Yoshin Moon, the Yoshin family also has a younger sister who seems to have just risen to the first year, Yoshin Makeup.

And the one who opened the door to greet him was this Xiaolan and the freshman junior of Didan High School.

“Handsome man, who are you looking for?”

Make-up Yu looked at Dongma with a shocked expression, and seemed to have enough good impressions of Dongma, a handsome guy, for the first time, after all, she is a female high school student of this age, and she has almost no resistance to young handsome guys.

“Oh, I am a colleague of your father, Chief Night God Soichiro, and I am here to express my condolences on behalf of the main hall this time, and I hope that Chief Night God can recover as soon as possible.” Fuyuma said with a smile.

“Mom, there are daddy’s colleagues looking for it!” Makeup Yu shouted inside, and then let Dongma enter the door.

At this time, Night God Moon seemed to hear a voice, so he walked downstairs from the room on the second floor.

“Ah! Uejo-kun! I haven’t seen you for a long time, but I didn’t expect you to come, so I’ll go and pour tea. Sachiko immediately recognized Fuyuma and welcomed him warmly.

“No need, Mrs. Sachiko, in addition to the condolences of the main hall on behalf of the main hall, I have some things to say to the night god-kun, don’t you know it’s convenient?” Fuyuma asked after putting down the gift.

“Of course…” Although she was a little puzzled, Sachiko trusted her husband’s colleagues.

“So Yuejun, let’s talk upstairs?”

“Okay, please come with me, Kamijo-sensei…” said Yakumizuki and led Fuyuma upstairs. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect

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