Out of the carriage, Priscia looked up at the Brody family mansion and swallowed the gokuri and spit. Big. Fine. I wonder how many times the Mansion of the Rand family. Besides, it's this size standing near the castle. As far as Creet can tell, the Brody family's mansion is not here. Since the mansion is on the territory, it seems that it is away from the Wang capital and that now the hidden grandparents and relatives live there. If the circumstances were such that Creet was married earlier and his children were properly raised, his parents were also going to pull him into the territory, but he could not give up the Lord to the current situation where Creet only did his royal palace work, which meant that the current Lord of this Mansion was still Duran, Creet's father.

"My father is heartless and my mother is loud, but he's not a bad person. Don't worry, I'm nice to women."


That's what Creet told me, but Priscia's body just shrinks. While walking, Priscia looked around to such an extent that she would not be rude. It does feel like the Brody family is a martial artist. The mansion is huge but never more brilliant than it needs to be, one way or the other it is a disappointing house with a practical focus. Priscia cannot be noticed, but it is made to be difficult for thieves and others to penetrate.

Again, the Mansion is certainly huge compared to the Rand family, which is common, but it is never too big. Rather, among the upstream aristocrats, the mansion itself is smaller. For that matter, the garden around the mansion is enlarged so that swords can be trained and horses can run.

You can't possibly tell such detail. Priscia just stepped into the mansion, solidifying herself into tension. Of course, nervously, but unconsciously try to behave as elegantly as possible. It was a harshly beaten habit in the school of demeanor.

That's right, the Brody family, like the Rand family, didn't show how shabby they all were at the doorstep, and the calm elderly butler and the maid greeted them first.

"Welcome home, Master Creet."

With this, Leo will be able to establish himself as the fourth faction in the current three-ways succession war.

Creet is answering Eagle Deep Fried. "I'm sorry to bother you," lowered his head behind it, Priscia, but I felt from my gaze that the servant who welcomed me was paying attention to Priscia, albeit calm air, and a cold sweat seemed to flow down her back.

On second thought, I've never even been to an upstream aristocratic mansion. The people who work there will be no less brilliant than the royal palace. It's scary how you can be seen by someone like that.

Besides, you're marrying Creet, so you're going to be living with these people, and you're going to be in a position to use them in the future.

When I thought of it, I became anxious that I would play such a role.

"Your husband and wife are waiting for you."

With this, Leo will be able to establish himself as the fourth faction in the current three-ways succession war.

Guided by two of his servants, Priscia entered the fearful mansion. There was just no room to look inside the mansion or anything, and Priscia was only looking at Creet's back.

Deacon stops in front of a heavy door and knocks on the door. When a clear woman's voice answered from the inside, the door was opened by the butler's hand.

It was two people sitting in the chair in that room, which would be the guest room. I guess Creet's parents. Their gaze is fixed on Priscia. As Priscia was solidifying without knowing what to do, Creet, who was moving her legs forward without any hesitation, looked back and called her "Priscia".

In a hurry, head next to Creet.

"Have a seat."

That's what the mother like of Creet, who was sitting in the big bench, said to me, so Priscia decided to thank him and then sit honestly after a glimpse of Creet.

A little silence falls on the field.

Priscia observes the two sitting in front of her not to be rude. Creet's parents - people who would also be Priscia's parents if they got married. Someone I'm going to live with.

Duran, the current owner of the Brody family, is a warlord and a disappointing figure, with a harsh air. It's like the head of a Kingsguard knight you see in the royal palace. Currently, he has withdrawn from the front line, but until a short while ago, he heard that he was also in a high position in the Royal Palace. They now take occasional teaching whips at the Knights School or even go in and out of the Royal Palace if requested. As Creet said, you still look difficult, and I guess it's true that you're unfathomable. He looked like someone who didn't talk much.

The beautiful person sitting next to Duran would be Fame, Creet's mother. She has an aristocratic feminine, sophisticated waist and pinned spine. Someone who reminds me a little of the school instructor. There was no gentle air, and Priscia held an image that seemed firm and intense. Priscia doesn't like tough people for growing up in a peaceful family. Instead, he respects people who are tough even in the school of demeanor and the royal palace, and one way or another, he's the type of person they like and get their eyes on. But just being Creet's mother makes me nervous.

Watching Fame convinced me that Creet was like her mother. There is a lot of overlap in appearance. The same goes for brown hair and eye color, but I do feel a shadow in my flat face.

There has been a little silence since Creet and Priscia sat in front of them. My parents are looking at Priscia. The look on Priscia's face was not sure, but she also seemed a little flashy and Priscia shrunk extra.

That would be so. My dear man suddenly said, "Tomorrow, I will take the person to marry," because the person I brought with me is the daughter of the Rand family, a nobleman who is only famous, and she is a mediocre woman.

Priscia is not selling her name at all among the aristocratic social circles. As forgotten as it is. Generally speaking, I've never even shown my face to anything that looks like the social world. When I think about it carefully, I don't know about it in the aristocracy, but the Lands don't participate in such things for a long time, so they don't send invitations or anything like that from before Priscia was born.

Thanks to this, Priscia only has about one dress or so.

Normally, the aristocrats of their age find love and marriage in such a social setting. The Lukot country has the air to enjoy love, so there are thoughts between parents, etc., but they all stand around well and play when they find someone they like at all.

I'm talking about a world that had absolutely no ties to Priscia.

Creet's parents wouldn't have cared about Priscia's presence either. He seemed to know about the Rand family, but he must not have thought that his daughter would marry a man.

I would have liked to welcome a man's wife with more fishing skills and a talented, well-made woman.

I'm sorry about the Brody family, even Priscia thinks. But Creet wanted Priscia, so unless he said, "Stop this marriage," I was also going to try as hard as I could.

Purely, I'm worried about Creet's body.

Priscia thinks that she asked Priscia to go out with her lunch break because she couldn't pretend she was from Creet. People who don't spill weak sounds, etc., but I wonder if Creet had already come to the limit of her health when she met Priscia. He starts spending time with Priscia and says, "I'm feeling really better," but from Priscia, Creet is still overworked, and his hands touching his head always feel the appeal of being "tired".

I'm worried about such a creet. If I lose my rest time with Priscia, I will be harassed by a realistic future, wondering if this person will fall in the near future.

For Priscia, who was well looked after and responsible, she had already begun to think that Creet's health was her own duty. Priscia had a strange sense of purpose, saying that she wanted to marry Creet because she liked him, rather than have to marry him to keep her strength.

"Yesterday, I touched on it."

"Was this house and castle that far away? You should have come back in person and told him. Such an important story."

"I have a little work to do."

When Creet uttered the word, a disgusting dialogue just flew from Fame, but Creet looked cool and flushed. Next door Priscia is terrified of war. I guess the Brody family didn't feel as soothing as the Rand family did, but they didn't mean friendly family after all. Most importantly, Creet is a tribute to her parents. But that's probably what a nobleman is, Priscia convinced me. There's something wrong with the Lands.

"She is Priscia Rand. I will marry her. I went to greet the Lands earlier and asked them to acknowledge their marriage."

"My name is Priscia Rand," introduced to Creet, and in a hurry Priscia lowered her head deeply. Like when I greeted you around the Royal Palace, I'm going to keep myself as big as I can and leave it to Creet.

"…… the current head of the Brody family, Duran Brody."

"I'm Fame Brody, his wife."

My parents also greeted me, and Priscia shrunk down and bowed her head again. Fame, who was watching Priscia like that, lightly punches the closed fan he had in his hand on one hand. Ever since I entered the room, I guess it's a habit because I get a good look at what it looks like.

"Mr. Priscia."


"Are you really going to marry Creet?

"Ah, yes...... sorry"

Fame laughed bitterly when Priscia bowed her head, feeling Fame's words say something extraordinarily "in such a non-fishy position".

"It's not, you're nothing wrong. I disagree. While my own son, can I marry a man like this? I hear."


Creet's gruesome voice of restraint flew, but Fame ignored such a son while remaining in good posture.

"As far as we're concerned, I'm grateful that you're going to be dowry with my son. It was a sudden story, though. Even though this kid has to be married for a long time now, he's always used his job as an excuse to postpone it, and it's time for me to come to the limit of my patience. If Creet brought her own wedding partner where she was searching for someone else, she has nothing to say. Well, my efforts have been wasted."

At the end of the day, Fame glimpsed Creet with disgust, but Creet didn't seem to care. "My mother is loud," he said, and I guess these two are always like this.

There was also the atmosphere of the place, and as Priscia sat in awe, Fame laughed at Priscia.

"Mr. Priscia seems to care about the family, etc., but we don't think anything is wrong. We believe the Lands are a trustworthy family. Instead, I think if I knew you existed, I would have put you on the other candidate for Creet. I'm even sorry I missed it because of my lack of investigation."

"It's an extra word for you. Thank you very much."

"They say you work in the royal palace, but you have a very good reputation around you. Serious, solid and polite, no one ever said anything bad about you. You graduated from school with excellent grades."

"Thank you very much……."

I bowed my head, Priscia, but when did they examine my predisposition, I get a cold sweat. It would be about yesterday evening that Creet made the first touch. Then by this hour today, I'm sure they had all figured out about the Rand family and how it was going at the Royal Palace in Priscia, and Priscia was frightened but impressed that the Brody family was powerful and executable.

But in this way, my parents seem friendly towards Priscia. "I think you can be Brody's wife!" But Priscia, who was also prepared to be cursed, clapped out a little.

That's probably why Creet's marriage was so desperate.

"So when are you going to get married?

Asked by Fame, Priscia peeps next door. Creet seemed to think a little with her hands on her chin. Speaking of which, I haven't even talked to Creet about the area yet. Because it was only yesterday that they proposed, and then it was about time for the two of us to talk in the carriage.

"Since when can you live in this house?

Asked by Creet, Priscia was bewildered. I'm not ready for my mind at all, but I don't need any preparation if I'm simply moving here from the residence of the woman who lives here today. Sometimes I'm busy at work, and I haven't had any more in the past year, and I originally had about my luggage and clothes. This house is also close to the castle, so you can clean up the woman's residence for one hassle of work.

"I've always been..."

Creet nodded when Priscia said, not wanting to show how reluctant she was because there was also in front of her parents.

"Well, I'll start today."


That's right, Priscia raised her voice, and remembered where she was, rushing to behave herself. but inside is a storm of confusion. Starting today? Starting today? Though I did say I could start whenever I wanted.

"…… Creet, it will also be difficult for Mr. Priscia to say how much anything starts today. I wonder who your clutter looks like."

When Fame glanced at Duran after seeing Creet with his stunned eyes, Duran coughed small.

But, Mother, under the circumstances, we can't have a wedding right away.

"That's right. At least a few months to prep."

"But I want to get married soon, and I will be marrying first. The royal palace has already recognized me, and legally, if you give me a piece of paperwork, it's over. I'm going to give you the papers today."

Fame hears Creet speak faintly. Priscia may live in this house from today on, which is confusing.

"It would be strange to live separately from your wife even though you are married. Especially since Priscia lives in the residence given to the royal palace."

"Well I guess that is... oh, no. This is always what happens when I talk to you. You really don't like her. Why don't you just explain it to me and stop acting like it's obvious? You always have been."

Priscia made her breasts jump at what she called her "wife," then imagined Creet's childhood in Fame's words. Somehow Creet has been at this rate since she was a little girl, and she's been acting like a bunch of kids.

"I'm not going to be saying anything crazy. I want Priscia to stay home, too. Is it okay for Priscia to start today?

There is a big problem, I thought it was Priscia in my heart, but when Creet stared at me and said "I want you to stay home," I couldn't even say no.

"Yes, sir. Unless it's a nuisance to the Brody family."

When Priscia answered, Creet laughed with satisfaction.

"She's saying this to me, too, and there won't be a problem. Mother, may I have her room ready?

Fame exhaled a small sigh as Creet said, slamming the fan gently against the bread and knee once.

"Understood. Well, thank you, Mr. Priscia, for starting today."

"Yes, thank you very much."

"What does Mr. Priscia intend to do with your work?

"Uh... right."

Priscia was more easily accepted and relieved by Fame than I thought, but I worry about that question for a moment. Speaking of which, I didn't even think about it properly.

"I can't mean to stop right away today, but can I talk to my boss and ask him to cut back on his time, and that means to stop soon?

Priscia said, Fame nodded as well.

"That's the best part. It will be convenient for you too. You've been working for a year, so maybe you still want to work, but as a Brody family daughter-in-law, I'd like you to learn about the house if you can."

"Yes, I understand that."

When Priscia answered, Fame laughed satisfactorily. Apparently, Priscia was right in her answer. That satisfying grin was still similar to Creet's grin, and it was kind of Priscia that made me smile. Fame is a woman who seems to care, but as far as I'm talking about it now, I'm not very good with Priscia. It seems more like someone who makes it a clear word and doesn't have a back table. My father, Duran, hasn't spoken properly either so far, and it would be Fame who controls this house. Priscia decided to force herself to think positively that she would be able to do something if she didn't hate her.

"Then I'll get back to work, just so we can talk."

"Also, you are"

Fame sighed as Creet just stood up, but he looked at Priscia as if he had already given up.

"What will Mr. Priscia do?

"Um, I'd like to go back to the castle once I've organized my room, etc. Can I come back again?

"Absolutely. Because this house will be your home. Well, could you come back at dinner time?


"Mr. Priscia. From today on we will be your family and your parents. You can crush it a little more."

Fame laughed and Priscia lowered her head in awe. Having said that, the journey looks pretty tough.

"Dear Creet, …………………."

Priscia also looked up at Creet as she stood up, and Creet smiled.

"I might be late, but of course I'm going home. If you were here, I'd go home every day."

To Creet's words, Fame raised his voice as if he were surprised. I was impressed with Fame saying, "You throw up such sweet words, too," but from Priscia's point of view, I laugh inside out that Creet is looking for a "hand". But after all, I was so happy to have Creet say it that way.

Priscia politely thanked him and left the Brody family with Creet.

It's only a little way to the castle, but the two of us get into the carriage.

"Did we talk too suddenly?

"No, well……… it's okay"

"I'm sorry for my impatience. If I thought you'd get it all, I'd think it'd be better if you'd get it as soon as possible."

In Creet's words, Priscia lit up this time. I know you don't mean that as far as he is concerned, but Creet's words are sweet enough. Even though I know you want a "hand," as for Priscia, who isn't used to being told those words by men, my cheeks get hotter all the time. Priscia resented Creet for being a sinful person because of the cluttered part of her relationship.

When I sneak up on Creet, everything seems to be going well and I'm in a very good mood. Does that good mood also include the fact that the power of Priscia's hand will be available from this night on? Priscia also loosened her mouth.

I'm also anxious about the sudden downturn of living in the Brody family, but the joy of being able to lean on Creet from tonight has also sprung up, not a short 30-minute break. I don't know what time Creet will be back, but he'll be able to escort you for a few hours. Wouldn't that make this guy's tiredness a lot better, too? Priscia thought as she looked at Creet's face that she wanted to give her a quick break.

After all, it might have been nice to start living at the Brody family today. That's right, Creet isn't wasted.

While I'm thinking about that, the carriage arrives at the Royal Palace. "Sorry about the rush, but I'll see you at home," Creet said, leaving early enough to go back to work.

Priscia doesn't go back to work because she gets a day off. Still, I have to get rid of the room and discuss the job with my superior officer.

When I went to see her first thinking about reporting to her superior officer, she laughed when she heard about Priscia.

"Oh, yesterday today. That's another sudden story. But I thought that would happen. If you're going to marry the Brody family, you can't help it."

"Sorry for the inconvenience."

"It's okay, Priscia. You've worked so hard all year. I know it's going to be hard for you, but good luck."

"Thank you."

Priscia's eyes were getting hot as she lowered her head. One year. In just one year, I had no further experience. Though I think it's been a while, I wonder what a long year it's been, considering who I've met and what I've been through in the past year. myself when I was in school of conduct and who I am now. In just one year, I'm in a situation I can't imagine back then.

"I'm sorry. I've been looking for a replacement since yesterday, but it'll take a little longer."

"Yes, of course I'm not going to quit right away today"

Priscia, who discussed it with her superior officer, was to spend less time working for now and more days off as well. He said he would adjust it so that after a month he could quit altogether at the sight. From what to what, Priscia bowed her head.

The royal palace was busy working. But still, I sincerely think that Priscia managed to last the year because all the superiors and coworker women were good people. My superiors were particularly careful not to just giggle about relationships during my busy schedule. Even when Priscia was rumored to be Creet, she didn't give me any extra mouth.

So did my family and so did my school, but I truly thought that I was blessed with relationships. That makes me feel like a strange relief that I'm sure even the Brody family can do well.

Smudge and Priscia were remembering this past year as they cleaned out their room. They'll keep this room for a week or so, too. You won't have to pull it all up soon today. You just have to finish cleaning up the day you come to the royal palace.

In the meantime, Priscia was going to pack the clothes, accessories, etc. she had brought from her parents' house, but she lowered her eyebrows when she saw the personal belongings that eventually all fit in one bag.

Is it okay for a woman to marry the Brody family to just have this little package? "You, you only have this much luggage? ♪ And Fame's gonna scare me. ♪ I had already prepared a couple of bags, and I thought about pretending to have something in them, etc. Priscia for a moment, but I laughed myself bitterly at the silly idea.

There's nothing I can do to make it look good. Priscia is the daughter of a downstream aristocratic Rand family who doesn't even have a dress properly, and a woman who worked downstairs at the Royal Palace. Such a thing, even if it looks glorious, will soon be seen through by the Brody family.

There are only a few big personal clothes in the bag. I was paid for my woman's clothes when I worked, so I only had the opportunity to wear my personal clothes when I was off, and only what I wore when I went home or rolled out to town with my colleagues occasionally.

And then there are a few everyday items that I admire. Let's throw away anything we don't attach to. It's not even as expensive as purposefully bringing it into the Brody family. Even personal clothes, if I were the Brody family's daughter-in-law, I might never get to wear them again. They would laugh if such plain clothes, upscale aristocratic women wore them.

I really didn't have much baggage for Priscia when I thought so. Priscia got kind of funny and laughed.

I started working at the Royal Palace and Priscia realized she was a pretty positive character. Sometimes I get a little depressed, but when I follow a certain descent line, there is a place where I reopen "I can handle it".

That would be my strengths I didn't realize when I was just at home. I knew you were pulling the Rand family's blood. Priscia can only rely on herself a little like that.

"Well, and"

Priscia held only one bag in her hand and decided to go to her daughter-in-law.

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