Chapter 0415: Pity, Xiang Xiyu

A breath of death surrounded Ning Rongrong, almost suffocating her.

“do not want!”

Ning Rongrong almost blurted out the two words, and her beautiful eyes closed involuntarily.

Looking at Ning Rongrong, who closed his eyes in front of him, the scene in front of Ye Hongchen suddenly changed.

Become a little girl, trying to tease him all day long, but she was turned back by him.

In the last scene, the boy is at the edge of the pool, telling the girl that he wants to go out.


The screen said it was not long, but it only appeared for more than a second, and Ye Hongchen returned to its original state.

The Star Sword directly brushed Ning Rongrong’s ear and cut off a piece of brown hair in one fell swoop.

Ye Hongchen put a hand directly on Ning Rongrong’s waist, and the white phantom wing behind him once again shook.

Ye Hongchen took Ning Rongrong into the sky!


The harsh wind sounded into Ning Rongrong’s ears, causing her to open her eyes.

The place where you can see is above the sky, and you can see the whole picture of Shrek Academy!

“Go on.” Ye Hongchen said lightly while looking at Ning Rongrong in his arms, with the same expression in his eyes.

The spirit ring was not bright, but a blue long sword suddenly condensed under Ning Rongrong’s feet.

Ye Hongchen flicked his finger, and the long sword flew down with Ning Rongrong straight to Dai Mubai’s place.

“Ah!” Ning Rongrong couldn’t accept the rapid movement of the foreground object at all, closed his eyes, and screams came from her mouth.

After Ning Rongrong’s long sword stopped, Ning Rongrong directly followed the strength and fell to the ground at once.

Fortunately, there was still a piece of grass there, which didn’t cut her skin.

“Hong Chen still knows Lianxiangxiyu? I really didn’t expect it.” Dai Mubai looked at Zhu Zhu, who was lying beside him, and looked at Ning Rongrong. There was a sense of contrast.

Ye Hongchen didn’t take care of Ning Rongrong anymore, her gray eyes stared coldly at Tang San and Xiao Wu.

And Tang San also looked at Ye Hongchen at this time and smiled.

Laughing, because Ye Hongchen didn’t directly wound Ning Rongrong seriously.

“Tang San, there is still a quarter, can you hold on.” Ye Hongchen glanced at Xiang and smiled lightly.

“Isn’t it just a quarter? What’s to worry about.” Xiao Wu fisted at Ye Hongchen with enthusiasm.

“Just try it.” Tang San said to Ye Hongchen with a smile.

Ye Hongchen nodded slightly when he heard the words. He didn’t intend to make them unable to hold it anyway, otherwise, how could he become the Shrek Seven Devils?

Otherwise, he just wouldn’t take so long to solve two people.

“Okay, be careful.” Ye Hongchen said lightly. The first spirit ring and the second spirit ring on his body were actually lit up at the same time!

“The first soul skill, the sword style, the second soul skill, the Dragon Roar Ice Soul.”

Weng buzzing!

Eighteen blue long swords appeared in front of Ye Hongchen, each one was shaking, and there was a sound of dragon chanting!

Come again!

Upon seeing this, Tang San groaned secretly in his heart, this Long Yin attacked with spirit, making him unprepared.

Purple magic pupil!

Purple pupil appeared in Tang San’s eyes again, and Tang San actually retained his sage under the sound of eighteen dragons!


In the next second, Ye Hongchen had already arrived in front of Tang San and swung his sword directly at Tang San!

“First spirit ability, entanglement.” Tang San saw this, and the first spirit ring on his body suddenly lit up.

Lan Yincao grew out of Tang San, circling towards Ye Hongchen’s Star Sword!

Ye Hongchen looked at the blue silver grass that appeared in front of him, and when the sword moved, the blue silver grass turned into scraps!


The eighteen blue long swords in the sky flew down immediately, stab Tang San and Xiao Wu directly!

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