Chapter 0466: Shura Demon Lord Wins

“Otherwise, you won’t necessarily suffer from my next offensive.” Ye Hongchen looked down at Xiao Wu and said lightly.

When the words fell, Ye Hongchen held the Star Sword, and the tip of the sword slowly pointed to Xiao Wu below.


In the next second, Ye Hongchen’s first spirit ring shined again, and the purple light was extremely dazzling!

“The first soul skill, the sword style.”

Whirring whirring!

In the next instant, twenty-two blue long swords suddenly appeared in front of Ye Hongchen’s eyes, floating in the sky, shaking slightly.

As long as Ye Hongchen thinks about it, those twenty-two blue long swords will rush towards Xiao Wu together!

“I said you, when are you so mother-in-law? I have to fight quickly. If Xiao Wu is afraid of you, she won’t be called Xiao Wu!”

Although Xiao Wu had no bottom in her heart, she was still tough on her lips, and she did not forget to shout to Ye Hongchen.

“Stubbornly stubborn.”

When the words fell, the twenty-two blue long swords suspended in the air rushed towards Xiao Wu directly, but the speed was extremely slow.

Slow enough that the children could clearly see their movements, making Xiao Wu, Tang San, Dai Mubai, Ning Rongrong, the host, and the audience all stunned.

However, before they could recollect, Ye Hongchen had already raised the Star Sword in his hand.

The fourth black ten-thousand-year spirit ring under his feet suddenly lit up!

“The fourth spirit ability, thunder flash.”

An extremely dazzling blue light instantly lit up the Star Sword in Ye Hongchen’s hand!

Everyone who was stunned by the speed of the twenty-two blue long swords did not have the slightest defense, and was directly stimulated by this dazzling blue light to close their eyes!

Xiao Wu on the stage of fighting the spirits, her eyes were closed tightly, her mind was blank, she didn’t even think that Ye Hongchen would come out like this.

“Not good!” Tang Sangang closed his eyes, two big typing words appeared in his mind for an instant, opened his eyes suddenly, and a purple light appeared in his eyes!

Purple magic pupil!

However, even if Tang San’s movements were fast enough, the twenty-two blue long swords that were originally extremely slow had all landed on Xiao Wu at this moment!

If it weren’t for them all were still, I’m afraid Xiao Wu has been passed through her body by twenty-two blue long swords now!

And Ye Hongchen, the wings on his back waved, and the whole person had already flown in front of Xiao Wu!

One hand directly pinched Xiao Wu’s somewhat thin neck. Although Xiao Wu could not see it, she could feel that her neck had been caught.

Then, Ye Hongchen directly used his strength and threw Xiao Wu out of the soul fighting platform!


Xiao Wu fading heavily under the soul fighting platform, directly rang out a collision.

The audience who had just closed their eyes by the thunderbolt of Ye Hongchen’s fourth spirit ability, the host, Dai Mubai, Ning Rongrong and others, just opened their eyes.

As soon as he opened his eyes, what caught Ye Hongchen was a white-clothed Ye Hongchen, standing alone on the ring, originally rotating on him, and the twenty-two long swords.

Have disappeared!

As they disappeared, there was also the soft-bone charm rabbit. After they searched it down, they saw the position of the soft-bone charm rabbit.

Good guy, it’s already under the fighting platform! At the moment she was rubbing the spot where she hit the ground.

“Wow, this Shura Demon Lord is too powerful!”

“Why is it like this again? As soon as the fourth spirit ability comes out, it ends without seeing anything.”

“Damn, I was supposed to be prepared to take precautions against his fourth spirit ability, but in the end I was hit.”

Ye Hongchen glanced at Xiao Wu under the fighting spirit stage, then slowly raised his head and glanced at the host faintly.

“The soul fighting in this field, the Shura Demon Lord will win!”

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