Chapter 0907: Dreaming Parting Appears

“This sword will defeat you.” Ye Hongchen’s cold voice sounded.

After speaking, Ye Hongchen slowly pulled out the hand that was holding the hilt of the sword around his waist, even before it got out of the sheath.

The mask on Xing Meng’s face suddenly split into two halves, which was caused by sword power!

Xingmeng’s face completely appeared in Ye Hongchen’s eyes, and he was taken aback for a moment.

Why, it will be her!

At this moment, a flawless face appeared in Ye Changge’s eyes.

White and picturesque face, delicate but not monotonous facial features, a pair of star eyes, a small red lips, all in one distance, forming a beautiful face.

It’s just that, at this moment, such a beautiful face is covered with frost and cold color.

Ye Hongchen was stunned when he saw this face, but Xingmeng was not stunned.

Holding two swords in their hands, swinging them together, two sword lights appeared on Ye Hongchen’s body instantly.

A huge force rolled up with a strong wind, and impacted on Ye Hongchen’s body.

In an instant, Ye Hongchen flew out all the way upside down, colliding on the thunder screen emitted by the four thunder beams.

Even the audience outside the ring was affected, and some even slammed into the seats.

Ye Hongchen slowly slid down from the lightning barrier, and had just arrived on the surface of the ring.

A huge phantom of sword light suddenly appeared in the sky, and then suddenly cut down!

With the powerful sword intent, a huge sword mark appeared out of thin air on the surface of the ring.

Not to mention how much sword Ye Hongchen himself is taking, bear the brunt!

Ye Hongchen’s sword-drawing technique was interrupted, and at this moment, the sword aura of the green lotus in his body surged, impacting his body.

Looking at the illusory sword shadow that was chopped down on the face, Ye Hongchen’s foot was a little bit lighter than a Yan, and she instantly displayed it.


Afterimages appeared behind him.

Although the speed of Jian Ying’s falling is fast, Ye Hongchen’s speed is also faster!


Jian Ying shot down on the ring, and the terrifying wind once again rushed Ye Hongchen out.


A sound of breaking through the sky entered Ye Hongchen’s ears, without thinking, Xingmeng had already made the next blow.

Sure enough, Xingmeng appeared behind Ye Hongchen like a ghost, kicking heavily behind Ye Hongchen.

Originally, Ye Hongchen was flying upside down, but now under this foot, he was directly knocked off the ring.

A small pit appeared on the hard ring, and Ye Hongchen lay in the small pit!

But Xingmeng was still floating above the ring, condescendingly looking at Ye Hongchen.


Seeing this kind of dramatic reversal, the audience in the auditorium suddenly became lively.

“Did Ye Hongchen let this Xingmeng? Just now, he was clearly fighting against Xingmeng!”

“Why did this suddenly happen? I just felt that Ye Hongchen was going to win!”

“Oh, sure enough, men are all virtues, and Ye Hongchen is no exception. As soon as he saw Xingmeng’s true face, he was immediately bewitched.”

“Bah, what are you talking about? Ming Mingxing dream is won by his true strength!”

“Do you dare to say that this is true strength? See if I don’t take out my forty-meter sword!”

The people in the audience began to wonder and abuse at this moment.

After all, it was clear that Ye Hongchen had the upper hand before, and it even seemed that victory was in sight.

The results of it? Now suddenly this reversal is unbelievable.

“Brother Ye, what’s wrong? Could it be that Xingmeng knows this Xingmeng? But Xingmeng is a direct disciple of the original poster, shouldn’t be…”

Cloud City, who was watching the battle from the bottom of the ring, placed one hand on his chin at this moment, looking like a thinker.

With his eyesight, Ye Hongchen could clearly win, knowing that the sword could be swung just now.

But Ye Hongchen didn’t swish that sword, but instead plunged himself into the current situation, it was really hard to guess.

Ye Hongchen was lying on the ring, looking at Xingmeng floating in the air, the corners of his mouth suddenly raised slightly.

“Farewell to the dream, since you didn’t do anything light or heavy, don’t blame me for treating you in the same way.”

The voice fell, Ye Hongchen stood up suddenly, a phantom appeared in place, but his real body had disappeared!

Xingmeng is the dream farewell in Dongzhou before!

I didn’t know why I came to Zhongzhou, and by chance, I went to apprentice to kill the landlord.

Meng Farewell Liu’s eyebrows wrinkled, and a sense of crisis suddenly rose in his heart. It seemed that Ye Hongchen could pose a threat to her this time.

“Ye Hongchen, don’t leave me for three years, you should look at me with admiration, don’t think of me as a dream farewell before, I am now Xingmeng!”


The moment the dream of leaving the voice fell, a burst of stars burst out from all over the body!

The power of horror, centered on the parting dream, began to explode.

On the ring, cracks began to appear, like a spider web spreading.

“The vastness of the stars, the good fortune of the universe.”

Meng Farewell raised his hand, and a starburst appeared on the tip of his hand, and the surrounding space suddenly began to start with small stars.

The sky above the sky seemed to darken at this moment, and the stars hanging in the sky were shining brightly!

A burst of pressure, suddenly depressed! On top of the entire ring!

Ye Hongchen, who was already invisible, suddenly appeared at this moment, floating above the dream farewell!

“Ye Hongchen, lose it, it’s not ashamed to lose to me the second time.”

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