The Cloud Over The Leaf

Ch.89. The Prelims pt.3

Lee stretched his legs out thoroughly as he looked over at Neji.

“Neji! You have to make sure you stretch for our battle!”

“….Hmph. I won’t need it.”

Naruto began to frown after hearing Neji’s response.

Lee, however, smiled brightly and nodded his head.

“I see! As expected of my rival! You must have done it beforehand.”

Hii chuckled and shook his head.

‘Lee will always be Lee.’

“Go, Lee! Go, Neji!”

Shizuka and Hii looked over at Guy cheering happily for both of his students with tired smiles.

“That man never runs out of energy, huh?”

“He can, but you’ll be done long before he is. Trust me.”

Hayate looked over the two combatants and raised his hand.

“Are you both ready?”


“Ah! Wait one moment please!”

Lee raised his hands in a panic as he turned towards his teacher.



The two stared at each other for a moment.

This continued as Shizuka leaned over to Hii.

“What are they doing?”

“Believe it or not, they’re communicating something.”


Hii nodded his head as Guy slowly raised his hand and gave him a thumbs-up!

Lee’s face broke into a smile as he gave a thumbs up back and proceeded to take off his leg warmers.

Neji looked at him curiously as he slowly took off what looked like leg weights.

A smile came on Neji’s face as he got into the Hyuuga stance.

“Let’s see if you can change your destiny, or if you’ll be a loser once again.”

Lee carefully put the weights away in a scroll and resumed his stance.

“Thank you for giving me the chance to test my destiny! I am ready!”

Lee bowed his head slightly and kept his eyes on Neji.

Hayate raised his hand again as he checked them once more.

“Ready? Begin!”

Lee quickly jumped back and kept his eyes on Neji.

“Whatever you do, it’s useless!”

Neji quickly dashed towards Lee!

“Here we go!”


Neji’s eyes widened as Lee’s figure disappeared!


Neji followed his instincts and ducked under a sweeping kick!

He tried to counter, but Lee had already jumped back out of his range!

The two circled each other slowly as they inched closer.

‘Since when was Lee so fast?!’

Neji quickly weaved hand signs and unlocked his chakra!


The veins on his eyes bulged as he focused his vision all around.

He couldn’t take any more chances.

Lee smirked with happiness as he planned his next attack!


Lee disappeared once more and appeared behind him!


Neji twisted his body and tried to attack his chakra points, but Lee disappeared again and attacked him from behind!



Neji felt a sharp pain in his back as Lee once again jumped out of his range.


Neji tried to close the distance, but Lee kept his distance out of his reach.

Neji started to become frustrated!

‘How is he so strong! He acts just like-‘

Neji soon stopped chasing after him and calmed down.

He realized too late the shadow that Lee was following after.


Neji was already at a disadvantage.

He had to adapt to this quickly!

‘I have the advantage now! I have to end it quickly.’

Lee carefully pushed forward and imagined his training with Hii.

He imagined Neji’s hands like blades, avoiding them at all costs.

The two continued to exchange blows like the other was a fire as they lightly tapped and struck each other quickly while maintaining distance.

This continued for a few more minutes before the two looked at each other in their respective stances.

Neji caught his breath as silently as possibly.

His pride wouldn’t allow Lee the satisfaction to see him struggle.

‘It seems I must use that technique. As expected of Neji!’

Lee’s muscles tensed as he prepared to move!

Neji’s eyes caught the movement as he warily watched his surroundings.

The air was tense as Lee slowly gathered his energy for the attack.



Neji quickly turned around to Lee starting up with a kick!

Neji prepared to block the move, but Lee quickly pulled the attack back and struck Neji in the stomach!


Lee quickly crouched down and kicked Neji into the air!


Lee’s bandages on his arms unfurled and began to wrap around Neji’s body!

Neji watched in horror as the bandages covered him completely!

“Primary Lotus!”

Lee grabbed Neji and began to spin rapidly as the two came down from the air!


The two crashed into the floor as dust scattered all around!

Lee jumped out of the smoke as he slid across the floor.

“Haaah! Haah!”

Lee watched the cloud smoke slowly disperse as a figure slowly appeared from within.

*Cough Cough*

Neji coughed up a bit of blood as he held his stomach.

“Y-You won’t beat me! The Hyuuga clan will not fall here!”

Lee kept quiet as he prepared his attack.

“I’m sorry, but the Hyuuga won’t win today!”

Lee’s stance changed as his chakra began to visibly form around him.

“The first gate is already…opened!!”


His chakra began to rise even higher as he focused his will!

“Gate of Healing! Open!”


His chakra started to skyrocket as a subtle green glow covered his body! His skin started to redden as his pupils disappeared.

‘W-What is this?!’

Neji was stuck looking at Lee like a deer before a kunai!

“I saved this technique for you, Neji!”

Lee flexed his leg muscles as he leaned forward!

“Here I come!”


The floor came up with the extreme force Lee used to propel himself towards Neji!

Neji tried to block the attack, but quickly ran into a problem.

Lee was too fast!

His eyes could catch his shadow, but his body was still facing the other way!




Everyone could only hear Neji’s cries of pain and the wind cracking under Lee’s fist as the arena cracked!



Everyone cowered from the pressure of Lee’s fist!

The surroundings grew quiet as the wind died down.

Neji was seen sprawled out on the floor, unconscious, but still breathing. Lee towered over him as his technique started to wear off. His body

began to twitch and jerk as he slowly fell down to the ground on his knees.

Tears were trickling from his face as he raised his closed fists to he sky.

“I,I did it! I beat Neji! I proved my ninja way!”


Guy flipped down from the viewing area and landed in front of Lee with tears flowing down his face as well!

“Lee! I knew you could prove your Ninja Way! Now your future will be brighter than ever! Remember not to get cocky! There are still many strong ninja out there!”

I will, Guy-Sensei! I won’t let you down!”



The two hugged each other in triumph as the master and disciple were happy at their success.

Everyone else was shocked and stunned by the turn of the events.

Only after the crowd regained their faculties did Hayate raise his hand.

“Winner: Rock Lee!”

The victorious Genin looked at Lee with caution and renewed respect. No one expected Lee to have that kind of power.

‘Poor Neji. He really got handled this time.’

Hii kneeled next to Neji, healing some of his wounds as the medical team rushed up to them.

Hii stood back up as the medical team took Neji away and walked back to the viewing platform.

“When did you go down?”

Shizuka looked at Hii, surprised to see him on her side as she was closest to the stairs.

“About when Lee started yelling. Can’t have his teammate die despite their feud, right?”

Shizuka nodded her head as she watched the two continue to motivate each other.

“Where does those twinkles come from?”


Shizuka looked at Hii’s deadpanned face, then back at the two.

‘I…should probably never investigate that.

After a clean up crew came to fix parts of the arena came in, the Prelims finally came down to the last few fights.

“The next match has been decided!”

Hayate yelled as the screen came to life. He looked a bit better as Hii volunteered to heal his chest a bit during their down time. The two began to converse about swordplay and quickly set a date to test each other’s moves. Hayate had heard of Di’s skill long ago but couldn’t fight him due to his injuries. He now had a chance to fight a much younger swordsman of the same style and couldn’t help getting a bit excited.

The screen flashed for a moment as everyone wondered what the next fight was going to be.

Maka and Shizuka both looked at Hii with a bit of worry. The last three Genin left didn’t look like they would be easy to beat.

*Ping Ping Ping*

Hii tapped on the railing impatiently as he waited for the screen to make the decision.


Yamato stood behind Hii as he also watched the screen.

“Not really. I’m just ready to get this over with.”

Yamato nodded his head as he looked over at the three ninjas left to fight his pupil.

Two brooding men in purple and the last child of the Sand.

“You have any strategies for them?”

Hii nodded his head as he continued to tap.

Yamato said nothing more as they waited patiently.


Finally, the screen stopped on the next match-up!

[Hii Kurokumo vs. Yoroi Akado]


Hii landed in the arena and slowly rolled his shoulders.

The wait sure took a long time.

He saw his opponent jump down and chuckled to himself.

“You don’t look so tough.”

Hii raised an eyebrow at this guy.

Hayate raised his hand and watched the two.


“Let’s get this over with.”

Hii only nodded his head and placed a hand on his blade.


Hii watched as Yoroi weaved hand signs, making his hands glow with a blue glow.

“Now you just have to hold still while I drain you dry!”

Hii felt a smirk tug on his face as electricity quickly dashed around his body.




That’s all Yoroi could say as he stumbled down to his knees.

He fell face forward as Hii appeared behind him with a blank face.

‘Not even worth it.’

The Genin were shocked by the display as Hayate recovered quickly and raised his hand.

“Hii Kurokumo wins!”

“Woooo! Great job!”

Shizuka smiled as she clapped her hands loudly.

A smile hugged the corner of Maka’s face before disappearing.

She expected him to do that much.

Hii slowly made his way back to the viewing platform as the medical ninja picked up Yoroi and brought him to the infirmary.

Hayate’s eyes lingered on him for a moment before waiting for the right time to announce the next match.

Once Hii made it back to his original spot, he noticed a strange gaze drilling into him.


He turned his head and finally noticed Gaara’s bloodthirsty gaze focused on him.

“Hey, look. You got a fan now.”

“Haha. So funny.”

Shizuka snickered as she poked Hii in the side.

Maka silently watched as she was curious what the weird guy could do.

“The final match has been decided!”

Everyone looked over to see the last match up.

[Gaara of the Sand vs. Misumi Tsurugi]

The last man draped in purple jumped down with Gaara right behind him.

“Heh! Don’t think just because that idiot fell so quickly that I will too.”

Misumi boldly claimed as he took his stance.

Gaara, on the other hand, didn’t even register his words as the cork on his gourd seemed to move by itself.


Misumi nodded his head while Gaara did the same, albeit a barely noticeable nod.


Misumi jumped back with a hidden sneer on his face as his arms began to crack.

“Hehehe! My Physique will bring you down, kid!”

He sprung forward as his arms started to grow longer, nearly scrapping the ground.


His arms shot out as they wrapped around Gaara rapidly.

“Hahaha! Give it up, kid. Otherwise, I’ll have to squeeze a forfeit out of you.”

His arms began to bind around Gaara like a boa!

*Creak Creak Creak*

The sounds of squeaking joints silently rang in the Genin’s ears as they grimly watched the battle.

Hii looked at Gaara for a moment and noted his blank face. He then turned to look at his siblings and noticed the same emotion on their face.

‘Looks like the winner was already decided.’


A loud scream brought him out his thoughts as he looked over at the battle again.

Misumi screamed as his hands were covered rapidly in brown sand.

Gaara watched motionlessly as the arms were pierced by the sand and slowly fell from his body.

His hand raised up as he opened his palm.

“Sand Burial.”

*Crack Crack Crack*


Misumi felt his bones cracking into powder as the sand crushed his arms.

His hoarse screaming echoed at the testing area as the Genin all winced at the savagery.

“How could he?”

Naruto looked on in disbelief as he couldn’t believe someone could be that brutal.

Hii looked on indifferently as he watched.

He wanted to see how far Gaara was going to go with this.

The sand left Misumi’s arms, leaving holes leaking with blood for all to see.

His arms were twisted beyond recognition!

He shakily kept standing for a moment before falling down to the ground like his comrade.

“Misumi is unable to continue! Gaara of the Sand wins!”

The medical ninja quickly ran into the arena to take the man away as Gaara looked over all the competitors silently.

His eyes stopped on Hii for a moment as a sinister smile came across his face.

Hii smiled back as Gaara made his way towards the viewing area.


“Huuu! That guy gives me the creeps!”

Maka nodded her head at Shizuka’s judgement while Hii remained silent.

‘Guess we’ll see each other at the finals sometime.’

“Give us a moment and we will have the match ups for the next part of the test. If you could gather down here for a moment.”

The group of Genin all came down from the platform and lined up neatly.

Hayate looked over everyone and nodded his head.

He started to speak, but quickly suppressed a cough before continuing.

“Congratulations on passing the preliminary round. Soon the listing of the matches that will happen one month from now will appear on screen. We encourage you to take note of your opponents and prepare for your battle accordingly.”

The Genin nodded lightly as they patiently waited for the results.

Hii looked over at Hayate with a burning curiosity.

Hayate noticed this gaze and stared back at him with a pondering gaze.

The two stared at each other for a moment before Hayate nodded his head, as if coming to an agreement. Hii quickly nodded his head as well and no longer paid attention to Hayate.

“What was that?”

Shizuka asked as Hii shrugged his shoulders.

“I guess it’s an agreement.”

Shizuka and Maka looked at him for a moment before looking at each other with confusion.

Hii didn’t bother to explain as the screen flashed a list of matches!

[Dosu Kinuta vs. Kankuro of the Sand]

[Shino Aburame vs. Shizuka Uzumaki]

[Shikamaru Nara vs. Temari of the Sand]

[Naruto Uzumaki vs. Maka Uchiha]

[Sasuke Uchiha vs. Hinata Hyuuga]

[Hii Kurokumo vs. Gaara of the Sand]

[Rock Lee]

All the Genin grew excited as their opponents were selected! Well, except Rock Lee who sulked in the corner.

“I don’t get to fight anyone…”

Hii came to his side and patted his shoulder.

“Don’t think like that. You’ll get to fight a strong opponent. It’ll be either me or Gaara that gets to you.”

Rock Lee paused for a moment before a blazing aura came over him!

“You’re right! I will have to fight the victor of your fight! I have to train harder than ever before!”

Hii shakes his head as Lee’s pupils burn with YOUTH.

His eyes catch the sight of Gaara staring at him with a hungry gaze.

He could tell he was dying to fight him.


He returns it with his own smirk before Hayate calls their attention.

“You will have one month to train and prepare for your match! Do your best and make sure that you come prepared. We will be evaluating your skills and decisions during the exam. Those that pass the qualifications will become Chuunin. Good luck to you all!”


Hayate teleported away as the examinees start to prepare for their upcoming matches.

“Alright! We made it!”

Naruto shouted out with glee as Sasuke shook his head at him.

“What are you so happy about? This was how it was supposed to go, dork. I would’ve laughed if you lost to Kiba.”

“Hey! It wasn’t a guarantee, you know? I thought Sakura would be here too!”

Sasuke’s smile dropped for a moment as he nodded his head.

“Well, she did work hard to become stronger. It’s too bad she had to fight Nee-san.”

Naruto looked at Sasuke for a moment before a sinister smile came over his face.

“What? Why are you looking at me like that?”

“No reason. Just figured something out. That’s all.”

Naruto put his arms behind his head as he walked towards Shizuka.

“Hey, Nee-san.”


Shizuka looked at him with a curious gaze.

“What’s up? Why do you look so suspicious?”

“I just realized something.”

He waved Shizuka over, looking like one of the gossiping mothers of the neighborhood.

‘Oh boy.’

Shizuka rolled her eyes and humored her brother as she huddled close.

Naruto whispered in her ear his discoveries as she nodded her head with a dull expression.

Once he was done, Shizuka whispered in his ear as well.

Hii and Maka watched as Naruto turned towards his sister with a crazy look.

“You know already?!”

“Of course I do, Silly. Didn’t you know that it was going on for a while? You can be so dense.”

Shizuka shook her head as Hii and Maka started to laugh.

“He must’ve figured out the strange atmosphere between Sakura and Sasuke. He’s pretty slow to finding out.”

Hii nodded his head to Maka’s words.

“Worse yet, he doesn’t even realize his own love problems.”

Hii turned to see Hinata taking glances at Naruto from nearby.

Her face grew bright red when she noticed Hii staring at her and pointing towards her and Naruto.

“It’s fun to be the older sibling sometimes.”

Maka nodded her head as she smiled at their antics.

“Heh. I guess it is fun from time to time."


*Later that day*


Hii jumped from the trees towards a clearing hidden in the testing grounds.

The moon was full as it took up most of the night sky.

“Thanks for waiting. I appreciate you taking the time to humor my request.”

Hii looked over to the person waiting under a tree in the darkness as he landed.

The figure stood up and walked into the moonlight with a determined gaze.

“No worries. I have to say I’ve long been intrigued about the Kurokumo style.”

The man suddenly covered his mouth as coughs came up from his lungs.

Hii quickly made his way over to Hayate and weaved hand signs.

His hand began to glow green as he came behind Hayate and pressed it against his chest.

Relief washed over his face as Hayate started to breathe a bit easier.


Hii shook his head as he moved his hand around Hayate’s back, healing and scanning his lungs.

After a short while, he put his hand down and took a deep breath.

“I think you have some obstruction in your lung, Senpai.”

Hayate took a breath before he turned to face Hii.

“Well, I just have to live with it. It’s probably just an old injury that couldn’t heal.”

Hii shook his head before looking Hayate in the eye.

“I don’t think so. If you let me look at it, I could come up with a solution.”

Hayate looked at Hii for a moment before snorting.

“Huh. You’re only starting to walk and you already want to run? No need to worry about me.”

Hayate walked a distance away from Hi before pulling out a scroll.


Once he opened the scroll, a katana appeared in his hand as he strapped it to his back.

“Maybe if you beat me in swordplay, I might be more amiable to your help.”

Hii sighed as he walked over while holding the hilt of his blade behind his head with one hand.

“Do you have to be so opposed to it? It could make you feel better.”

“Show me I need to improve first before you say that. Isn’t this what you wanted?”


Hayate smirked as Hii ignored him and got into his stance.

Hayate quickly focused as well as the tension in the air skyrocketed.

The two were bathed in the moonlight, unmoving as leaves blew through the air.

One leaf slowly swayed its way down to the ground between them, dancing in the wind.

The two watched each other as the leaf softly brushed against the ground.




The two drew their blades and clashed against each other as they displayed their techniques!

*Clang Clang Clang Clang Clang*

Hii struck aggressively like a storm, but Hayate countered his moves with swift grace!

Hii stopped and quickly drew back as he studied Hayate for an opening.

Hayate readjusted his blade as he kept Hii in his sights, giving him no openings.


Hii clicked his tongue as he rushed forward to clash again.

Hayate smirked at his energy as two copies of him appeared from his shadow!


Hii abruptly stopped as he watched the clones intersect in front of him.

“Dance of the Crescent Moon!”

The two clones made a wide half circle around Hii, splitting his focus!

‘Which one is he?!’

Hii tried to keep his cool when he noticed the moonlight above him was blocked!

He looked up and saw Hayate falling down towards him with his blade overhead!

‘I’m not going to give up here!’

Hii’s hair quickly spiked as his chakra jolted through his body!

Lightning Armor!

He jumped back out of the encirclement and gripped his blade tight!

“Storm style: Flash!”


Hii zipped towards the falling Hayate as the clones also swung at him!



Hii and Hayate faced each other silently as their blades crossed.

Hayate poured large amounts of chakra into his blade as Ame no Tsume crackled with lighting chakra.

Hii maintained eye contact with Hayate before checking his sides.


Hayate watched him as he slowly glance at the two clones who kept their blades on his neck and the other clone behind him with a kunai held to his side.

"A kunai?! Really?!"

"I can use my techniques without a blade. Can you?”


Hii sighed as he slowly lowered his blade and pressed his hand against his shoulder.

The force from the jump attack pushed him back enough for Hayate to cut through.

“Looks like I win round 1.”


Hii backed away from him as a green aura covered his hand and healed his wound.

“Don’t think I’ll give up with just one loss.”


Hayate swung the blood off his blade as he took his stance once more.

“I see. Show me how determined you are then.”

Hii finished healing his wounds as he took his stance once more.

“Don’t worry. I’ll make sure you to see if you’re that much better than me.”

The two looked at each other for a moment before clashing again!

*Clang Clang Clang*

The two battled for a long while before they disbanded for the moment

Hii couldn’t hit crack his moonlight blade at all.

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