"I know, it's very complicated. In short, you can absorb internal strength for me, and then you post me the hero, and the matter is over."

"...You have to talk and count."

Mo seemed helpless. After hesitating for a while, he obediently walked to the bedside.

Taking off her shoes, the pure white Luo socks wrapped her beautiful jade feet, and her slightly trembling toes also showed her anxiety.

Under the red translucent gauze, I actually saw her beautiful and stunning female body.


As I swallowed my saliva, Mo also sat cross-legged, her delicate palm aimed at me.

"Come on, I'll **** it up, get it done quickly."


I also put my hand on it with a smile, and then started to mobilize my body's internal strength to run the Dafa that was not pure enough to absorb the yuan.


Sure enough, I started to absorb the opponent's internal force automatically again.

The more I absorbed it, the more I actually felt her hands that were close to her, and our sweaty palms were also pressed together tightly...

"Mo, does it matter?"

"Stop talking nonsense... ah..."

Fragrant sweat dripped from her forehead, her blushing lips were drenched, and her breathing became rapid.

Is the internal force sucked too much?

Compared with her struggling to support her, I feel more refreshed, and the other party's skin is getting clearer and clearer.

The internal force keeps running, and I actually find that my meridians have also widened. Good guy, this exercise is not just a simple improvement of oneself, it also has long-term effects!

I became more and more excited and couldn't help but speed up the absorption. At the same time, I remembered another trick sealed in the black butterfly tattoo, the devil was confused.

How to use this trick?

Out of curiosity, I secretly activated the demon to confuse my mind, and at the same time called out Mo, who had already closed the beauty.


"What are you doing... Ah..."

The black lines entered her body through my arms and palms, and seeing her body undergoing drastic changes in surprise, Mo was panicked, but she couldn’t do it if she wanted to break free, because through internal force, our palms After they were posted together, they couldn't be separated, and her body didn't have any strength.

This is not the result I expected, but I can't stand it anymore.

I didn't expect that Mo would become like this when I urged the demon to confuse my heart.

She struggled violently at first, and then the struggle became smaller. In the end, her eyes lost their brilliance and there was no resistance, just like a well-behaved doll.

Is this the terrifying demon confusing mind? Directly charm the mind and disintegrate the spirit.

With the help of the opponent's internal strength, I instead attacked the opponent with evil methods.

The black lines entered her body and finally disappeared, but...

According to my experience, I have a guess.


I took advantage of her loss of consciousness and let go. But Mo maintained the posture of sitting cross-legged, facing me dullly like this.

I reached out and untied the ribbon on her chest, revealing half of her soft breast.

! ! ! !

While stunning and the breasts, I also saw that black lines appeared on her chest.



She is still awake? I thought I passed out.

However, at this moment, although she has no eyes at all, it seems that she still has an instinctive reaction.

"Are you still awake?"

"I...wake up."

She answered me with a half-dream and half-awake gesture.

Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff.

The heartbeat is so fast. what happened?

I just feel hot in the lower abdomen and the corners of my mouth twitch.

"Then, Mo, do you know that you have fallen into the devil's heart?"

"do not know……"

Ah ah ah ah what am I talking about! !

"That... anyway..."

I don't know what I should say.

Be ridden with animal desires.

At the moment I can only describe myself that way.

The woman in front of me has multiple identities, not only a disciple of a respectable martial arts, but also a woman who defeated me, and even a famous dancer. These realities all stimulate my senses.

How can I get such a woman?

But, I was really lucky to get her, the opportunity is right in front of me.

I don't want to think too much, I just want to enjoy the precious moment.

The devil confused the mind, it seems to be an incredible magic skill. Seeing her in a trance, it seems that she can't resist, right?

"Mo, are you a virgin?"

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