This time it was my turn to panic and cover Jasmine's mouth.

Her body shook slightly, and she cast a dissatisfied look at me, but when I begged, she arrogantly removed my hand and folded her legs by the way.

"Pass this question."

"Okay, next question, student Zhu Zeyu, what do you think of the better group of readers who threatened to kill you in the comment area?"

"What? I hacked them to death!"

"By the way, these are the 50 monthly passes they entrusted me to pass on."

"Oh, please say hello to dads for me."

I just got up and accepted the monthly pass, and immediately sat back in my seat calmly.

And Mengmei, one of the authors, looked at the phone and continued to ask:

"By the way, there are fan works about the two of you in the comment area. The content is unsightly. What do you think? By the way, this person's id is..."

"Don't care about anything else, kill first!"

Jasmine and I spoke at the same time in a tacit understanding.


While looking at his watch, the man made an ok gesture to us.

"Ok...Because of space limitations, this interview is over here, and we will see you in the next issue."


【Jasmine Single Line END + Future Talk】

Mo stood on the high mountain, her beautiful figure decorated with a green dress, and her robe fluttered with the wind.

The majestic elegance, elegance and immortality.

Standing like a peony, sitting like a peony.

I have never seen a woman who is more perfect than her in the years of the rivers and lakes. The appearance is a beautiful and charming creature, but the stubborn and arrogant heart is throbbing.

I stood a few steps away from her, as if there was an invisible barrier with her, and I dared not come close.

She sighed suddenly, twisting her hair with her slender and slender fingers as if helplessly, and then glanced at me diagonally.

"You actually know that I am here?"

"Of course, I know all about you."

"Hmph, you know everything you say, that's not what I said when I obviously abandoned me before."

Her face changed, her eyes became sad and bitter.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I have apologized many times, I really deserve to die, but you can't give me a chance."

"Smelly man~ As expected, men are all liars."

Mo put her arms around her chest, pouting in a reluctant manner.

And I clenched my fist and took a step forward.

"Don't lose your temper, Mo, go back with me."

"I do not want."

With a smile in her eyes, she put her hands behind her back like a joke.

"No, you have to go back to live with me."

I walked over and grabbed her shoulders.

And Mo trembled all over, then looked at me defiantly.

"Not romantic, just like a farmer."

"If I farm, you will be ready to weave."

"Okay, aren't we the Cowherd and Weaver Girl anymore."


"But, I am worried that you are just an emotional liar..."

Mo lowered his head, looking at me with a sad and uneasy expression on his face.

A warm current flashed through my heart.

If you don’t care about me, why are you worried that I lie to her?

So I met Mo Yuyi's gaze and said seriously:

"Jasmine, I like you the most."

"Ah... hi, what do you like about me?"

She tilted her head, looking at me with a naive and expectant expression.

"I like everything about you, whether it's your hypocritical and troublesome character, or your stubborn temper to cause trouble. Because I know you just want to be loved, right?"


"I also like your upright, sacrificed soul."

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