She began to shook her head blushing, beating the dishes incoherently, and her pony tails shook like a rattle.

"Hahaha I know."

I broke the topic immediately, but I felt a little happy in my heart.

I always feel that although she has positioned herself as a love assist role, she actually has no love experience. Just asking casually will be so shy. I always feel that as long as I take a good strategy, one day she will really wash and lie on the bed with Jasmine. wait for me.

Since Sunflower is the most vulnerable place in Jasmine's heart, as long as she has a strategy for Sunflower, after conquering her heart, maybe she will help me persuade Jasmine.

he he he he he

Huh, why am I so excited all of a sudden? Can't laugh, can't laugh, we have to survive the current level first!

That is, the student council president proposed a love ban. Because of the existence of that guy, it becomes very difficult for me to socialize with girls, especially not conducive to my venting.

In this case, she must not make her tarot cards more unscrupulous and spread to the people around me. It seems that my acquaintances at school are just a few boys except Jasmine, and if they had nothing to do in class today, they should have not been affected, so I boldly judge that her curse tarot is actually the designated target, which is specifically aimed at me and Jasmine. In order to determine if this matter is true-

"Sunflower, can you please do something?


She stretched out her soft pink tongue, licked her lips inadvertently, and then looked at me blankly. "After eating, come to the basketball court with me."

"Why is that?"

Step, just take a walk. "

"Well, it's okay, otherwise I will get fat again.

She nodded unconsciously, and showed me a trademark smile by the way.

At this moment, I was relieved at first, but then I thought of other things.

"By the way, do you know where Jasmine's house is? I only know that it's not far from the school. It seems that I haven't been there yet."

"Oh, I know, is it possible that you also want to visit after school?"

This also means, did you plan to go? "

"Yeah, of course, Jasmine is my most important person~ my best friend~~ If you don’t have to wait for a part-time job, I will lie down on the bed with her and act as a pillow when she is in pain. Consolation." She said happily, she put her hands on her chest and twisted excitedly, because Shaoxing was straight, and the plump and straight breast shape of sunflower also protruded from the uniform, not only from the gap between the buttons. Seeing a little bit of the lace edge of the pink underwear, the slender willow waist above the skirt is also twisting back and forth in ecstasy.


Why is the action of selling cuteness turned into selling meat!

Ignore me, but I have no right to complain, because I am attracted by her inadvertent mature and **** atmosphere.

Oh oh, I see, although she is a natural dull character, she also has a coloring factor in her body. Although the figure is small, the bust is actually quite big, and the curve between the waist and hips can be seen. If it feels good to the touch, it will be able to untie her ponytail, and then the beautiful blonde hair will spread out, even more Set off her white body eye-catchingly.

Before I knew it, I went into a fanciful mode again.

Hmm, sunflower pillow, a great idea.

Of course, I resisted not exposing my gaffe on my face. I just smiled and nodded to her. By the way, I planned to visit Jasmine together. After all, my girlfriend might have been cursed and didn’t know it. If possible, I still have to and She confessed the situation to make her be careful.

"Then, please let me go too, because I haven't been there yet."

"Well, yes, by the way, if Jasmine’s illness is very serious, I need to bring her some medicine." Don’t worry, Jasmine is a martial artist. Don’t look at her appearance, it’s practical. Neat. "

Chapter 141 Doom Cannot Be Avoided

"Oh? Classmate Zhu knows this too? Jasmine liked to dance knives and guns when she was a child, because her father used to open a martial arts gym."

"Of course I know, because it's a boyfriend, but it really is like this, Sunflower, do you know that she can use a knife? "Of course I know better! She won the national championship in the martial arts competition in elementary school. Although she was in the youth group, by the way, because the tang sword she used was similar to the Japanese sword, she also went to the youth group in the kendo competition and won it easily. Not only did she beat her opponents I was crying, and when I came down, I said in a plain tone such handsome words as boring.

"That's it

It's really a picture with a strong sense of picture, that Jasmine with a cold face not only knocked down the opponent, but also left casually without taking the opponent's fiasco seriously.

In short, it was a rare first time to have lunch with Sunflower today, and while chatting, she also obtained precious information, that is, Jasmine seemed to be a cold swordsman since she was a child, and the two of them have a pretty good relationship.

Um, I don't know if I can connect them together, and then come here, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, or I won't be able to stand it.

After eating, we walked to the vicinity of the basketball court.

The male to female ratio in this school is exactly 1:1, so the yang energy is relatively high, and there are not a few people who like to exercise in their spare time, especially when high school studies are more stressful, and some people prefer to relax themselves through exercise.

This western basketball court has a total of 6 courts and 12 baskets. The outside is surrounded by barbed wire to prevent the basketball from playing too far. After entering, you can see that every field is packed full of ground, everywhere. It's the sound of basketball bouncing from the ground.

"Ah, the afternoon wind is very comfortable."

Sunflower seemed to be in a good mood, and through the iron fence outside, staring at the people playing inside with a gentle and peaceful look.


I answered absently.

The purpose now is to test whether Bletilla striata once threatened the people around me will be affected by her lie. She just cursed Jasmine and me, and I was deceived to see the bad luck that Jasmine and I encountered together. After that, I believed that I became the source of misfortune.

If you want to test it, just try it yourself.

I heard the sound of basketball crackling in my ears, and I started to make a plan in my head.

According to the general development, if it is unfortunate me, I will suddenly be hit by a flying ball when I enter the range of the ball. If it is an ordinary me, nothing should happen to me. If it is the lucky me, Then there will be a beautiful basketball girl with a hot body leaping into my arms. Since I observed and found that no women were playing basketball, the last possibility was passed.

This experiment is actually risky, because if someone who is really with me will encounter misfortune, then the sunflower that is so close to me might be unlucky.

When I thought that I might involve Jasmine’s girlfriends, I was still a little uneasy and even guilty, but I thought that if anything happened, I just had to cover her with my body. Anyway, the crisis that I would encounter on the basketball court was just being basketball Smash it "Kihwa-san, why don't we go to the opposite chair and sit down. I want to watch basketball."

I pointed to the stone bench at the farthest distance from us on the basketball court. No one was sitting on it because of the remote location. I pointed at the farthest stool, which was quite a violation.

Sunflower, who is quite straightforward, asked directly:

"Watching basketball, why not sit on the one closest to us, and it seems to be more intense."

After that, she pointed her finger at the court next to us, where a professional basketball game was going on. It happened that a team of red and black players were fighting against each other. Even if I looked at it, I could feel both. Superb level and tacit understanding of cooperation.


As the No. 2 guy from the black team roared and slammed the basketball into the hoop with a three-step layup, I couldn't help but let out a sound of approval.

The sport of basketball... is quite far away for me. Although I have imagined relying on the mysterious snakeskin to go up and then play handsome and sult me, the reality is that I, who is not prominent in height, can't even touch the ball on the court.

"'s more intense, but I can see that the two innermost talents are real masters." A cold sweat broke out on my forehead. After tangling for a while, I bit my head and brag about me. Two people who want to go to practice on the court next to the chair. Those two people looked like novices, and they used both hands to throw the ball into the basket and it bounced into the frame.

Although it feels embarrassing, I still plan to go into the stadium and try to see if Sunflower will be infected by my bad luck. "Well, as expected of Zhu, she seems to be very proficient in this aspect. She actually knows how to judge the level through movements~" Her eyes began to narrow, her curved eyebrows looked like crescents, and she put her hands happily. Cross the back waist and walk in such a playful posture, because the chest is already big, this posture can emphasize the body curve more.


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