
I clapped my hands excitedly, feeling that I was the rebirth of Holmes, and I came to a conclusion so quickly.

Shion's face immediately showed a heavy expression.

"It seems we are going to catch the prisoners right away. If there is a fanatic attacking lovers in the village who is still at large, the news spreads, it will be a major blow to the village's tourism industry."

"I said that we are going to arrest the prisoner, but all we know is the conclusion that the murderer is a single woman. We don’t know any more, and I think it’s too extreme. It was done simply because I was jealous of someone else’s love Assault or something..."

Hearing my whisper, Shion suddenly let out a cry of enlightenment.

"I see, it's a resentful spirit!"

"Huh, what resentful spirit?"

I blinked blankly, and Shion entered the reasoning mode on her own. She looked at the table and the ceiling from time to time, and from time to time she made some cute "um, uh" voices from her mouth.

Finally she got up from the chair.

She turned her gaze to Xiaomei first.

"May, you know? Evil spirits will come in when people are weak."


Xiaomei nodded calmly.

"Then, a certain single woman in the village fell into a huge loss and low self-esteem because she couldn't find a partner. She just gave some resentful spirits wandering around the village a chance to possess her. In principle, it was like..."

Ziyuan didn't speak any more, just cast her gaze on Jasmine, who was sitting aside from the transcendence, who was self-conscious and happy.

I got it right away.

Possessed by the resentful spirit and parasitic by the succubus may be similar in nature. It's just that the succubus soul with the medium of the cross is stronger and harder to get rid of than the weak wraith spirits wandering in the wild.

"In other words, someone in the village was parasitized by a resentful spirit."

"Well, just think about it. Recently, there is someone in the village who has such obvious characteristics, that is, being single and having a bad relationship, and seems to be looking forward to the relationship."

"I thought of someone."

Xiaomei, who was silent for a while, spoke suddenly.

"who is it?"

Shion asked her with great interest.


Xiaomei, who was holding the bear, narrowed her eyes and pointed to Shion.

But my childhood sweetheart quickly flushed, and became furious without mercy.

"Ahhhhhhh, you actually taunt me, are you going to fight ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

"Don't get excited, Shion, what she said is only one of the possibilities..."

Fortunately, I caught Shion from behind, otherwise it would lead to a tragedy of internal strife.

In short, I first yelled "Stop!!" in the outpatient clinic, which was transformed into our temporary combat meeting room, so that everyone was quiet and listened to me. Then, I assumed a leader and held up my hands.

"Listen to me, since we have identified the murderer with a lot of characteristics, it is imperative to find her out and maintain the peace in the village."

"Well, but how do we catch her?"

"Hmm, this is not difficult, because according to my understanding, the most suspected local young women in the village who have not yet married, and those who have a difficult relationship path are—"

My fingers stretched straight in a void direction.

As if thinking of the same place with me, Ziyuan and Xiaomei spoke with me at the same time, and their names were--



"Oleander, oleander, are you at home? Open the door!"

Next, we agreed on a plan, and we split up to do our own things.

Because Jasmine is completely a drag oil bottle in the succubus state, she and I can only be counted as one unit. We rushed to Oleander's house with Shion overnight.

At the door, Shion banged on her door unceremoniously, and soon someone opened it.

The person who opened the door happened to be an oleander.

She seemed to have just woken up, stepping on slippers and wearing a cool camisole, rubbing her eyes and looking at us.

"Ah, it's you guys, what a coincidence, I just saw you today, and now I am looking for me again. Isn't it because you want to find the difference? Or you want to introduce me a good man..."

"Oleander, what were you doing before?"

Shion put his hands on her shoulders fiercely, interrupting her thoughts strongly.

Realizing Shion's unusual seriousness, Oleander also widened her trance eyes with some confusion.

"I was sleeping before."

"Sleep? It's only 9 o'clock now."

Shion glanced at the phone and spoke unceremoniously.

"Because I encountered too many strange flowers on the blind date today, I was exhausted physically and mentally and planned to rest early and went to bed at about 7 o'clock."

Shion and I looked at each other while looking at the oleander who was beating Hache while talking.

Actually, I can't deduce anything from her testimony. The main reason is to put Shion in a serious atmosphere.

Shion pondered thoughtfully at this moment.

"If she falls into a state of being dominated by the resentful spirit after that, she will be able to match the time of the crime."

"Committed? What crime?"

Oleander frowned somewhat displeased as if it had heard the troublesome term.

In order not to irritate her, I started to explain in advance.

"Outlaws appeared in the village and attacked lovers."

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