I connected the phone and talked to her.

"Ayu, where are you? There are too many people here!"

"Uh... I'm at the gate."

"I'm in the cafeteria, I just finished eating with Jasmine, I decided to go for a walk after dinner with you!"

"What's this saying!! But even though I want to do the same, the Student Union has blocked this hotel in order to let the students do nothing to study on their own."

"What? It's rare that people still want to go to the beach!"

Shion on the other end of the phone made a regretful voice.

But she soon became cheerful again.

"It's okay, isn't there a trail outside the hotel? We can take a walk!"

"Um... OK, I'll wait for you at the door."

After agreeing to go for a walk with Shion, I waited for Shion with embarrassment in the eyes of the boys' complex envy and jealousy.

Because he is a childhood sweetheart, he is different from his girlfriend. No matter how they criticize me for "failing" and "scum", it is unreasonable!

I can only comfort myself this way while turning my head a little bit to observe the surroundings.

The sky has completely dimmed, and the lighting is now relying on the hanging lamps in the hotel beside the flower beds and the street lamps outside the fence. Unconsciously, the students could not go beyond the iron fence, so they had to go back to the hotel's collective study room to study bored.

Jasmine’s words... I haven’t contacted me since I got off the car... Maybe I’m too lazy to care about me. After all, I left her with huge physical and mental trauma 2 days before departure, so she can only avoid it. It's me.

However, Wen Xinlan is right. A little observation will reveal that in addition to the main body of the resort hotel composed of complex buildings, there are also stone roads, groves, mini parks and other places. The environment is very elegant, and the coastal The breeze complements each other.

Just standing here and waiting for Shion, I feel that time flies quickly.


At some point, I felt poked in my waist.


I knew Shion had already arrived, so I looked at her with a smile.

The purple slender ponytail was blown by the sea breeze at the back of his head, and the clean and delicate face was also covered with hair. Even so, Shion's face was full of smiles.

"Hehe, I'm here."

"I know, I'm not blind."

As soon as I finished speaking, her arm was hugged vigorously.

Puff puff puff...

Wow, why do you throw me a difficult straight ball when you come up! !

Feeling uncomfortable, I was confused for a while, because the throbbing of my chest was really disturbing. It was a little ridiculous to think about it. I obviously had a girlfriend, and I evaded when my childhood sweetheart showed up. When she naturally leaned in, my heartbeat accelerated again.

This is why...Is it because although I am interacting with Jasmine on the surface, in fact, neither of us agrees with the superficial relationship, so I actually subconsciously look forward to true love.

"Ayu, what's the matter with you?"

"Hey? No, no!"

"Well, I was scared to death. Seeing your previous expression became a little heavy, I thought it scared you."

She deserves to be Shion, her sixth sense to me is so subtle, even the slightest mood swings can't escape her.

In order not to make her think too much, I walked with her on the small path next to the main building of the resort hotel.

Because it is summer, we can enjoy the sea breeze just right wearing a piece of clothing. Coupled with the road illuminated by the small street lights, we can feel a peaceful atmosphere no matter whether it is trees or stones.

"By the way, the three of you already live in the same room, right?"

"Well, although it is a three-person room, the area besides the bed is also very large. When I first entered, I was worried that I would not be able to talk to them, but Kwai Hua students are really good, and the atmosphere is very good. "

I glanced sideways at Shion and noticed her relaxed smile, which made me a little relieved.

That's all right, I'm afraid she will quarrel with Jasmine.

"What about Jasmine and others?"

"After the meal, I said to go to the balcony to blow the air. That stupid woman, she didn't worry at all when I said I was coming to you."

When it came to Jasmine, Ziyuan was still a bit dissatisfied, she only curled her lips proudly, her appearance full of girlishness was also quite cute.

"Well, let's talk about something else. Since you transfer to our school, you have to study hard. After all, your talent is also very good..."

"I am flattered to be praised by someone like you."

Like a lady, Shion stroked the skirt that was almost blown up by the sea breeze with one hand, and chuckled with the other hand covering her mouth.

In the moonlight, her youthful body was given a hazy mist, and my consciousness seemed to be melted.

Ah...what am I doing?

Although I always feel that my relationship with Shion seems to be different since I met Shion again, but I don't know how it is different. It's really sad.

"Ayu, look, that's a seaside villa."

Suddenly, Shion's footsteps slowed down, and she stretched out her fingers in one direction with some surprise.

It turned out that we unknowingly walked to the edge of the resort hotel. Through the black iron fence, I saw that there was a bright single-family villa next to here, which looked like a fairy-tale castle.

"Ah, it turns out that there should be a lot of houses on this mountain by the sea, either built into commercial land or private land."

Because the high wall of the villa is 3 meters high, I can hardly see what is there from my side, I can only see the spire of the building, so I couldn't help but express such emotion.

Shion looked around for a while, and then stretched out his hand in other directions.

"Ayu, look, there are buildings on this mountain close to the sea."

"That's also true... the evil rich people are actually able to buy a sea-view house here."

After observing it for a while, my words to Shion began to echo.

Shion heard it, but smiled at me.

"Ayu, if you like big houses, although there are no houses by the sea, I do have ones by the mountains and streams."

She whispered, and the body holding my arm unknowingly moved closer.

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