In order to laugh at her, I walked to other places, while grinning and shaking off:

"Aren't you a witch? All witches on TV can make magic potions. Hurry up and make magic potions that students can learn actively, hahahaha~"

"'t look down on me!"

Behind Bletilla striata unwillingly continued stomping and yelled at me.

The so-called incompetent rage, that's it.

Forget it, since this person's starting point is good, I don't want to irritate her anymore.

In short, after taking the gastrointestinal medicine, I took some medicine after the meal, and I felt much more comfortable in my stomach.

Walking through the corridor, I received another text message from Shiyuan, "I'm so tired today, walk with me after dinner."

Although I don't know where she is, I always feel that I am in a better mood when I imagine her look on the back of the phone sending text messages expectantly.

Well, go find Shion.

By the way, since we have come to the beach, it is impossible to simply let us study in the hotel. I absolutely want Bletilla to open the door for us!


The third day of summer tuition.

Today’s seaside resort hotel still has its doors locked, and because the food and necessary medicines are adequately stocked, this iron door will not open at all. One is to help students learn, and there are also safety considerations.

The hotel’s floors are quite high, and there are several buildings for different purposes. In the main building with a slightly dull atmosphere, several conference halls are used as teachers’ preaching and receiving professions, but at present, only the teacher alone is giving lessons. That's it.

80% of the classmates below are in a state of wandering. After all, it is summer vacation, and everyone's mentality is just "It doesn't matter if you spend this time leisurely. Anyway, the formal school starts, no matter how good you listen."

In the eyes of the president of the student council, Baiji, this kind of betrayal of one's own heart is simply rebellious, so...

In the infirmary...


Each bottle is emitting strange bubbles, which is almost completely different from the normal medical space.

Bletilla, wearing a witch hat, looked at the bottles in front of him with a solemn expression.

"The roots of daffodils, wormwood, saltpeter powder, syrup, mint... and black potion... well, maybe that's ok."

Her lavender pupils gurgled, but the dark black that gathered countless colors in front of her was even more disturbing.

The school doctor Dr. Zhao, who was sitting next to him, showed a puzzled expression.

"Student Baiji, you are really working hard during this time, but what use is it for you to make this kind of mixed stuff now?"

"Teacher, maybe you don't understand, this, it's the sacred thing that made my students' learning enthusiasm fully mobilized."

With a mysterious smile at Dr. Zhao, Baiji grabbed the bottle in front and shook it.

And the beautiful wife doctor, who put her black hair to the back of her head, with only two strands of blue silk down from both sides, gave a wry smile.

"But you are a bit dangerous, especially the black potion. You didn't even tell me the name. You secretly made it without telling me, right?"

"Sorry, only this is the witch's secret recipe..."

"It doesn't matter if it's a childlike innocence to play and mix all kinds of things together, but with your expression, doesn't it mean you want people to drink it?"

"Hahaha, teacher, what you said is really right, I do have this meaning, this is the reason why I have to do the final mixing in front of you~ I want to explain to you the safety of this thing first It's completely ok!"

"Hey? Do you really want your classmates to drink? But how much can you dispense alone? The dose is not enough? No, no, the most important thing is that as a school doctor, I can't let you treat this kind of dangerous and suspicious Things spread out."

Doctor Zhao's face became a little helpless.

After all, Bletilla striata organized this summer camp single-handedly. The execution was first-rate, and the spirit of dedication to the students was commendable, but she was still a little naive and even paranoid in some aspects.

Without paying attention to the teacher's evaluation of herself in her heart, Bletilla just smiled.

"Teacher, please believe me, this thing is a curse potion full of black magic, but the medicinal effect I set for it has absolutely no side effects-[study with one heart and one mind], as long as this curse is spread out, everyone I will concentrate on studying!"

"This... forgive me for not understanding."

"It’s okay teacher, you just need to know that this is safe. The reason why I told you this is because the student council president is responsible to the teachers and students~ As for how to let the whole school’s classmates be affected by this... Humph, As long as this thing is solidified and ground into powder, and then spread through the air, it can be cursed... No, this is simply a blessing. This blessing will be spread through the air, and a blessed person will become a source of infection. ~"

This is the result of Baiji's one night. She is very tired now, but she is talking with glittering eyes, and a confident smile fills the corners of her mouth.

"What you said is a bit crazy..."

The confused expression on Dr. Zhao's face became thicker, and it was obvious that she could not agree with Bletilla's statement.

As if prepared, Bletilla smiled.

"No problem, I have asked the subject to come over."

"Experimental body?"

"Well, the first person to receive the blessing, that is my favorite—"

Baiji took off his hat excitedly and greeted the door:

"Xiao Lan, you can come in."

"Senior sister...what are you looking have to tell me to wait outside..."

The girl with her head poked and wincing has beautiful pink hair. In addition to the neat bangs on the front of her forehead, the big ball of wool on the back of her head is also very eye-catching.

"Hehehe, Xiaolan, senior sister, this is a chance for you to become a good student!"

Without any explanation, Oncidium grabbed the side, Baiji smiled and stretched out his hand to the bottle in front of him, shaking the liquid.

"Senior sister...what is this...? Grape juice?"

With an uneasy look in her eyes, Wen Xinlan asked in a panic.

Baiji smiled and patted her shoulder to comfort:

"Don't worry, this is not a bad thing, it is a good thing that allows you to make great progress in your studies!"

"Such a powerful one? Is it the kind of nourishing fluid?"

"Almost, it should be better than Bu Nao Liquid..."

Perfunctively talking about Oncidium, Bletilla striata tilted his glass bottle slightly and dropped a drop of liquid into a clear and transparent cup of mineral water next to it.

After the purple-black liquid entered, the glass of water naturally appeared as mist-like ripples, but they soon disappeared.

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