Just now, Elune took me just right to land with a parachute onto a speedboat floating on the beach.

After landing, the nun didn't look at me at all, but swiftly untied the rope that bound the speedboat, and then spoke to me in blunt Chinese:

"Hey, girl, you have to sit still later, we are going to set off."

Although she was shocked that she cleverly controlled the angle of descent in the air, allowing herself and me to land directly on the speedboat on the beach from a position 100 meters above sea level, but after hearing her hello, I temporarily left the screaming Desire, but worried about her own safety and asked her like this:

"Where are we going-ah!"

Halfway through the conversation, he was interrupted by the roar of the speedboat.

No wonder she wanted me to sit still, because when the speedboat started, I knew how bad the environment I was in.

The motor roared, the propeller behind it spinning at high speed, with this momentum, I fell onto the seat, and the speedboat rushed in a certain direction like a wild horse.

In order to maintain my balance, I had to hold on to the handle next to me, while looking back in horror.

Because it was an umbrella instead of a parachute, the distance of movement was slightly restricted, and Zhen Hong only landed on the pier on the shore, and saw her looking at us from a distance across the sea with a gloomy expression on her face.

The expression of looking at the prey and reluctant to let it go made me a little bit shocked.

"Hey, Elune, where are you taking me?"

With her previous declaration to Zhen Hong that she would kill her, I remembered her name, so as we were getting further and further away from the mainland, I squeezed the courage to ask her like this.

Elune, who claimed to be a nun who was sitting in the driver's seat and driving a speedboat vigorously, touched the natural curly blond hair that was tossed by the strong wind, and gave me a comfortable smile for the first time.

"Go to the island, lucky guy."


Under my inexplicable gaze, the speedboat headed towards a small island a few nautical miles away from the mainland. After a while, our speedboat stopped at the pier on the shore of the island.

Here... if I remember correctly, it is a local tourist spot, the name of the island is forgotten, anyway, because there are also beaches here and you can experience the freshness of taking a boat when you come over, it is quite popular, not to mention the island There are plenty of commercial facilities, and you can eat, drink and play on it.

I staggered onto the dock, but my face became a little confused.

Today is a working day, why is there no one on the island? The ticket office of the ferry terminal is also closed, and the nearby shops are closed...

"Why are you still hesitating, girl?"

While I was staring at the somewhat lifeless island, Elune, who was leading the way, stopped, and while unbuttoning her work clothes, she yelled at me with a little dissatisfaction.

Although I was a little dissatisfied with her arrogant attitude, the thought that she had rescued me from a vampire made me swallow.

"Ah, I want to thank you for saving me..."

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Obviously I wanted to beat me down and said that she just landed too recklessly, and did not take care of my fragile body and mind as a girl, but when the complaint came to my lips, it could only become a painless gratitude.

"Oh, nothing, this is what we priests should do."

She nodded lightly, and then the gray overalls wrapped around her body faded away.

What surprised me was that when she took off her coat, she would reveal some fragrant and revealing underwear. However, what was hidden under her was a black nun's dress.

Not only that, she actually wore a cross on her chest.

It was a bronze cross, and it didn't seem to be special, but with the holy close-fitting nun's gown, Elune looked really like that. I thought she could go to Notre Dame de Paris to play the leading role.

After a moment of stagnation, I followed her footsteps and started to walk inside along the path next to the pier.

Along the way, I have been secretly paying attention to the small shops on the roadside, but the doors are closed no matter where they are.

"What the **** is going on? Why are they closed? Isn't this a tourist area?"

Hearing my puzzled question, the nun stretched out her finger to the sky as if she was impatient.

"Have you not watched the weather forecast?"


I stupidly followed her fingers and raised my head, only to realize that the sky was as gloomy as a gray curtain. Before, the white clouds floated leisurely on a fairly high place, but now they are dark clouds. He pressed it down.

Looking at this scene, I was a little surprised to confirm to her:

"It means...is it going to rain?"

"Well, and there will be strong winds. The TV station has already broadcast the rainstorm warning, and the people on this island have already evacuated."

"How could I watch the local TV station!! Ah no, it's awful!"

After subconsciously vomiting, I realized that there was something wrong with the problem, and then hugged my head in anguish.

"It's going to rain heavily, we shouldn't be drowned here!!"

"Girl, take it easy. The heavy rain just keeps the boat from leaving the port. This island has high mountains and dense vegetation. You don't have to worry about being submerged by rising tides or mudslides."

"That's good...it's not right, then you know why it's going to be raining and windy, why do you want to bring me here!"

"This is all to destroy the dirty vampire."



When we hurriedly stepped on the gravel road on the island in tandem and let the higher places go, the dark clouds in the sky became more gloomy, and the rumbling thunder came from it, and now I feel more and more. It's the harbinger of the torrential rain.

"Girl, you shouldn't have been involved in this matter, but I happened to save you to make you a person on my side. If you want to listen, remember to keep it secret."

"Of course, I will keep it secret."

As we wandered on the uphill stone path, the nun named Elune also slowly told me what happened in other places in the world when I didn't know it.

There is such a group of people who claim to be kinsmen and are extremely similar in appearance to humans. If they are classified from a biological point of view, they will definitely be classified as the same. But compared to ordinary people, their bodies are stronger and their thinking abilities are more agile, so they claim to be higher than human beings... and the price of exerting such a powerful force is to **** blood.

Although not only human blood, the blood of other animals can also satisfy them, but their peculiar eating habits make them more like hunting human blood, and the frightening thing is that they have the ability to curse the victim, both by forcing the brand to make people submit. , Become a blood servant in captivity. While developing believers, the European Catholic Church also shoulders the task of fighting against blood races. After hundreds of years of struggle, blood races in Europe have been scarce, and a small number of descendants have fled to develop power around the world.

When I heard Elune's words, I couldn't close my mouth in surprise.

Obviously I know even about ghosts, and of course I understand that there are all kinds of monsters in the world, but when vampires originating in Eastern Europe are all on the stage, I still can't resist the unique novelty of women.


Knowing the general idea, I pulled her sleeves excitedly, and even forgot the sense of despair of trying to call the police halfway but finding that there was no signal.

"I thought that religion is a lie, and there is such a glorious mission."

"Don't pull me, girl."

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