Baiji and I both showed surprised expressions.


The person who was instantly knocked down by a headshot, and then fell asleep, was Oncidium.

Seeing her with her eyes closed and sleeping like a child carefree, she was probably killed in an instant.

"Who is it?"

Witnessing the death of the secretary who accompanied her to fight (paddling) all the way, Baiji lost even the sorrowful energy. She reacted quickly and turned back immediately, firing swiftly with her hands and feet.

Because I was lucky enough to be added by the Tarot card, Bletilla was quite confident, so he showed me his vital back.

At the same time she quickly fired at the dark grove behind her.

"Who? You dare to attack me sneakily so that you can't die!

Following her yelling, a series of bullets spouted from the muzzle, and it seemed that ordinary people couldn't escape from this posture.

But Bletilla squeezed out of nothing.

There was no one behind her.

Just when Shion and I both mentioned our throats, a weird and gloomy smile came from all directions.

"Ha ha ha ha... Little witch, you are so arrogant, you exposed me to the fragile place."

"where are you?"

When Baiji heard the fragile place, he immediately turned back subconsciously. However, behind her, there were only Shion and I looking at each other.

Our expressions are also quite shocking.

Because that can't be wrong, it's really red.

The girl who claimed to be a blood family and still caused a lot of commotion in the school disappeared with a black face since the results of the beauty contest was announced, and it was not until the battle royale game reached its climax that she made a mysterious voice. .

And her figure appeared immediately following the voice.

Brush pull.

A dark shadow hung from the tree.

"The most vulnerable place is the top of your head."


Bletilla striata, who had just raised her head, screamed immediately, and the scream was only a little high for the first moment. Then she was struck by the anesthetic water bomb on her eyebrows with a weak expression and was directly knocked down by a single blow.

Puff through.

The rifle and pistol in his hand fell off at the same time, and the rebellious student president who had harvested many heads on this battlefield was cut in by Zhen Hong at an unexpected angle and killed in seconds.

Do you have such a dexterous skill?

Seeing Zhenhong Xingyun's actions to solve Bletilla striata, Shion and I stared in surprise.

And the real red wearing a dress that is incompatible with the beach, battle royale and other elements is like a person from another dimension, because the shoes get into the sand, he pushes his toes in annoyance.

"Hehe, I finally packed another one."

"Did you... clean up a lot of people?"

"Hey, how are you guys, Jasmine's boyfriend and sister Ziyuan."

As if not paying attention to us at all, Zhen Hong calmly greeted us.


Even if she looked at us carelessly, the dangerous light in her red pupils was obvious.

This person... is not easy.

Facing the silent me and Shion, Zhen Hong chuckled lightly.

"The blood family's biological clock works at night. In other words, playing this kind of game at night is overwhelmingly powerful for me. No matter where the enemy is hiding, it can be easily solved—"


While talking, she suddenly shot a tree branch.


A dark shadow uttered a mournful cry and fell tragically on the beach and fainted.

"Hey? Really or not..."

I couldn't help but gasped.

And Zhen Hong licked her hair without any hesitation. In the dark night, the proud expression of the superior looked at Shion and me.

"This game...finally only us are left."

"It's only us?"

When she reminded me of this, I looked around and found that the isolation belt had really been contracted by the staff in an orderly manner, and they seemed to notice that there were only a few of us left, and they stopped shrinking the circle one after another.

Suddenly, a huge sense of crisis rushed to my heart.

Standing in front of me took a leisurely foot, Zhen Hong showed a little devilish smile.

"Whether it is physical strength or agility, in the dark, you humans can't defeat the blood race."


My hands clenched unconsciously.

This person is right.

From the incredible battle between her and the nun before, I have such a feeling that it is really red and super strong.

It's a pity that our strongest combat power, Jasmine, has become a trophy and has been shelved, so the trump card we can use is Shion.

"Shion, can you beat her?"

I turned my head secretly and asked her like that.

Hearing my culture, she hesitated for a while, and then nodded unconvincingly.

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