"I didn't hurt her."

She lowered her voice and whispered to me.

"……thank you."

It was great to be able to end in such a peaceful way. When I first saw Jasmine's terrifying expression, I thought both of them had lost their minds, but it was thanks to her mercy that Shion's life was saved.

For this, I can only thank her with lingering fears.


Just when I wanted to say something to Shion who was standing there, she already showed a fragile expression that was about to break. After throwing something to me, she turned her head and ran away.

Subconsciously catching the thing that was flying towards me, I realized that it was my mobile phone that she had put away.


I raised my head and stretched out my hand to her back emptily. I wanted to say something to keep her, but I couldn't say anything. I could only watch Shion disappear from my sight.

A huge sense of emptiness swept through my body.

I... really bad, yes, super bad.

When did I actually start to face Shion with this vague attitude? We were so good when we were young. When I was young, I was so afraid of making her unhappy and afraid of seeing her tears.

As a result, now I made her cry again, and ran away crying, leaving me with a heartbreaking back.

"Next...what to do..."

Seeing me with a frustrated expression, Jasmine hesitated for a while before asking me softly.

"...By the way, are you really here to kill me?"

I only thought of this problem because I witnessed the fierce battle between two people.

Jasmine and Shion, who have completely released their power and entered a fighting state, are so fast that I can't keep up, so I can barely distinguish with the naked eye. If such Jasmine wants to kill me, it will really give me a chance. Run away to the bedroom while begging for mercy all the way?

When asked by my question, a confused and embarrassed expression appeared on Jasmine's face.


She turned her head to the side with a stiff expression, while twisting the hanging hair with her fingers, playing with it as if to relieve tension.

Her eyes wandered, she tangled for a while and whispered softly.

"I don't know... Although I decided to kill you at the beginning... But after doing it, some... I can't get my hands, so I just procrastinate..."

babble? Sure enough, this woman would be soft-hearted.

Could it be that...

Chapter 66: Imposing Punishment on Girlfriends

With a glimmer of expectation, I continued to ask:

"Then why do you hesitate? Did you actually treat me..."

"No, it's just that I can't do illegal things. I - I will never like you."

This should be considered as expected, the temperature around Jasmine dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Her hands trembled a little, and then her face sank, her lips slightly opened, and she refused me in a straight and categorical manner.

Ah, are you so inexorable? You want to complain. You have found a bunch of reasons for yourself, such as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that no one will find out, and then did you persuade you when you acted?

In short, I'm welcome, now you are digging the hole for yourself.

Clearing my throat, I smiled wickedly at Jasmine.

"Okay, anyway, your handle on my side is +1-the crime of attempted murder. You have to thank me for protecting you."

"Ah? Why is this!"

She screamed with dissatisfaction while her cherry lips were slightly opened, Jasmine's complexion turned pale, and her slender body became swayed.

Obviously, she was not very nervous when facing Shion's murderous offensive. I didn't expect my shameless words to strike her like this.

"You go back first, don't let Sunflower wait for a long time."

Although I wanted to see Jasmine's embarrassment, I really didn't have the mood to do anything else today. I sighed.

Today is really an eventful day, now I just want to go home and take a good bath and sleep.

Tomorrow is Sunday, so I will quickly make up for the lessons that I missed this week. Although I may not be able to make up one week of lessons in one day, if I still fail the next monthly exam, then my position in school is very bad. Up.

"That's right, then I'm leaving."

Jasmine’s face has the indifferent expression that she has always had when we are alone since we became a couple with me. She carried her box on her back and when she was about to leave—



"Tell you a good news. I don't need you to accompany me tomorrow. Because I was saved by you, I still have to thank you."


Just when Jasmine’s face showed a sigh of relief, I licked again:

"But the next Monday, you will come to my house in the morning and ask me to go to school."


She seemed taken aback, and looked at me with uncertain eyes.

"It means it literally, please wake me up tomorrow, because I was not well in the place where I was imprisoned recently, so I will ask you for breakfast."

"Are you sick? It's just going to school..."

"Huh huh? But did you forget what you did to me? You are going to kill me."

"That's not because you first..."

"You have to know that the sentence for murder is much more serious than other crimes. Even if the court sees me, I have the confidence to win the case."

"...I, I know."

With expressions of fear and regret on her face, Jasmine lowered her head silently, pressed her lips tightly, and spoke softly.

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