Shion, who had witnessed everything from start to finish, held his chin in a daze.

"You are really, do everything I don't understand."


In such a harmonious atmosphere, our lunch time is over.



"Jasmine, let's be good friends."


"Jasmine, let you play with my toys."


"Jasmine, can we eat together?"


Rejected by her again and again, I stood there.


Why is classmate Jasmine always alone? Why does she always keep people away from thousands of miles away? Obviously I must have a lot of courage before I want to be friends with you.

Under my quiet and unwilling gaze, Jasmine just turned around and left without expression. At this moment of school, she was walking towards the woman at the entrance of the kindergarten, the woman imprinted in the same mold as her. .

Ah, Jasmine's mother is so beautiful, she has a temperament like a model.

I'm so jealous, my aunt can hold Jasmine's hand every day, and rush her into her arms every day.

I stood silently on the spot, holding the puppet puppet.

An unspeakable anger rose from my heart.


Jasmine, since you saved me, why are you not responsible to the end?

I know I am stupid and not as pretty as you, but I just...want to be friends with you.


The world suddenly turned black, like a bottomless mirror, beginning to shatter.


In my room, I screamed softly.

I opened my eyes and saw the empty ceiling, and I could see a bunch of cute dolls in my room. Those are all my toys, just like Jasmine, I played with them arbitrarily, and then we played and laughed together.

I looked at the phone and confirmed that the date has come to November 5.

"Ah, it's time to get up, today is another vigorous day"

I stretched my waist and muttered to myself like this in the room.

Rubbing the messy hair, I began to fumble my hand towards the bedside table, trying to find my rubber band to tie up my braids.

After that, I started the daily care of girls for a day.

Back in the room, I saw the crumpled quilt and the bed that could hold two people, my eyes became a little melancholy.

It's finally this day.

In fact, after I became friends with Jasmine, we also experienced a lot of things together. It was so happy to be able to sleep in the same bed as our closest friends and occasionally look at her sleeping face.

However, the time has finally come.

Azhu deserves to be my optimistic person. Jasmine is already very dependent on him now. It seems that the two of them have become a real pair of heaven and earth.

In this case, I will be able to take off the burden of myself... Oh, what I am, how can I describe Jasmine as a burden? When I was with her, I was very happy to say... It's just, it's just...

My tears fell pattering at this moment.

Sorry, Jasmine.

I shouldn't have done such a naive thing when I was a kid, why would I let you like me because of that thing.

I'm really cowardly now, I just want to escape, but I can't help it, I'm really tired... That's enough.

Thinking about this, I dialed Molly's phone.



"huh huh huh huh."

Today is Saturday, so I sit in a chair at home, humming and playing sweaters.

It's cold. If I give him a sweater I made myself, he will be very happy.

Oops...Don't think about him all the time, I just want to practice women's power and give him some benefits by the way.

Only occasionally flashed across Zeyu's face, I actually felt that my face was so red and hot, I couldn't help but stop the movement in my hand and then twisted my body while covering my face.

Really, why did I cut my hair in the first place, so would it be less feminine? Does he think I'm not too cute anymore... Oh, I don't care! Isn't it okay if he wants to throw me away anyway? I can find sunflower!

I was inexplicably angry at the air. To be honest, I also found it a bit weird, but I still found the yarn ball and started to thread 80% of the sweater.

From the beginning of my unfamiliarity to the current proficiency, I was finally able to finish the work without slipping. After all, I can only spare a little time to do this every day, which is really slow, but it would be great to be able to send him off at Christmas.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but smirk again.


I quickly patted the cheek that was about to heat up again, and then exhaled.

Really, why make me the same as the girl in love? It's just that I spent the days of obscenity with the person who threatened me. I, I am uncomfortable, and all I said to him was to cater to it!

All kinds of shameful images flashed in my mind, and I had to stop again to ease myself.

Then, in order to change my mood, I walked to the window and stared at the gloomy sky outside in a daze.

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